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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. He must be! Liberals = terrorists, of course.
  2. From what I saw of the speech, he didn't look too good up there, although I'll admit some of the reporters were giving him an awfully hard time. However: "Some of the debate really center around the fact that people don't believe Iraq can be free; that if you're Muslim, or perhaps brown-skinned, you can't be self-governing and free." So now he's playing the race card? If you aren't with him on Iraq, you're a racist? It sounds like Bush has been getting campaign advice from Al Sharpton. EDIT: I think I misinterpreted his quote about the soldiers. I didn't realize he was talking about the actual Iraqis themselves, I thought he meant the U.S. troops in Iraq.
  3. I think it's going to be a morning show, actually.
  4. Since I guess the food folder got merged into this one, I was just wondering: does anyone know exactly how many calories are in a Charms Super Blow Pop (the really big ones)? I know, it's kind of stupid to start a whole thread about this, but I'm on a diet and I like keeping track of such things.
  5. BUTT

    The NES themed GBA SP is..

    SMB DX has a lot of extra features. In addition to the original game and the Lost Levels, there's also a mode where you can race through the stages against a ghost and another in which you search for red coins.
  6. BUTT

    Guns N' Roses Off Rock In Rio

    Well, he has worked with GNR in the past.
  7. BUTT

    This was Different

    Why is Miller on CNBC anyway? I'd figure he'd be a better fit for MSNBC. Isn't CNBC supposed to be about financial news?
  8. BUTT

    Some XBox games price drop

    Does anyone know if the Music Mixer still comes with the microphone at 19.99?
  9. BUTT

    Kim By Eminem Is Genius

    Maybe it's just me, but the Kim track reminds me of the Undertaker's Vol. 3 theme.
  10. I second this suggestion. Also, has anyone seen Michaels vs. Jannetty from Raw in '93 where Jannetty wins the IC title online?
  11. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...ople_simmons_dc Whoda thunk it?
  12. Evidently you aren't too familiar with the work of a Mr. James Ross.
  13. TimeSplitters 3 will definitely be developed by Free Radical, the same group who developed the first two. EA is just publishing it.
  14. BUTT


    America? Ha! He's a liberal !
  15. BUTT

    Buckethead Leaves GNR

    I don't think there's any question that it is fake.
  16. BUTT

    Buckethead Leaves GNR

    Well, how do we know he can't play guitar now? He's supposedly been learning for several years, plus he did play on a couple of Use Your Illusion songs (Dead Horse and Shotgun Blues).
  17. BUTT

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    Well, of course, I'm a Democrat so I must be lying. http://orgs.bloomu.edu/policom/bushlite.ne...net/limits.html
  18. BUTT

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    I still don't think any of that is as bad as "There ought to be limits to freedom." Brutal truth: THERE ARE LIMITS TO FREEDOM. That whole "You can't shout fire in a crowded theatre" thing. DAMN BUSH FOR USING COMMON SENSE! DAMN HIM TO HELL --- which, since most living people don't see it probably isn't that bad a place. -=Mike When Bush said that he was talking about people making negative comments about him on the internet. If there were "limits to freedom" as Bush wanted, this folder wouldn't exist.
  19. BUTT


    Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad, Mad and Dangerous to Know?
  20. BUTT


    Geez, Carter really is a horrible person, isn't he?
  21. BUTT

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

    Yes but Jimmy Carter disapproves of Bush's military plan thus making it inherently good.
  22. BUTT

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    Why do liberals hate America anyway?
  23. BUTT

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    NO, you must not say that! The media is 100 percent liberals who hate America.
  24. BUTT

    TNA Notes From The 3/22 Observer

    Did Jason Jett (EZ Money from ECW) ever appear in TNA?
  25. BUTT

    Unintentional Irony

    I think he meant gay marriage.