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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Final Resolution 2008 thread

    Meltzer says it might be Al Snow.
  2. BUTT

    On Display Name Changes

    Well, I suppose this means I'll have to speed up my planned display name transition schedule. "BUTT" is still in the cards, however, don't you worry!
  3. BUTT

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    I'd rather do year-end awards like Banders did in '04 and leave the tournament stuff for March or whenever.
  4. http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2008/12/03/...-includes-slur/
  5. BUTT

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    Czech has ideas and plans and no desire to let them gestate.
  6. BUTT

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    No, you spelled it right. I before R.
  7. "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" I've heard "Respect" too many damn times in my life. "A Day in the Life" I never liked Creedence or their expansive catalog of identical songs. No way "God Only Knows" Forever linked with Kevin and Winnie's breakup at the science museum. Why not "Like a Rolling Stone" Fuck "Gimme Shelter" that shit blows.
  8. BUTT

    Saddam Hussein wrote the US a Letter

    Barron was definitely around in the Rantsylvania days.
  9. BUTT

    What would you do with 100 Grand?

    I think I'm going to get a couple hundred shares of Midway now that it's trading at $0.26 a share. I think this thing can turn around, dammit.
  10. BUTT

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    In his honor Gary Floyd has posted a picture of a young Pat Spoon in his signature.
  11. BUTT

    O.J. Simpson found guilty of all charges in Nevada

    Haha, good job of exposing from where you stole your "ironic internet slang and abbreviations" shtick, bozo! :P
  12. BUTT

    Merry Christmas!

    You know what I miss about Christmas? That Fruity Pebbles commercial. You know the one I'm talking about. Also, the Garfield Christmas special on CBS. I miss Garfield specials on CBS period. None of these major networks want to provide prime-time programming that's good for the whole family anymore. Damn shame I say. Today's kids only know Garfield as a CG reverse anthropomorphism of Bill Murray.
  13. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Haha oh shit, it's not even going to be in the top 10 next week.
  14. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    By "returns" do you mean profits or returns from the retailer to the manufacturer? Usually with these exclusive deals the CDs are sold one-way, so Best Buy likely can't send unsold copies of Chinese Democracy back to Universal.
  15. BUTT

    TSM 646th most popular board of all time

    And Michael Jackson!
  16. BUTT

    Impact *SPOILERS* for 12/4

    omg odb's angle That was just mind-blowingly bad.
  17. Computer was super-slow so I did a hard shut down. Windows wouldn't start so it took me to the "Start windows normally/safe mode" blah blah etc. screen. Chose safe mode, didn't work. Nor did Start normally or use settings that last worked. So then when the Compaq screen came up, I pressed F10 for recovery mode. Went through the whole recovery process, took about 20 minutes. Little did I know that "recovery" means reformatting the disk, reinstalling Windows and deleting everything! So now I'm fucked, I think. Is there any way to get my files and programs back? Sorry I couldn't be more specific, I'm a little frazzled.
  18. BUTT

    Pictures I Like

    See. The RickRoll may have worn out its welcome, but Astley himself is timeless.
  19. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    BACK TO THIS AGAIN, reportedly Best Buy paid $14 million for 1.6 million copies of the album. As Best Buy have been the ones handling all the promotion for the album, apparently it already is profitable. WHAT? Where did you read that? I have a hard time believing Best Buy would pay $14 million for it. http://www.hitsdailydouble.com/news/newsPa...gi?news07368m01
  20. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Oh come on. I'm not being a JAxl about this album. (Not a dis.) I just told you it would make money, and apparently it has. I don't have any personal stake in the success of Chinese Democracy. What's important is that I was right. :headbang: :headbang: How much money will Best Buy lose? Lots! Bet they didn't count on Axl not doing any promotion or videos for the record. But they should have! Besides which, the first two singles are vaguely nu-metallish and it's no surprise that they haven't caught on at radio. "Street of Dreams" is the big power ballad from the album and if it's a hit, which I suspect it could be (at the very least it's more commercially viable than the almost Linkin Park-like "Better") then sales will pick up. If not, well then MORE LIKE WORST BUY AMIRITE?
  21. BUTT

    I just deleted everything on my computer

    Even that was gone. I had to make a new one. Some program called Recover My Files works A LITTLE. But not much.