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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    I just ripped it off from what you wrote yesterday, bobbo.
  2. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Let the unreality begin!! He didn't follow that with a parenthetical explanation of the shit Jennifer Brunner was pulling with the ACORN registrations. I'm surprised. Although I guess everyone over there knows what he's talking about anyway.
  3. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

  4. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Hey, Canada's P.M. has the same name as the principal from Boston Public.
  5. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    No, that's Milky.
  6. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

  7. BUTT


    The SMS version of Space Harrier is on the Virtual Console. It's bullshit, it sucks and I'd implore all of you not to download it. The 32X version, on the other hand, is perfect and really was one of the only good things about that system. If they can emulate 32X games perfectly on the PC I'm sure Sega has the capability to do it on Wii. And that's the game that should be on there, not the Master System version. Same goes for After Burner which I'm sure will have its Master System version dumped on the VC soon enough. And when they put OutRun on there, it better be the Genesis version and not the Master System.
  8. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Oh jeez, now that green board is crying because Obama gave McCain a "covert middle finger."
  9. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    The Pit is so funny. Almost every conservative there is convinced that there's NO WAY that McCain could lose. All those polls that show Barry in front? EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS A BIASED LIE. I expect optimism from them, but I don't think they've braced themselves for the possibility of their guy losing. So if Obama wins tomorrow (WHICH IS A BIG IF AMIRITE), I can expect a shitton of hilarity from that board.
  10. Nobody counts Batman as part of the WB cartoon empire. We're talkin' about Looney Tunes here. And Warner wins this one for me as well. Road Runner was my favorite. Disney never meant shit to me. When I was 6 I got Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom for NES for Christmas? Why? Of all the fucking games on that system, I had to get one that I had never even heard of that was based on a license I didn't care for. What Czech said about Walt being more interesting that his company or creations is true. When I was about 7, my dad gave me this huge-ass fucking thousand page or so hardcover book about Walt and the history of his company, and I found it tremendously interesting, but I never cared enough to explore any of the classic works from the Disney oeuvre. And fuck their stupid-ass theme parks which I never got a chance to go to. I always thought it was bullshit that kids in my school got to take a week off to go on family vacations to Disney World. That shit ain't educational. You want to go on vacation, go in the summer. Remember when Disney bought ABC and they celebrated by having a week where EVERY SINGLE sitcom on the network took place at one of their exquisite theme parks? BULLSHIT. I sure wish I could have been alive in a different era so I could make a fortune off of exploiting public domain fairy tales. Funny how Barron declares anyone who prefers Disney's old stuff "fucking retarded", but is a fan of their newer work like Hannah Montana and Lizzie McGuire. Oh, you man of inscrutable tastes, Sam. I do like Aladdin and the Lion King, however. I also think Jeffrey Katzenberg is OK, but I don't like Eisner. The dude who runs the company now seems alright. But we're talking about the old days here. Fuck you Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, y'all can suck it. Remember that live-action Alice in Wonderland on the Disney Channel in the early '90s with the rapping Tweedledee and Tweedledum? That shit was lame as fuck too. Amazing how it took that channel almost 20 years to follow the Nickelodeon model of success instead of trying to be HBO 4 Kidz. What a terrible company.
  11. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    I remember hating the 2002 election, because the Republicans won on a platform of dick-waving and blaming Clinton for 9/11.
  12. BUTT

    Greatest song of the 60s nomination thread

    The Kinect Four, "Lobotomy Schoolboy Dreamscape"
  13. BUTT

    NWA - WCW PPV GigaPack (Over 50 PPV's)

    Thanks for this, Cowboy Numberless. But, if I may ask, why Rapidshare? I'm not pinning this on you, because everyone uses it. But it is a terrible site.
  14. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    It's not hard to explain. There's no drums, bass or lead guitar. Just one rhythm.
  15. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    OK, well I downloaded them from LimeWire, skimmed over them, and deleted them because they sounded like crap. No, not the songs themselves, the MP3 files! They're scratched to shit, no doubt because they want to deter people from downloading them. "Rhiad" has a cool new ambient intro like "Chinese Democracy." Too bad it doesn't make the song itself any better. "Catcher in the Rye" sounds exactly the same as in the demo, just much better quality of course. "Scraped" isn't very good. "Sorry" is ominous and brooding, and it's in 3/4 time, which is always good for a change in a band where virtually the entire catalog is in 4/4. "This I Love" is amazing, but it doesn't really sound like Steinman. But it does have a show tune-esque vibe to it, a little bit. Not Cole Porter show tunes, Andrew Lloyd Webber show tunes.
  16. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Apparently the remaining unheard songs leaked in rather poor quality. No, I don't know where they'd be found. I read one of them sounds like Jim Steinman. That's cool. Someone once wrote an a GNR forum that the end of "November Rain" was a ripoff of "Ravishing." I don't believe that. That is all.
  17. BUTT

    Dynamic Pages

    I'm going to form an 80s-style jangle-pop band with a spunky female lead singer and we're going to call ourselves The Dynamic Pages.
  18. BUTT

    Playing Nintendo 64 on your computer

    Yeah, that's how Mario 64 starts... Go to Options and Configure Controller Plugin and set up the controls. I'll tell you though, it's not fun playing N64 games with a keyboard.
  19. BUTT

    Playing Nintendo 64 on your computer

    It's probably something with the rom itself. Is the Mario 64 z64 file more than 8.00 MB? It shouldn't be. Try another rom if you haven't. Also check to see if your plugins are configured correctly.
  20. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Oh I know that. I just wanted to quote that because it makes Bob Barron sound evil. What a wicked man.
  21. BUTT


    It would be annoying to have to keep the remote in your lap while playing. Luckily, with the way my room is set up I can keep the remote in a drawer at my computer table while playing with the Classic Controller. It would be nicer if I wasn't beholden to a wire, but it works. Anyone else prefer playing N64 VC games with the Wavebird? Mario 64 is much easier to use, I find, with the Cube controller.
  22. BUTT

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    That's going to be an LOL moment for years to come.
  23. BUTT

    The Time Is Now... to Change Cena's Theme

    The Vanilla Ice/Queen thing was settled out of court. I like how that report says they are seeking "the destruction of Cena's theme song." I want you to open up Pro Tools and record static over every one of those instrument tracks!