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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    New Eminem

    So, which song will be sampled for this album's "hip-hop power ballad"? Marshall Mathers had that Dido song. The Eminem Show had "Dream On." The last one had "Toy Soldiers," which was actually pretty brilliant since that song rules and it deserved to be introduced to a new generation. Perhaps some late-era Queen like "The Show Must Go On." Or maybe "Total Eclipse of the Heart", since the kids all love that. Or maybe since Journey is such a big deal with the college kids of America, he could sample "Faithfully." Every Eminem album needs a song about how he loves little Haylie and those other girls that aren't his but he takes care of anyway, so this would be a good choice. I can't wait for the upbeat celebrity-mocking first single! I bet he talks about Spencer and Heidi and Sarah Palin and The Dark Knight. And perhaps there will be a song that disparages his own mother. That would certainly shock the nation! I wonder if Eminem is still fat.
  2. BUTT

    Find Cheech a New Name!

    Is this true? Have my name changes been so frequent that I've become a TSM Has-Been like my hero Incandenza? I guess I'm going to have to postpone my plan to change my name to "BUTT" and get back to basics.
  3. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Come on Czech. Teenage girls don't care about BSB anymore. You should have said The Jonas Brothers.
  4. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

  5. BUTT

    Didn't happen

    Sir Laurence Olivier totally no-sold Rambo III. He was alive at the time and could have had a pretty huge role in the movie, but it DIDN'T HAPPEN. What a bummer.
  6. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    "November Rain." The way Finck plays that is terrible. He tries to add his own spin to it but just ends up ruining the solo. Richard Fortus replaced Paul Huge, and he's the best of the guitarists the new band has had.
  7. BUTT

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    They just said on Observer Radio that the new booker is Adam Pearce.
  8. BUTT

    Pictures I Like

    No, those aren't his daughters. They're friends of his!
  9. BUTT

    Weekend Box Office Report

    There's not an established precedent for releasing TV-movie sequels in theaters. The Disney corporation knows what they're doing.
  10. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    If you're "bothered by the criticism," you're an idiot. You didn't make the album. Perhaps, sure. But I'm such a big fan it irritates me that no one is even going to give it a chance. Lots of people are going to give it a chance. And then there are a lot who will assume it sucks just because Slash isn't in the band. And that's unfortunate, but how often has there been a successful band where the singer dumped all his bandmates (or they left, whatever, I'm not going to put all the blame on Axl but I think most should fall on him) and the band was still just as artistically and commercially viable? And especially when one of those bandmates is someone as renowned as Slash, who is identified with GNR just as much as Axl is, it's not surprising that people would be skeptical. And on top of that, when the album has taken so long to come out, isn't it natural that people will have high expectations? Granted, those expectations are mostly the product of media hype since Axl has usually reminded fans in his rare comments on it that "it's just an album." But when you take that long, people are going to expect something on par with the band's most celebrated works. And while I really like the song "Chinese Democracy", do you think it will be a classic rock mainstay in twenty years the way the three hit singles from Appetite are now? I highly doubt it. Plus, it's Axl Rose. People have been loving to hate him for the past twenty years. All that combined is going to lead to a large dose of negativity for whatever he does in the future short of reuniting the old band. I just have to say, "renowned as Slash"? Just cause he's not as big a dick as Axl doesn't mean that the Snakepit and Velvet Revolver haven't absolutely sucked balls....since when are nice guys supposed to win in rock n roll anyways? Are you arguing that Slash is not a popular figure in rock? That most fans of Guns N' Roses (putting aside the Axl loyalists on certain message boards) do not hold him in high regard? That he did not have a great deal of influence on he band's sound? Come on now.
  11. BUTT

    Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

    This part has now been edited so that you don't see the shooting onscreen. http://kotaku.com/5068657/mk-vs-dc-the-jok...ty-gets-t+rated
  12. BUTT

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Saw II through IV all made in the low thirties in their opening weekend.
  13. BUTT

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I honestly thought HSM would make like $70 million this weekend. Does that make me an idiot? The Miley Cyrus 3D concert movie made $30 million in its opening weekend with a lot less theaters, and I figured a lot more people would want to see HSM than a concert movie. Apparently not so?
  14. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    I saw a fan in the crowd on Raw in '98 hold up a "NATION OF MASTURBATION" sign. Perhaps that fan was W. Axl Rose. I'm sure Pitchfork (sorry. P.Fork) will give it a 3.8 and go on about how it isn't "boozy and bloozy" enough. Or they'll give it a 1.1 and just show a gif of a cat licking its own ass. Either way, sorry Dan, ain't no way. The question is what will Steven Thomas Erlewine think. He, being the Ebert of music critics, has a duty to enjoy most anything that's popular, but I wouldn't doubt him falling into the "Guns N' Roses without Slash? Well that's just dumb!" camp if he feels enough of his readers want to hear that. Or maybe, given the disparity between the review text and scores of the Use Your Illusion albums, he'll trash the fuck out of the album and he'll still give it ****. I seriously doubt it will be the biggest seller of the year. You think it'll sell better than the HSM3 soundtrack? Or the upcoming Kanye CD? Or, dare I say, the undisputed darling of the music folder andyesI'mtalkingabout WEEZY? I don't know Dan, I just don't know.
  15. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Im tired of doing all the work for you people now, so I will say that you should do a google search for seized guns and Hurricane Katrina. You will find that the police seized hundreds of guns from law abiding citizens during the chaos that ensued and are just now being FORCED to return them 3 years after the fact. http://www.wwltv.com/topstories/stories/ww...a.f1ca8e16.html "As the city of New Orleans descended into chaos in the days following Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans police officers seized hundreds of guns-- from alleyways, abandoned houses and from people seeking to board rescue vehicles. " FUCKING NAZIS
  16. BUTT

    Question about Airheads

    Excellent first post. I'm really hoping this new guy is a movie trivia gimmick who awards points to whomever can answer his questions first and then keeps track of points awarded in his sig. I'll be disappointed by anything less.
  17. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    If you're "bothered by the criticism," you're an idiot. You didn't make the album. Perhaps, sure. But I'm such a big fan it irritates me that no one is even going to give it a chance. Lots of people are going to give it a chance. And then there are a lot who will assume it sucks just because Slash isn't in the band. And that's unfortunate, but how often has there been a successful band where the singer dumped all his bandmates (or they left, whatever, I'm not going to put all the blame on Axl but I think most should fall on him) and the band was still just as artistically and commercially viable? And especially when one of those bandmates is someone as renowned as Slash, who is identified with GNR just as much as Axl is, it's not surprising that people would be skeptical. And on top of that, when the album has taken so long to come out, isn't it natural that people will have high expectations? Granted, those expectations are mostly the product of media hype since Axl has usually reminded fans in his rare comments on it that "it's just an album." But when you take that long, people are going to expect something on par with the band's most celebrated works. And while I really like the song "Chinese Democracy", do you think it will be a classic rock mainstay in twenty years the way the three hit singles from Appetite are now? I highly doubt it. Plus, it's Axl Rose. People have been loving to hate him for the past twenty years. All that combined is going to lead to a large dose of negativity for whatever he does in the future short of reuniting the old band.
  18. True, but Oasis have impacted many bands. Jet for example Not a good thing
  19. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    "Actor" as in person who commits an act.
  20. I'm not sure there's ever been an opinion expressed in this world that Bob Barron didn't find disagreeable.
  21. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    By the way, for those who have actually heard the song on the radio, do they play the minute-long intro? Because I really figured they would have cut that out; 4 and a half minutes is actually, ridiculous as it sounds, pretty long for a radio single these days, and I figured that when the band released it as a single, it would go straight into the riff, but it appears to have been left unedited from what I can tell.
  22. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    To an outsider, this really might not seem all that different from those three bands. You really weren't expecting this? You thought after all the years of "wah wah it isn't really GNR without Slash" that everyone in the music press would welcome Axl back with open arms? Whatever they released as the first single was going to get a ton of criticism because a lot of people decided they hated Chinese Democracy long before they ever heard anything from it, and those people aren't likely to have their opinions swayed.
  23. BUTT


    One of the reasons why it's such a sore spot with the gaming press is that it was the big reveal at the end of Nintendo's E3 conference and they were expecting the sales juggernaut that is Kid Icarus instead.
  24. BUTT


    Gretsky 3D was a Midway game. Actually, I think it was a Time Warner Interactive title that Midway obtained when they bought Atari Games in '96. Did you know Midway was the only third-party to release N64 games in the U.S. in '96? And it was just that and MK Trilogy. I contend that a lot of third-parties missed the boat on supporting N64 early. Pretty much everything sold well at first because there were so few games. By taking that wait-and-see approach, they missed out on a huge window where they had little competition. By the time Capcom came around, for example (in 1999!), the bloom was already off the N64 rose and while the lineup was still small compared to PS1, there were enough games that a new N64 release couldn't automatically stand out. Also, Rogue Squadron was basically first-party. LucasArts is officially listed as the publisher, but Nintendo "distributed" it. Same deal with Episode I Racer.
  25. BUTT


    S&P and Wario and Yoshi's Island don't count, because those are just Nintendo contracting with outside developers. Everyone does that. I'm saying they should throw some money at Capcom and say hey, why don't you make a new RE game using the RE4 engine? Actually, Capcom should be smart enough to do that themselves, but they'd rather make rail shooters and ports of early Gamecube games. Nah, it was a big hit. It sold over three million in the US and was one of the few million-sellers for N64 in Japan. But it really wasn't Donkey Kong Country, it was Banjo-Kazooie in a monkey suit.