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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Only if Axl is a complete fucking moron. And there was never any talk of releasing three simultaneous albums. The need for clean and unedited versions would account for two SKUs. But three? That's just wacky. I hope there's a special edition en espanol.
  2. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    No, I haven't heard "Already Cast Their Vote." Who sings it?
  3. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Marvin's Questionable Truthness Blog has a HUGE UPDATE on his TINFOIL HAT CONSPIRACY ALERT! YOU WILL BE SHOCKED!!!..ok..you won't be, but see what craziness has him even more riled up then ever before...only on his infrequently updated blog!"
  4. BUTT

    My Brain

    Like crowds, drugs, and love, alcohol can befuddle the most lucid mind. Alcohol turns the concrete wall of isolation into a paper screen which the actors can tear according to their fancy, for it arranges everything on the stage of an intimate theatre. A generous illusion, and thus still more deadly. In a gloomy bar where everyone is bored to death, a drunken young man breaks his glass, then picks up a bottle and smashes it against the wall. Nobody gets excited; the disappointed young man lets himself be thrown out. Yet everyone there could have done exactly the same thing. He alone made the thought concrete, crossing the first radioactive belt of isolation: interior isolation, the introverted separation between self and outside world. Nobody responded to a sign which he thought was explicit. He remained alone like the hooligan who burns down a church or kills a policeman, at one with himself but condemned to exile as long as other people remain exiled from their own existence. He has not escaped from the magnetic field of isolation; he is suspended in a zone of zero gravity. All the same, the indifference which greets him allows him to hear the sound of his own cry; even if this revelation tortures him, he knows that he will have to start again in another register, more loudly; with more coherence. People will be together only in a common wretchedness as long as each isolated being refuses to understand that a gesture of liberation, however weak and clumsy it may be, always bears an authentic communication, an adequate personal message. The repression which strikes down the libertarian rebel falls on everyone: everyone's blood flows with the blood of a murdered Durruti. Whenever freedom retreats one inch, there is a hundred-fold increase in the weight of the order of things. Excluded from authentic participation, men's actions stray into the fragile illusion of being together, or else into its opposite, the abrupt and total rejection of society. They swing from one to the other like a pendulum turning the hands on the clock-face of death. Love in its turn swells the illusion of unity. Most of the time it gets fucked up and miscarries. Its songs are crippled by fear of always returning to the same single note: whether there are two of us, or even ten, we will finish up alone as before. What drives us to despair is not the immensity of our own unsatisfied desires, but the moment when our newborn passion discovers its own emptiness. The insatiable desire to fall in love with so many pretty girls is born in anguish and the fear of loving: we are so afraid of never escaping from meetings with objects. The dawn when lovers leave each other's arms is the same dawn that breaks on the execution of revolutionaries without a revolution. Isolation a deux cannot confront the effect of general isolation. Pleasure is broken off prematurely and lovers find themselves naked in the world, their actions suddenly ridiculous and pointless. No love is possible in an unhappy world. The boat of love breaks up in the current of everyday life. Are you ready to smash the reefs of the old world before they wreck your desires? Lovers should love their pleasure with more consequence and more poetry. A story tells how Price Shekour captured a town and offered it to his favourite for a smile. Some of us have fallen in love with the pleasure of loving without reserve -- passionately enough to offer our love to the magnificent bed of a revolution. It was as if they were in a cage whose door was wide open without their being able to escape. Nothing outside the cage had any importance, because nothing else existed any more. They stayed in the cage, estranged from everything except the cage, without even a flicker of desire for anything outside the bars. it would have been abnormal -- impossible in fact -- to escape into something which had neither reality nor importance. Absolutely impossible. For inside this cage, in which they had been born and in which they would die, the only tolerable framework of experience was the Real, which was simply an irresistible instinct to act so that things should have importance. Only if things had some importance could one breathe, and suffer. it seemed that there was an understanding between them and the silent dead that it should be so, for the habit of acting so that things had some importance had become a human instinct, and one which was apparently eternal. Life was the important thing, and the Real was part of the instinct which gave life a little meaning. The instinct didn't try to imagine what might lie beyond the Real, because there was nothing beyond it. Nothing important. The door remained open and the cage became more and more painful in its Reality which was so important for countless reasons and in countless ways. We have never emerged from the times of the slavers. Malaise invades me as the crows around me grows. The compromises I have made with stupidity under the pressure of circumstances rush to meet me, swimming towards me in hallucinating waves of faceless heads. Edvard Munch's famous painting, The Cry, evokes for me something I feel ten times a day. A man carried along by a crowd, which only he can see, suddenly screams out in an attempt to break the spell, to call himself back to himself, to get back inside his own skin. The tacit acknowledgments, fixed smiles, lifeless words, listlessness and humiliation sprinkled in his path suddenly surge into him, driving him out of his desires and his dreams and exploding the illusion of 'being together'. People touch without meeting; isolation accumulates but is never realized; emptiness overcomes us as the density of the crowd grows. The crowd drags me out of myself and installs thousands of little sacrifices in my empty presence. "It would be a drag to die so young". wrote Jacques Vaché two years before his suicide. if desperation at the prospect of surviving does not unite with a new grasp of reality to transform the years to come, only two ways out are left for the isolated man: the pisspot of parties and pataphysico-religious sects, or immediate death with Umour. A sixteen-year-old murderer recently explained: "I did it because I was bored." Anyone who has felt the drive to self-destruction welling up inside him knows with what weary negligence he might one day happen to kill the organizers of his boredom. One day. If he was in the mood. After all, if an individual refuses both to adapt to the violence of the world, and to embrace the violence of the unadapted, what can he do? If he doesn't raise his will to achieve unity with the world and with himself to the level of coherent theory and practice, the vast silence of society's open spaces will raise around him the palace of solipsist madness. Oh man, I KNEW this guy was smarter than all of us! DAMN!
  5. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    G. Gordon Liddy really gets a free pass considering what a remarkable piece of shit he is.
  6. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    But the brass hits are pretty hot, right.
  7. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Marvin, anyone can set up a blog on the Obama site. It doesn't mean Obama is in league with the Socialists, it doesn't even mean that they're supporting him, and there's no way of knowing if it's even really a representative of that party. I'm sure McCain has some disreputable supporters as well.
  8. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Here's the absentee ballot voters in Rensselaer County, NY got:
  9. http://www.spike.com/blog/unsolved-mysteries/64593 This article is seven months old, but it tells you all you need to know. Starts October 13th. This rules. Unsolved Mysteries was one of my favorite shows when I was a wee lad. Every weeknight at 7 on Lifetime, then new episodes Wednesday, and later Friday, at 8. When it left NBC I fell out of the loop. I never really watched it on CBS, but I did see some of the new episodes they made for Lifetime in 2001. It was nice to see Stack out there in his 80s doing the same old act. It bummed me out when he died. But now it's back, with Dennis Farina. He seems like he'd be a good choice. I'm glad they stuck with the "star of old-school crime drama as host" approach, rather than picking a younger, hipper dude. I like my UM hosts to be grizzled, experienced and as serious as the rubella virus. I always felt that the Unsolved Mysteries concept was one that could be repurposed over and over again because there are always going to be unsolved crimes out there. Here's hoping for a healthy revival. Favorite episode: The Alcatraz escape show. Can't find it on Youtube 'cuz apparently the producers are all vigilant about that shit. That's OK, I have it on DVD. And VHS!
  10. BUTT

    It's Yom Kippur!

    So you only rub 1/2 out?
  11. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Oh man, all those Gary Unmarried fans are gonna be PISSED. You just cost yourself the election, Hussein!
  12. BUTT

    Educate Me: Joy Division

    Public Image Ltd. were shockingly good considering the presence of Captain Boner John Lydon.
  13. BUTT

    Educate Me: Joy Division

  14. BUTT

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    Well, since Thumbtack isn't here anymore: Rip the sacred flesh Sodomize the holy asshole Drink the red blood of the mother of earth Masturbation on the dead body of christ The king of Jews is dead and so are the lies Vomit on the host of Heaven Masturbate on the throne of God Break the seals of angels Drink the sweet blood of Christ Taste the flesh of the priest Sodomize holy nuns The king of Jews is a liar The Heavens will burn Dethrone the son of God God is dead Holyness is gone Purity is gone Prayers are burned Covered in black shit Rape the holy ghost Unclean birth of Jesus Christ Heaven will fall Fuck the church Fuck Christ Fuck the Virgin Fuck the gods of Heaven Fuck the name of Jesus
  15. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    bob, if you ever try to tell Return of the Mack how he should and shouldn't spell "lose" in here ever again, I'll ban your ass. Capiche?
  16. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    The media meme tomorrow is going to be that Obama is a dick for interrupting so much.
  17. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Haha, Brokaw's cranky.
  18. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Your hero is Teddy Roosevelt? You just said it was Reagan! FLIP FLOP
  19. BUTT

    VH1's 100 Greatest Hip Hop Songs

    I clicked on this thread expecting to see Byron the Bulb reppin' Weezy, and it delivered.
  20. BUTT

    Nintendo Unveils the DSi

    Oops, looks like Drew was right: http://www.joystiq.com/2008/10/07/nintendo...etween-wii-dsi/ Eff U, Nintendo.
  21. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    oh jeez
  22. BUTT

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    Wait, what? More details please.
  23. BUTT

    Pictures I Like
