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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    The Pit

    RIP Boondocks Kernoodle. You was DA BESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  2. BUTT

    Have you ever sucked a cock?

    ....you need a hobby. Thinking about and discussing excrement and fellatio IS a hobby for the Milk-man.
  3. BUTT

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Good to see Disaster Movie bombed.
  4. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Pregnant teens? Down's Syndrome? Christian Fundamentalists? Is Amy Juergens running for VP now? I hope senile old Mr. McCain doesn't try to put that little baby in a drawer.
  5. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Deon, are you saying that your entire posting career has been a brilliant satire on wrestling fans?
  6. BUTT

    Pictures I Like

  7. BUTT

    New Wrestling Mod

    43 years of hatin' women, hot damn.
  8. BUTT

    Have you ever sucked a cock?

    Make this your new custom member title
  9. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    No man, Kerry used "Dreams" by Van Hagar at the end of his speech. WE'LL GET HIGHER AND HIGHER, STRAIGHT UP WE'LL CLIMB, WE'LL GET HIGHER AND HIGHER, LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND Man that ruled.
  10. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Haha, the FBI arrested the dude who posted these songs.
  11. BUTT

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Hey gary floyd, is that Nicole Eggert with Captain Lou's Mario?
  12. BUTT


    So, what's everyone's favorite Metallica song? "For Whom the Bell Tolls" here!
  13. Jobbing Warrior to Vader in his first match back would have been dumb. Razor wasn't at Wrestlemania because they had suspended him for failing a test for weed (conveniently this decision was made after he announced he was going to WCW). I have to assume they were trying to screw with him by not giving him a Wrestlemania payday.
  14. BUTT

    Who can we do without.

    He should change his name to "Barack Bro-bama" and have an avatar pic of our Democratic nominee with a popped collar holding a red cup.
  15. BUTT

    HCG diet

    I just think it's funny that people lose weight by eating 500 calories per day and think it's the hormone that's doing the work.
  16. BUTT

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    You gotta play it in first-person. The controls are fine then, even though if you look at it as a first-person shooter, it's pretty bad. Actually, it's pretty bad no mater what you consider it but I still love it. I also love Friday the 13th for NES so my taste in games isn't exactly the best. But that "cinematic" changing camera angle system was one of the worst things ever in video games and it should NEVER be played that way. But anyway, Shadows of the Empire = thumbs up. Nintendo should negotiate for LucasArts to make a sequel for Wii. It'll suck twice as bad and I'll love it twice as much.
  17. BUTT

    Songs you hate by artists you like

    Being a Motley Crue fan and not liking "Dr. Feelgood" is like being a pizza fan and not liking tomato sauce! (Yes, I know about white pizza. FUCK THAT SHIT.) Now "Girls, Girls, Girls," that song is terrible.
  18. BUTT

    HCG diet

    How long did it take to lose those 60 pounds? I'm currently in the process of shedding some of my excess lard.
  19. BUTT

    HCG diet

    http://www.dietscam.org/reports/hcg.shtml http://calorielab.com/news/2008/04/27/news...t-loss-is-hard/ Special K's gettin' played!
  20. BUTT

    WWE Smackdown (8/22/2008)

    It did sound a little strange when he said "I'm not here for an apology." A little Goldust-esque, perhaps. Obviously that low growl isn't Taker's natural voice, so he's bound to slip up sometimes, especially since he hardly ever cuts promos anymore.
  21. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    AP's officially reporting that Biden is the pick.
  22. BUTT

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Do you consider me one of the delusional GNR fans, Byron
  23. BUTT

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Has anyone ever come up with a satisfactory explanation for why this board seems to attract hardcore/delusional Guns N Roses fans in such large numbers? Is there really that big of an overlap between "likes wrestling" and "still cares about Axl Rose"??? We're still trying to figure out how YOU got here, bub.
  24. BUTT

    SummerSlam 1999

    I didn't think there was anything inherently wrong with a sitting governor doing the show on his day off, but it does suck how he, one of the most vocal people about the need for reforms in wrestling after Owen's death, shut up when Vince came with the big paycheck. Not that I have any respect for him anymore now that's he's joined up with the "WHY DID BUSH KNOCK DOWN THE TOWERS" crowd.
  25. BUTT

    SummerSlam 1999

    I'll never understand why they felt they had to have Halloween Havoc go so long. The funny thing is that even with 12 matches it probably still would have fit into the 3-hour slot if they hadn't added all those interview and Nitro Girl segments. Why add the extra satellite time? They weren't going to get any extra money out of it.