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Everything posted by BUTT
I never got an answer about Noah's indy fed. I really wanted to know about his experiences in THA BIZ.
I liked Jason Goes to Hell. Nice change of pace from the others. You can only take so much of the same movie eight times in a row before you get worn out. My favorite part was where the dude devours Jason's heart. That was hilarious. Also when he kills the woman mid-sex in the tent. That's probably the most brutal kill in the whole series (it's only fully shown in the unrated version, however). I think this movie can be good if they include some elements heretofore unseen in the series. First off, Jason should collect the severed heads and limbs of his victims and later in the movie use them as projectile weapons against his adversaries. Also, Jason should have a nude scene. I'm not asking to see his dick, although that would be fascinating! I just think some Jason ass would lighten the mood a little bit, perhaps in a shower scene. (Jason should shower by pouring animal blood on himself out of a watering pot.) And also, the film should answer the question everyone has on their mind: Does Jason shit? I guess not, because he doesn't really need to eat, being undead and all. He's survived a hell of a lot more than malnutrition! But if I were making the film, Jason would be seen taking a big fat dump on one of his dead victims. Yeah, that's the ticket. I'd save Jason's first sex scene for the sequel.
Aren't you a wrestling promoter? And you don't even realize that Cena is over? Does your promotion make money?
My favorite SMS game but OH GOD UGLY BOX
Maybe Loss can finally get Meltzer to post there. I haven't seen him ban anyone for joking yet.
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I was going to pick that! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Why this version and not the arcade? Well, I didn't even play the arcade version until '95, by which point it had been out for like six years. It doesn't hold any special memories for me. But the NES version does, because my brother and I used to rent it all the time. And it has an extra level and awesome Pizza Hut ads which got it featured on the HBO special "Buy Me That Too."
Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man 2. It is on VC.
In order for Mr. Freeze to be taken seriously, he needs to be played by a crunk rapper with diamonds in his teeth.
I thought Warrior kicking his way out of the cage to get to Hogan was pretty cool. Other than that, it was horrible. The 3-way thing wasn't a horrible idea, but the "every man for himself" rule was terrible. Why did they need to add a "winner gets a shot at Goldberg" stipulation? Just have DDP win the match for his team, then the next night on Nitro say "DDP won WarGames for WCW, so he gets a title shot at Halloween Havoc." And why were there pinfalls? DDP couldn't win with anything other than a Diamond Cutter? And Stevie Ray? Man, what are the odds, you have 8 main eventers and a midcarder and the midcarder does the job. And doesn't DDP look like a star for beating Stevie Ray? You could have had him pin the Hitman. I'm sure he would have been willing to do the job. And I'm sure WCW would have been willing to job him! Holy crap, was that crowd dead when DDP won. You'd think as popular as he was, he would have received a pop for winning. But nobody cared. And why didn't Goldberg wrestle on the pay-per-view? The Giant didn't have a match on the show, you could have put that match on there. Of course, the match might not have been much of a draw since Goldberg pinned Giant at Road Wild in a BATTLE ROYAL, then I think he pinned him on Nitro a couple of weeks later. But if they had saved it for PPV, I think it would have drawn a nice buyrate. Same deal for World War 3 that year. Goldberg didn't wrestle, and there wasn't any other big match on the show to sell it. The 60-man battle royal never drew, Hall-Nash was advertised and then didn't happen, and the main event was a U.S. title match! OH WCW
I didn't get a PM!
http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2008/07/24/...ing-at-wiiware/ http://blog.wired.com/games/2008/07/why-a-wii-fight.html Igarashi says he's considering a 2D Castlevania for Wii Ware, and that he's "watching (Mega Man 9) very closely." If they made a classic style Castlevania, with individual levels rather than the Metroid style, that would be pretty awesome. I wouldn't even care if it had NES graphics, since the franchise wasn't milked to death on that system and the last one was the best.
Man is this game fun. It's also pretty ugly, but how else are you going to get thirty cars on screen at 60 frames per second on an N64?
It's funny because it's about video games
I'll be ready, willing and able to debate at least half of all the reasons listed. Like the N64 cartridge thing. If I can defend that, I can defend anything!
That Dead Rising port has a new name: Ugh. I'll still get it.
Kamala's Tape of The Month Club (a suggestion for a new regular th
BUTT replied to King Kamala's topic in General Wrestling
I think I want in on this. BATB '00 was a show that sucked so hard, yet the ending filled me with so much hope. The next two weeks of Nitro and Thunder were pretty good too. Then it fell off a cliff worse than anyone could have imagined. Ever see New Blood Rising? STACY KEIBLER PREGNANCY ANGLE AND JACQUES ROUGEAU CHANGING STIPS ON THE FLY AND NASH AND STEINER "IMPROVISING." WORST SHIT EVER. -
Also, this MotionPlus thing is just going to piss people off. Save the 1:1 stuff for Wii 2. Maybe Nintendo thought they had to get a leg up on some competitor's hypothetical 1:1 Wii Remote ripoff, but all this thing does it highlight that the current controller is NOT accurate.
U-Force was Broderbund and Power Glove was Mattel. Sorry Drewts, it's not you. It's EVERYONE who always says LOL NINTENDO MADE THE POWER GLOVE AND U-FORCE AND THE WIZARD when in fact they had nothing to do with those except collecting the money.
http://e3.nintendo.com/ Dear God, what a lineup. The conscience of gaming, right there. I forgot about MillionHeir Mystery whatever in my post earlier. To be honest I think I'm more interested in that than any other game on the site.
Oh man, do I love this game. As much as some others don't like it, for me it's simply awesome. I would have picked this in the first or second round but I thought, "What's the point? Nobody else is going to choose Star Tropics." But it's mine now.
Several dudes on NeoGAF say that Famitsu confirmed Dead Rising for Wii. Well, current-gen ports are better than last-gen ports.
I think Sony just looked good by comparison because neither of the others were very good, although Microsoft's FF13 announcement and the debut of Gears 2 put them far ahead of Nintendo. Sony's conference was super-boring, but Resistance PSP was a surprise and the debut of GoW3 was a nice capper for the whole thing. God, remember how great '06 was? Nintendo came out blazing, Microsoft had some good stuff and Sony had a nice mixture of cool games and hilariously embarassing moments. Two years and this is how far we've come. E3 is dead. EDIT: Apparently this was not the debut of Gears 2. OK