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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    That's not Parappa the Rappa!
  2. BUTT


    Oh man oh man. What a day for Wii. New Mega Man, new Castlevania, and now, a new Adventure Island? http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2008/06/2...-island-sequel/
  3. BUTT


    If the Castlevania fighter lets you play as the Grim Reaper, I'm sold.
  4. BUTT


    Castlevania coming to Wii...as a FIGHTING GAME: http://gonintendo.com/?p=47669
  5. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    I find the recent 3D Zeldas like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to be tedious at times, but Four Swords Adventures is fun all the way. Nothing special in the graphics department, but great except for the GBA-only multiplayer. This needs a DS sequel (which was at one time anounced, then apparently canceled). Or Wii Ware!
  6. BUTT

    So, "Ring of Hell"...

    It came out in Canada last year. But I guess it'll be out here in October.
  7. BUTT


    NES-style graphics? That's a surprising choice. I would have expected something that at least looked like Mega Man 8 but I'm sure it will be a fun game. Wii Ware is a strange platform for it. I figured MM9 would show up on DS and/or PSP. Capcom's really limiting their potential profits on this one.
  8. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Just a really fun N64 game with an awesome, unique premise (a truck is filled with explosive weapons to transport them to where they can be safely dumped, but if it hits anything, it blows up, so you have to drive around in a variety of vehicles and demolish everything in its way).
  9. BUTT

    WWE has a new search engine with a twist

    http://mywwesearch.prodege.com/?cmd=sb-reg...r&rb=132451 Haha DH, I think THIS link works just as well.
  10. BUTT

    Steely Dan follow-up.

  11. BUTT


    Hey Andrew, I like Miracle World a lot. Moreso than Enchanted Castle, which I don't hate as much as you do (but that might only because the three Alex Kidd sequels for Master System are so freakin' horrible). MW and EC have the same structure and gameplay style, but Miracle World is just more fun. I can't say why or how. It just is.
  12. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    DAMMIT I was JUST thinking that would be my next pick! I'm angrily shaking my fist as I write this.
  13. BUTT

    Monday Night Wars

    Well since you're working there Sledgy, you should get them to buy it! That's the best stock music ever. Man, I remember when Tully came out to that theme at Slamboree '94. He sure got a big pop. My friend and I once remade that theme on FL Studio. Also, I can play it on bass. Have you ever heard the version with lyrics? I think it's called "The Days of My Life" or thereabouts.
  14. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    It doesn't sound like Bon Jovi at all! As someone who back in the 10th grade was quite a Jovi connoisseur, I can say that it's not representative of their sound at any point in their career. Are you just using "Bon Jovi" as a catch-all term for hair bands? I think Motley Crue probably has more songs that sound like this one than Bon Jovi, not that they're a good musical comparison either. Honestly, it would have made more sense if you had said it sounded like Linkin Park. I don't know if that's better (ha!) or worse.
  15. BUTT

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    Finally, the match that got canceled for Breakdown: In Your House is happening!
  16. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    My second favorite MM game after 2. Well, I guess I do like 1 as much as X but this gets the edge because it's more fun to play.
  17. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Dude please, you're just gonna say "sounds like hair metal," "sounds like Michael Bolton," "sounds like Limp Bizkit," and something about walk-on music at a Cubs game. By the way, hit me up for those Jim songs whenever.
  18. BUTT

    Box Office Report...

    Is $96 million after two weekends good or bad for Hulk? I figured it would be over $100 million by now. Close, but not there yet.
  19. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    I remember when I first rented this game. My brother asked me "why did you get a Mario game?" After seeing it in action, he then proceeded to play it all night. Such is the greatness of Super Mario RPG.
  20. BUTT

    Favorite Beatles song?

    Surely "Hello Goodbye" or "The Long and Winding Road" would top that. NO
  21. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Nah, the machines are intentional. Axl has been a fan of drum loops since the mid-90's when he became interested in techno/industrial music. None of the songs feature loops all the way through, but they're a part of most of the songs. When I saw them live in '06 Brain did nothing for half of "Madagascar," just sat there for the verses while the loops played and then joined in on the choruses.
  22. BUTT

    So this is teh new board

    This belongs in classics.
  23. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    It could be titled anything! "Chinese Democracy" and "Madagascar" don't include the title of the song in their lyrics. However, given that we've heard about 100 rumored/leaked song titles over the years, I'm going to guess we have heard about this one before.
  24. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    "If The World" did nothing for me, but that second song is great.
  25. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Hey, it's "Rhiad and the Bedouins!"