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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Connecticut Cunts (The 2 Drivers)

    Display Name sure likes the word "cunt"!
  2. BUTT

    Boston Public

    OH GOD YES MINI-ME. MINI-ME IS IN THE LOCKER. GUBER IS DRESSED LIKE AN ORTHODOX JEW. BUMFIGHTS! This is the single greatest hour of television in history.
  3. BUTT

    Pictures I Like

    Read the text.
  4. BUTT

    Boston Public

    As if this show wasn't awesome enough, we get an appearance from Andrea Bowen. Of course she was only 12 here, but it's still my favorite Desperate Housewives cast member, pre-DH, playing a young genius, and not being as totally annoying as those characters usually are. I can't wait until the fourth season when Freaks and Geeks' Natasha Melnick plays a pregnant goth or something like that.
  5. BUTT

    Pundits you love/hate

    Not when the scarf is for hatin' Jews!
  6. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Apparently not black enough for "Firestarter"!
  7. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    You think Oasis is a boy band.
  8. She looks better with pink hair than blonde. Also, she's wearing a dress with pictures of bleeding deer.
  9. BUTT

    2008: The Year in Music

  10. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    What are you talking about? Conventions are never interesting. At your party's last convention all the attendees wore purple band-aids and swung sandals in the air yelling "flip-flop, flip-flop". But since you don't agree with the party or their nominee, all of a sudden they have a responsibility to manufacture a competition between two candidates for the next two months even though the race between them is effectively over?
  11. BUTT

    Boston Public

    Wait, that's it for Kimberly? She's done already? I figured she'd be on until the end of the season.
  12. BUTT

    Boston Public

    Hey, Kimberly's lesbian stalker is Angela Goethals. She was one of Kevin's sisters in Home Alone. Good for her. Incidentally, she is only a year younger than the actress who plays Kimberly.
  13. BUTT

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Hey, they may have flushed away their staff but the titles are still theirs. They can come out with a new Ninja Gaiden every year now! Simultaneous releases for PS3 and 360, plus a Wii port of the original! Also, there's that Rygar game for Wii. That's sure been a long time coming for a port of a 5-year-old game. And the sure-to-flop new Tecmo Bowl.
  14. BUTT

    Boston Public

    Hey, it's the black dude who framed his retarded brother for killing his ex-girlfriend on Desperate Housewives! He's playing a basketball star who gives expensive gifts to Harper's daughter because he's being bribed by a recruiter whose name is, yes, VINCE RUSSO. Coincidentally, Desperate Housewives once featured a character named Ed Ferrara.
  15. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Dhimmi Carter's or B.O. Hussein's? OR BOTH?
  16. BUTT

    2008: The Year in Music

  17. BUTT

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Dead or Alive creator and pimply-faced Juventud Guerrera lookalike Tomonobu Itagaki is leaving Tecmo and suing them. I guess that explains why he said last month that there wouldn't be a DOA5 or a Ninja Gaiden 3. Of course, now that he's gone, the chances of those games happening have presumably gone up.
  18. BUTT

    World Champions biggest attendance drawn...

    You posted it in General Chat
  19. BUTT

    What the fuck is up with the folder subtitle.

    It's important for Kotz to know that now, apparently, self-celebration happens at TSM.
  20. BUTT

    Boston Public

    Joey McIntyre is being totally underused. All the focus is on that Zack dude who's banging Jeri Ryan. Show Joe Mac some respect, the All Music Guide loves him!
  21. BUTT

    Boston Public

    Has there ever been another show that just dumped its lead without any explanation? Lauren was number one in the opening credits for two whole years, season 2 ends with her and Scott on the verge of DOIN' IT, and when they come back, she's just gone. They never tell us why she's gone and nobody seems to care. Strange. I know David Kelley does a lot of cast turnover in his shows but did anyone even think to explain her disappearance?
  22. Lily Allen is blonde now and man she does not look good. There were some topless pictures of her on gossip sites a couple of weeks ago but her hair just ruins it.
  23. BUTT

    3 Doors Down and Staind: THE THREAD

    Blink-182 built an entire career off of penis jokes, then they make one Serious Album with a collaboration with Everyone's Influence Bob Smith and Tom DeLonge started believing that he was literally the best musician in the world (as evidenced by his claims that Angels and Airwaves first album was "the best music made in decades"). F those dudes.
  24. Gamers don't care about Far Cry or Prince of Persia when Far Cry is a shitty port with N64-level graphics and Prince of Persia is a 16-month-old game with tacked-on waggle controls.