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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Pictures I Like

  2. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    He left the Trinity Church to join Islam!
  3. BUTT

    Boston Public

    Well I guess Harry isn't gone just yet. Alisa Reyes is in the third season premiere!
  4. BUTT

    Boston Public

    I'm finishing the second season. Goodbye Lauren, goodbye Harry, goodbye Rashida Jones. Meet Joe Mac! Should I be expecting a heavy dropoff in quality during this third season?
  5. BUTT

    So, "Ring of Hell"...

    The author of the book and Bix both post at a board called Crush Kill Crush, where there's a private folder dedicated to sharing techniques for virally marketing the book. Bix started threads here and Loss's board, some other dude started the thread at DVDVR. And there ain't nothing wrong with that, I say. It's a good book.
  6. BUTT

    Random Thoughts

    And that wrestler was Santino.
  7. BUTT

    Boston Public

    The "smell that shoe" lady is the best. The episode I'm watching now features Russell from Wayne's World, Zach from Desperate Housewives, April from the first TMNT movie, and Millie from Freaks and Geeks! A star-studded cast, no doubt.
  8. BUTT

    Pundits you love/hate

    Oh Jingus
  9. BUTT

    Boston Public

    It's GOB as a prosthetic hand salesman!
  10. BUTT

    Where self-celebration happens.

  11. BUTT

    Boston Public

    A funeral for a hand! Oh dear lord.
  12. BUTT

    Nick Hogan

  13. BUTT

    Great American Bash 1992

    WrestleMania 2000 had zero singles matches. It had one: Kat vs Terri.
  14. BUTT

    Great American Bash 1992

    1) Yeah, tag teams are great! 2) Most of them. Windham and Rhodes, Austin and Rude, Williams and Gordy, Pillman and Liger, Steamboat and Koloff, they're all good to me. I don't know much about Hashimoto and Hase. I never liked the Hayes/Garvin Freebirds. What a couple of geeks. 3) I don't like the idea of doing one match in a round on one show and the rest on another. They should have had the Williams/Gordy-Steiners match on the PPV instead of earlier. I understand the Clash needed a main event but there were a bunch of dudes who didn't wrestle on that Clash. Like, say, the world champion. 4) I could see TNA doing a show like this. I mean, they basically did a few weeks ago. Except instead of only one singles match, it didn't have any. I don't think it was very good business to center this show around tag teams. There were other feuds brewing at the time they could have put on PPV. Koloff-Rude, Steamboat-Jack, another Williams/Gordy-Steiners match. I doubt the tournament helped the buyrate much, if at all. 5) I understand that Watts wanted to push Simmons as a top star, but I don't think Vader should have been used as a transitional champion. He was too strong a heel for that. Simmons' title win would have meant more if it had been from a guy who had the belt for more than three weeks.
  15. BUTT

    3 Doors Down and Staind: THE THREAD

    Bryan Adams didn't make any comeback that I remember. He put out an album in '98 and it flopped like a shit pancake.
  16. BUTT

    3 Doors Down and Staind: THE THREAD

    Hanson is far better than 3 Doors Down, Staind, Hinder, or Default.
  17. BUTT

    Wrestlemania 21 or Raw 2

    WM 21 sucking was such a bummer. The graphics looked so good. If that game had gotten good reviews I would have bought an Xbox for it. They should have known better than to put something like that in the hands of freakin' John Tobias.
  18. BUTT


    Hey Franchise. How about me.
  19. BUTT

    WWE Raw (5/26/2008)

    Yeah, he has a son named Windham. Windham Rotunda. But he's a college football player.
  20. BUTT

    Pictures I Like

  21. BUTT

    Boston Public

    "She can't show teachers picking negro boogers!" And then Lauren gets knocked out by a breast implant.
  22. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    If all, or any, cable news talking heads were as awesome as Uwe Boll, we'd be very lucky.
  23. BUTT

    So, "Ring of Hell"...

    I got it. I never knew training in Japan was that brutal. Nor did I know Lagana was that creepy. Nor did I know Taz had an orgasm after being suplexed by Kevin Sullivan. But the fact that trainers and chiropractors are a privilege reserved for only WWE's top stars, and that WWE fired Jesus (Carlito's bodyguard, not the messiah) over it, is perhaps the dumbest "only in WWE" story I've ever heard. No wonder those guys have so many injuries. Also, nice to see DVDVR's preeminent high-level wrestling thinker Kevin Cook quoted in a book you can find in Barnes and Noble's true crime section.
  24. BUTT

    Boston Public

    Torrent, Bob. We watched the "nigger" episode in 12th grade sociology class. Pretty great.
  25. He had that before ever getting concussed.