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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. That was only after Nash politicked to be the one to beat Booker for the title. I remember reading for weeks leading up to Nash's title win that he was urging Russo to let him win the title and then lose it back in order to elevate Booker. Why Nash would want a three-week title run is beyond my comprehension but I suppose it's better than nothing.
  2. BUTT

    Lets ask Google images questions

    If ECW hadn't folded in 2001, who would be champion today?
  3. BUTT


    Even so, Mario 64 is only 8 MB. I know that for sure. Wave Race is somewhere between 8 and 16. Paper Mario is bigger, probably somewhere around 48. Sin and Punishment, I don't know. I'd guess 32. But still. BUT STILL.
  4. BUTT


    I have downloaded: Star Tropics Sin and Punishment Link to the Past Neutopia Neutopia II Wave Race 64 Mario 64 Mario 3 Paper Mario Bonk's Revenge Eternal Champions Castlevania II Castlevania IV Splatterhouse LostWinds Defend Your Castle And my "W!!" is already full! That's not 512 MB worth of stuff!
  5. BUTT

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    Officer Carruthers from Muppet Babies.
  6. BUTT

    Fucking Mexicans

    Is that the one who broke up with him because she thought he and "The Czech Republic" were having a secret cyber-romance? I'm Inc's official historian, you know, so I have to keep track of this stuff.
  7. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Especially since the Democrats are the ones more like Nazis. Taking away our guns and such!
  8. That tournament wasn't particularly well-booked. Its only saving grace was that it was, in fact, a big tournament and wrestling fans love those. It could have been done much better. Russo's booking acumen is exemplified by giving away the first ever Bret Hart vs Goldberg match, which actually could, if built up right, have drawn some money on PPV, free on Nitro the day after Halloween Havoc, in a first-round tournament match which also incidentally was for the U.S. title, and actually having it end in a pinfall, despite Russo knowing by that point that those two were going to main event Starrcade. And don't even get me started on that Starrcade match. Buyrates dropped steadily during Russo's tenure. His first show, Halloween Havoc, the success of which he had little if anything to do with since he only booked one week of TV leading up to it, did a not-bad-for-the-time .55 buyrate but I'd chalk that up to the two or three month long buildup for Goldberg-Sid. I'm sure it wasn't for Hogan-Sting since that match did something like a .3 the month before. (I've always believed that the matches for Halloween Havoc should have been Sting successfully defending the title against Hart and Hogan beating Luger, not Sting-Hogan and Hart/Luger, and then Sting takes the title to Starrcade and loses it to Goldberg, with Hart vs Hogan as co-main event. That's a story for another time.) I wonder how different things would have ended up if they had given the book to, say, Jimmy Hart, who did a good job with Saturday Night, no matter how small-time that would have been. Sure, he's a Hogan-ite, and more Hogan is definitely not what WCW needed at the time, but I'm sure he would have taken a much more common sense booking approach than the Russo/Ferrara regime.
  9. BUTT

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    What about your dad's wedding ring
  10. BUTT

    Pictures I Like

  11. BUTT

    Least Enticing

    Man, I just was about to say this. Because it seems whenever that comparison is made, the band usually sounds like The Black Crowes. Or Buckcherry. I don't know which is less preferable. My friends were trying to tell me that this Avenged Sevenfold song: sounds like something from the Use Your Illusion albums. No it doesn't! It sounds like Creed, just with a less Vedder-esque singer. I hate the idea of "post-rock" as a genre. Edit: Oh shit, didn't see Kinetic's comment on post-rock. The point still stands.
  12. BUTT

    Least Enticing

  13. BUTT


    LostWinds is really cool. Defend Your Castle, on the other hand, does nothing for me.
  14. BUTT

    Jim Steinman

    I vowed here to one day make this thread. It did take a while for me to make that thread, but that time is now and that time is also me! (Bonus points to whoever can identify TSM poster who was the original source of that quote.) Anyway, we are here to discuss the works of this man: Sure, Jim Steinman is mostly known for his work with Meat Loaf: Bat Out of Hell Paradise by the Dashboard Light , although Meat Loaf was not the first person to record this (more on that later), but this video features an 18-year-old Angelina Jolie. She looked better then than she does now. but oh there is so much more! For example, these hits: Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart Air Supply - Making Love out of Nothing At All Celine Dion - It's All Coming back to Me Now And how about "Original Sin", the theme from 1994's Alec Baldwin flop, The Shadow? But Jim hasn't left all of his works in the hands of other artists. Why, he recorded his own solo album in 1981: The album's title track, "Bad For Good" Dramatic monologue "Love and Death and an American Guitar" "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" ripoff "Dance In My Pants" And Jim's only top 40 "solo" hit, "Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through", which he actually doesn't sing lead on, but he does lipsynch in the video. Hmmm. I guess he isn't very active these days other than plotting some sort of Bat Out of Hell musical. Bat 3, released last year without any input from Jim but featuring several of his songs, didn't exactly set the world on fire, but it had some good stuff. Like for instance, this song, "Seize the Night", which is inexplicably set to several clips from NBC's Heroes. But listen to the song, will ya? It is good stuff in my humble opinion. Anyway, Jim Steinman: Great songwriter, great dude. Here's his blog: http://jimsteinman.blogspot.com I'd like your thoughts on this wonderful man, Smart Marks.
  15. BUTT

    Jim Steinman

    The original "It's All Coming Back to Me Now": I have to say, this is somewhat homoerotic. Assless pants!
  16. BUTT

    I can't change my name...

    Once every four days, EHME. Just wait it out.
  17. BUTT

    I'm looking for something.

    Extreme Warfare Revenge.
  18. BUTT

    Day Of The Tentacle

    Oops, looks like I spoke too soon! One of this board's five rules is not to host illegal files on the board's server. If you want to post that, you should up it somewhere else, dude.
  19. BUTT

    Day Of The Tentacle

    I seriously doubt our mod staff cares one bit. Also, there's a giant thread up north on this here board devoted to posting massive amounts of copyrighted wrestling videos. If they don't care about that, they won't mind a long out-of-print piece of abandonware, will they?
  20. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    I said I wasnt going to post in here anymore, but I had a phonecall from of all people my mother (Im surprised shed even bother to take the time out of her so busy day to call but alas I think shes trying to make good for Mothers day..ha) Anyway, somehow we got on the topic of politics and she, being the racist person that she is (not joking), has said that if Obama wins the nomination she'll vote for McCain and she followed that with the fact that she has NEVER voted for a Republican for anything in her 30+ years of voting. I told her she shoud start a White Racist Red Hat Wearing Women for McCain group or something now that she's discovered the wonders of blogging on the internet... You must be an Obama supporter what with you throwing your VERY OWN MOTHER UNDER THE BUS. Marvin should have bought his mother a tv. Shows the kind of man he his, wont even buy his mom a tv, she has to rely on others to donate it to her.
  21. BUTT

    Elementary Backtrack

    Oh, something else I remember: In 2nd grade, we had this program called "Religious Release", where all the Catholic students would get out for an hour every Wednesday afternoon for a session of Sunday-school-on-a-Wednesday. This is strange because it was a public school, without any religious affiliation. It was pretty nice to be able to leave school for an hour to talk about Jesus, but there is no way they would do that now, I'm sure. Athiest Dads would be bitching up a storm.
  22. BUTT

    Fundamentalist Christian Chat Rooms

    So the words to a hokey Irving Berlin song bother her, and the words to music SUNG IN CHURCH don't? Who you crappin', you dumb bitch. Probably is a stupid law, though, I'll give them that. Yet Im sure she spends money at the mall every weekend.. IN GOD WE TRUST. oh jeez
  23. BUTT

    Elementary Backtrack

    Man, I never got to watch Channel One like all of y'all. Nor did we ever do that "Cable in the Classroom" shit that Nickelodeon was always advocating. I sure would have liked to have been able to watch Mr. Wizard's World or Nick News W-5 but NOO, we got to produce our own lame-ass version of news. Actually, screw that. The news thing enabled us to take a trip to Harrisburg and Gettysburg in 5th grade. We all got to interview people in the PA state Capitol building. My best friend interviewed Tom Ridge's wife. That was a pretty big deal at the time. I got to interview some dude's secretary. I don't remember who, nor do I care. We also visited the U.N. that year. I wonder if the dudes at the Pit would be upset by that. THEY'RE INDOCTRINATING THE CHILDREN BY BY BRINGING THEM TO A BASTION OF ANTI-AMERICANISM. God, 5th grade was awesome. Except for when I lost the spelling bee. My peak years were ten and eleven, no doubt. It's all been downhill from there.
  24. BUTT

    Elementary Backtrack

    Did anyone else not have the typical A to F grading system in elementary school? Until fourth grade, I guess they thought those letters carried too much of a stigma and would hurt the kids's feelings or something, so we got...different letters! The school's K-3 grading system was: O - outstanding S+ - I can't remember exactly what this stood for but it was a step up from satisfactory S - satisfactory I - improvement needed U - unsatisfactory I never got a U! But I did get I's in art and behavior in third grade.
  25. BUTT

    Elementary Backtrack

    Fuck that. Having 6th grade in my elementary school meant I only had two years of middle school and not three, so thank god for that. Yeah. Also, Czech's just saying that because he's a whippersnapper who came around right when they inexplicably changed the traditional K-6 model into whatever it is not. Oh, bullshit. 6th grade in elementary school is so lame. By 11, I was ready to get out into a class environment where I didn't spend the majority of the day in one classroom. And what's the point of having a middle school that you only go to for two years? If you're gonna do that shit you might as well start high school in 7th grade like they did on Boy Meets World. My school produced its own early-morning closed-circuit news broadcast. We wrote the stories ourselves and read them on air. Nothing special but in the mid-90s apparently this was a very progressive idea. We had help of course, from two teachers aides at the school. We also had the assistance of a nice man who was a local radio personality and part-time Odyssey of the Mind coach at our school. In 2002 that man was arrested for downloading child porn. Shouldn't have surprised me. In fifth grade, there was a murder outside of our school. Some woman was picking up her daughter and her ex-husband shot her right in the parking lot. Then he stole the kid, drove into town and killed himself. That was plenty fucked up. In fourth grade, I made it to, or at least near, the final round of the spelling bee. My ability to spell "boisterous" wowed my classmates in attendance. Conversely, the next year I was eliminated in the first round. I always thought "cocoon" had an "a" in it! I handled this loss with a characteristic lack of maturity that manifested itself into an outburst so ridiculous that I was still occasionally reminded of it in high school, long after it should have been forgotten. God, what the fuck was wrong with me.