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Posts posted by BUTT

  1. Agnes - I like Venkman but Agnes has made so many great posts that have flown under the radar. I don't see him winning this round, but dammit I'll give him the nod.

    Smitty - That one-word thing really took Dandy's stock down. Sorry

    Inc - Pushed for me to be invited somewhere, plus HarleyQuinn started that whole draft thing, and well you know you know

    EHME - I saw EHME's late friend's dad mentioned in Bret Hart's autobiography. He put a curse on the Dynamite Kid. The Dynamite Kid was a bad man, so I support such supernatural chicanery.

    Byron - I hear he's smarter than the rest of us

    Cheech - Don't know the other guy

    Slayer - I like Slayer but I don't think he likes me

    Ortonsault - This guy added me as a board friend. Voting against him would be a betrayal.


    K-Tic - The hardest boarder of them all. Will win this whole thing.

    Snuffbox - I really don't know broward. :( Sorry

    Spaceman Spiff - Other guy's a little too smug in the facial region

    Burning PSS - "Star Ocean 3" once questioned why so many Canadian posters have "Canadian" in their usernames. I question this too.

    Mellow - Had a good year. What's UYI do but post about GNR?

    Obi Chris Kenobi - Bored is a big-time sports guy, right? Well I don't post in Sports.

    Edwin - Lol

    Fazzle - B.I.G. post got this one cinched. I like Andrew but gosh darn does he take his games too seriously. That TMNT game on Wii is going to be great


    KOAB - KOAB is great. I fear he'll OD soon, but he's still a great poster. I hope he finishes the Secret Life season before he checks into rehab.

    Smartly Pretty - Another Maffer, I believe. Has been at TSM since he was like 12 or 13, which is astounding.

    Barron - My love of Barron has been well-documented. This guy is the true treasure of the board, always taking shit for who he is and never once caring. Plus Smues warned me for bumpin' a thread BOO to him (no urns)

    Mattdotcom - This guy is really one to watch. He's hit quite a few out of the park during 2008. The Deon thread and the sitcom/weed thread showcase his best moments

    Kamala - Good dude

    Pbone - Not the last time someone will vote for him amirite

    Luke-o - Still makes me laugh whenever I see that goofy British smile. He's so happy-go-lucky

    Agent - I've never figured out why alfdogg is such a target of ridicule. But he must deserve it, right? TSM just doesn't pick on undeserving people!


    Kreese - I have to vote for myself. This is a tough one. I need all the support I can get. The early goings favor me, Spoon still has a lot of cachet. I haven't forgotten "Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?", and while I carry no grudge, it's time for Fluffy to get his comeuppance. If only were this to be contested in the Scott Keith region, it would all come full circle!

    Cyber Mark - Like I said about the Canucks

    Treble - Maybe this race will be a "tie." LOLOLOLOL

    Lushus - Don't know the other guy

    Milky - vs Hawk 34. Easiest race in the thread

    909 - He's a little too proud of his mod powers, but he also didn't play the Shaq Card in a Chinese Democracy thread

    VX - Scroty is a Meltzerknocker

    GTD - Why not

  2. Shut the fuck up.


    We have been editing posts for a while. We can. There's no abuse of power in doing so either. If you don't like it, make your own message board. We really don't give a fuck.



  3. There are at least five Britney singles better than "Since U Been Gone" and she was never lavished with praise from P.Fork.


    Erm, "Toxic" was #3 on their '04 singles list (ahead of both M.I.A. and LCD Soundsystem!!) and they also published a whole column extolling the virtues of the much-maligned Blackout. Perhaps you should do some research before making wild accusations?? Just a thought.

    I should have known not to trust their painfully weak search feature.



  4. What's wrong with Jet? It's fun rock and roll.


    This is the only way you can justify liking a 'fantastic band'?


    It's enough for me to like The Stooges and The MC5... What makes Jet any different?


    They suck


    We obviously have differing opinions on rock and roll. I hardly think that The Stooges or The MC5 suck.


