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Posts posted by BUTT



    Failure #1.


    Stop. Explain.


    Fighting games in general are not huge sellers these days, and even the ones with name value are relatively niche (VF5 anyone? MK vs. DC fell below expectations even with tons of marketing and DC characters).


    As I've noted, Smash Bros clone does not = insta money.

    Ubi feels that it's something people would buy. Have you not noticed the way in which Wii has changed the marketplace? Sure, maybe it's led to a few games that aren't too good becoming big sellers. But I think "Ninja Turtles Fighting Game on Wii" is a sound concept economically. So what if the Viewtiful Joe fighting game bombed? Viewtiful Joe was never that popular. A Smash Bros. clone with mainstream-popular characters has a chance. Ninja Turtles are popular. It could work.




    Where'd you pull this bullshit from? TMNT is more of a game franchise than anything else to me. The basic idea is not that ridiculous (the Turtles fighting), but the actual concept at work here is a bit more baffling (a Smash-style title which doesn't really lend itself well to the combat style).

    I think the TMNT franchise and the Smash style are a good fit. TMNT is all about Big Dumb Fun, nothing serious. It makes sense.


    However, please make a ranting all-caps strawman piece of shit paragraph, that's much better than actually making a coherent statement.


    Sure thing! I do it well.




    Are you making the argument that making a game for Wii over another system is a matter of playability over graphics?


    Because if so, you are a fucking idiot.


    I was just making fun of your "everything Wii is bad" attitude. I doubt you'd be so negative on this game if it wasn't on the system for dem damn casual players.


    Sure, playing an action or fighting game with jacking-off motions makes great sense.


    But it does! You're swinging a katana blade, or a sai, or nunchaku. Motion control fits.

    It's a waste of Team Ninja. If they have GameArts on board I don't even see why they'd bother using TN.


    If you're enlisting Team Ninja, then why not use them for what they're best at, especially if the title you're making lends itself well to an action game?

    It's not Team Ninja. It's a few dudes who used to work there. It's not like Itagaki is making the game. Who knows those ex-Ninja guys want to make another game like that? Who knows if they could?

  2. The creation of the OAOAST (One And Only AngleSault Thread) is truly bizzare. It all started in April 2002, TheSmarks.com was home to one of the most popular wrestling message boards on the 'net. Things started getting rowdy on the boards after WrestleMania 18; the nWo -- Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash -- (re)debuted in the WWF (now WWE). Hogan was soon on the verge of regaining the WWF championship; and it was announced theSmarks.com was merging with 411wrestling.com, meaning the whole place would shut down. To control the chaos it was announced 3 board members would become Moderators -- the catch: the board members themselves would pick the new Mods..Tony149, bps21 & Brian were selected. Then came Anglesault.


    "MAKE ME A MOD!"


    Anglesault is a HUGE Kurt Angle fan who I would say wasn't well-liked by many at the beginning. People would tease him for his...well, enthusiastic support for the former Olympic Gold medalist. AS felt he should of been a Mod. Did he travel cross-country to get support? No! He did what even great politician would do -- he complained!


    The thread saw birth to something called a ::beltshot::. Anytime AS didn't agree with somebody in said thread he would write "::beltshot to (name here)::". I had just become a Mod and felt this was flame-baiting. So I converse with fellow new Mod Bps on whether or not to close the thread. Within minutes the decision was made by me and bps to close the thread. However, before that thread was close, perhaps the most famous line (outside of my "rubber dick" comment) of all-time would be dropped as I said: "Why don't you just create a One & Only Anglesault thread?" History would soon be born.




    CWM apparently took that quote to heart and created the soon-to-be powerhouse in e-fed entertainment. Okay, the hyperbole is out of control, but come on, it's Anglesault.


    The thread would gain a cult-like following due its goofy ::beltshots:: The thread would begin to shift from mindless posts to an unofficial e-fed. Soon the first OAOAST card was held, entitled: AnglePalooza. The OAOAST had arrived.


    Over the next few months more and more people would join the OAOAST, to the point where we would end up creating new shows to feed the popularity and getting our own forum in the TheSmartMarks forum (ran by great people I might add) where another e-fed (SWF/SJL) was station.


    I know this sounds corny, but nobody in their wildest dreams would of thought a thread created as a joke would be hanging

    around with one of the most respected e-feds (SWF/SJL) around.


    Truth be told, the OAOAST was meant to flame AS without it cramming the WWF folder. I was still a new Mod so I didn't want to get in trouble for suggesting the thread with that intent so I said: "This isn't a thread to flame AS."


    Hey, so I lied about it. Look at what the OAOAST has become today and tell me it wasn't worth it. I say it was.


    Today the OAOAST is filled with new faces mixed in with the old. We now run monthly "pay-per-views", our shows and writing quality have gotten better.


    This coming April the OAOAST will celebrate its 3rd anniversary. For many of us, the OAOAST will be the closest thing we'll ever get to writing for a wrestling promotion or movie studio. We've had some differences in the past, but the OAOAST will continue to shine bright in our memories long after we move on.

  3. Even 1up's Jeremy Parish? 1up bitches about Nintendo on a daily basis!


    I think most of the first-party Nintendo games for Wii next year look good. S&P2 is a must-buy, as is Punch-Out. I never played the original Trace Memory I liked Hotel Dusk which is from the same developer, so I'm interested in the Wii sequel. Dynamic Slash could be good. I never played the Earth Defense Force games but some like them, some don't. We'll have to see. Cosmic Walker has a really cool premise. I know nothing about Line Attack Heroes, but it's from the guy who created the Mana series. I know a lot of Mana fans don't like the way that series went near the end but this is a different genre, I think. Tact of Magic doesn't really interest me and I read it's developed by Taito, so bleh. Shouldn't Square Enix be publishing their games?


  4. What he means is that he doesn't like Axl's voice. And therefore he's decided that everyone feels the same way and that those who liked GNR only did so in spite of Axl's high-pitched rasp. I'm sure "Welcome to the Jungle" would have been a bigger hit had it been sung in Scott's bullhorn-assisted baritone.

  5. Maybe I'm just lowbrow. But I don't like mac & cheese as a casserole. I only like the store-bought "pasta in cheese sauce" variety. Anyone ever have Boston Market mac & cheese? It's rotini in a three-cheese sauce! Excellent! If I haven't outgrown it by now, I never will.

  6. What the hell are `larvae`and how does one get put in this category?

    As I understand it, larvae are new posters. Once they have been here a sufficient amount of time (and made enough posts to adequately determine if they can contribute) they are moved to members. That's the basic answer. Perhaps a mod can better quantify what the expectations are.

    It's a mechanism put in to ensure that new members can't start topics without posting a certain number of times. I don't think they're allowed to edit their posts, either.

  7. Could someone explain and how and when the Pit was started? How did it develop its conservative tilt?

    If I remember correctly The Pit was created as a response to the first banning of MikeSC in May 2005. It was originally called J*Wing as it was created by Jingus, who wasn't necessarily looking to create a conservative board, just one where posters could express their views without fear of being punished. The banning of Mike galvanized many of TSM's conservatives, who saw Mike's banning as proof of a liberal bias on the part of the TSM staff and took to the new board after Mike began posting there, including Marney, who had left TSM the previous summer after a blowup with TSM admin Josh. On the other hand, only a few of TSM's more prominent liberals joined the board, thus creating the ideological imbalance which persists to this day.


    I defer to any of those more well-versed in Pit matters on any of these points.

  8. I once considered changing my board name to "The Asian Chick From Gilmore Girls." I don't think it's going to happen.


    You know, I think if I made an album it would sound just like Chinese Democracy. Everything from the voice to the drum loops to the 50 guitar tracks per song to the synths to the ominous song intros. If I ever teach myself to play guitar semi-competently, I can make this happen.

  9. the Crazy Funky Hat dance from Wizards of Waverly Place


    I just watched this on YouTube and I was not impressed. This "Crazy Funky Hat" song you reference is a gag that's supposed to be funny but falls pathetically flat. What I saw was a couple of girls of about 14 years old acting half that, delivering a song/dance sure to make anyone with an age in double digits embarrassed for having seen it. The Cory theme song is amazing in the same way that Vanilla Ice's Hard to Swallow or backyard wrestling videos are amazing.



    Oh yeah, this is special.

  10. Remember the Andy Richter sitcom Quintuplets? Andy's character ate some weed brownies at a Springsteen concert in the first episode. I thought that was a bit early to be introducing the plot device of "square dad gettin' high", because we didn't know him well enough to understand why this was funny. If he gets high in the first episode, he has to get high in every episode! I never watched another edition of "Quints" as I like to call it but I bet they all sucked BUTT.

  11. I'm not a big fan of weed-based humor. I'm old enough to see through the really exaggerated depictions of "dumb stoner behavior", but I'm also really tired of potheads' self-celebration. I still think crack is funny. But sitcoms don't want none of that.


    There was a Murphy Brown episode about weed. But she had cancer, it was OK.

  12. It's just a way for mods to make unpopular decisions without any one of them having to take the heat for them. The account is named as such because it references one of Czech's more notorious board ideas, and TSM is Where Self-Celebration Happens.
