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Posts posted by BUTT

  1. The great thing about Chinese Democracy is that everyone has an opinion on it. If this were just some Aerosmith or Ozzy album, you'd never see the Incs and Czechs and Edwin McaPhistos of the world in here (if Czech's reading this, he can replace the two aforementioned acts with Ratt or Enuff Znuff or whoever else he sees as GNR's artistic peers). But because it's such a big deal, every music fan has to put in their two cents, from people who never liked GNR in the first place declaring that "it won't be any good without Slash" from experts like Agent of Oblivion and Black Lushus expressing the unfounded belief that "It'll come out, but when it does it won't have any of the songs that you've heard before" to JAxlMorrison and Use Your Illusion exceeding any band advocacy seen on this board since the days of Choken One's Keith Caputo obsession. If you always thought GNR was shit, yeah, you're not going to see this as anything more than WCW entrance music or BUTT rock or sounds like Nickelback or whatever. Just remember that he didn't take 15 years to make an album that would go in the canon alongside Loveless and FutureSex/LoveSounds. He took 15 years because he's really lazy and he just didn't feel like finishing the record.

  2. I remember what was on Raw that night. The Warrior's last appearance. That was really a show that proved how dumb it was to tape 4 shows in one night. "The Warrior has been no-showing events, so he's suspended unless he posts a bond before the events...but oh he's here tonight, that's fine, but after that he's suspended." That was sad. I knew he wouldn't be back.


    My brother had a dream the night before BATB that Hogan would be the third man. I found it unlikely, but it did make sense. So when he walked out an leg-dropped Savage, it wasn't really a "holy shit WHAT" reaction but more of a "wow, they really are going to do this" reaction. Hell of an angle, but it set a bad example for promoters in that it made them think that whenever a huge babyface turned heel it would do big business. Thus you had the ridiculous Goldberg heel turn and later the more entertaining but also more damaging Austin heel turn. But man, did the Hogan thing work. Did it ever.

  3. He won the mod auction on ebay, and gave mike negative feedback just to be a dick. Mike then called him

    You may remember that even after it was clear he only entered that mod auction to fuck with Mike's eBay account (as opposed to his earlier assumed intention of fucking with the board; either way his original bids should have been rejected, but our asleep-at-the-wheel owner just didn't bother to stop him), he still was not banned from the board for several days because "Beaniekids" still hoped that Paul would rescind the negative feedback, thus creating the hilarious situation of a message board owner becoming a slave to a troll. It was great.

  4. I meant to mention the name-on-album-cover overkill. I think there's room for "Chinese Democracy" on there, but they didn't need the band name on the side strip. I'm sure most everyone knows what "Chinese Democracy" is, and if they don't, well, they're going to be purchasing it from Best Buy either in the "Guns N' Roses" section in the CD aisle or from a big cardboard display that says "GUNS N' ROSES CHINESE DEMOCRACY" in huge letters. I just don't like album covers that don't tell you what the album's called. That logo on the bottom right is just worthless, though. It's unnecessary, and I liked their old logo better.

  5. People who can't tell the difference between a slash ( / ) and a backslash ( \ ). I first noticed this in high school, people reading web addresses as "yahoo dot com backlash mail..." and I thought, well that's interesting. Then I got to college and realized that people were making the same mistake. That perplexed me because with my high school and college being in different regions of PA, that meant obviously this was a widespread phenomenon. The thing that bothers me isn't so much that some people are making this mistake, because I can see the confusion. It's that EVERYONE, I mean every single person who has ever had to describe out loud the punctuation mark they see before their eyes, since I was 17 years old, calls it a backslash. I have NEVER met anyone my own age who calls it anything but a backslash and that means that I AM THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD WHO CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO. The worst was that a couple of months ago, during one of our Secret Life chats, this actually made it into a freakin' Applebees commercial, which means all the young teen girls who tune into the continuing misadventures of Amy Juergens are being indoctrinated with this poor grammar, and when they grow up, they'll teach their kids, and the cycle continues...

  6. Well the counter to that would be the 2 radio singles that came out and the Rock Band debut of a third song...


    And possibly the aggressive Dr. Pepper campaign, assuming we ever find out what the deal with that all was.

    All of that could be done without Axl's involvement.

  7. We "hate vagina" (good lord what a dopey gross phrase) so much, we spent years and years courting and drooling over CanadianChick, and welshjerichomark, and Chave's ugly-faced femme-chav friend with the decent rack and, for a while there, yes, Leena. Truly this place has always been a cauldron of unbridled (ugh) vagina hate.

    Don't forget XxMariaSantosxX

  8. Judgment isn't very good. I feel sorry for anyone who actually buys it. And I'm a big Castlevania fan, but this ain't anything more than a rental. Even for $20 there are better ways to spend your money.


    And all that Maria stuff is too weird. "Loli-con" (I just learned this phrase a couple of months ago, and I'd give anything to unlearn it) shit is something that's supposed to be confined to the deepest, darkest corners of the internet, not in the fine games of Konami Industry Co., Ltd. Like, why, Japan, why? Why do so many Japanese games and anime sexualize 12-year-old girls? Can anyone explain this to me?

  9. Meat applied just this morning, and I activated him. Whew. The Pit without Meaty Goodness would be like TSM without vagina-hating man-children...it's just not the same.



    And may I just give a sincere FUCK YOU to all the blacks at TSM that are so happy about being a black man that can succeed now because of Barack Obama.


    Every one of you fuckers encouraged the constant negativity and hatred towards Sarah Palin at that sexist shithole.


    While America took a big step forward electing a black President, the country also took a step backward with female rights.







    In all fairness, I'd buy TSM and delete the whole board. That's in fact, the only worth I'd ever get out of owning a messageboard filled with vagina fearing kids who hate the music you love.



    Which is obviously what TSM brings to the table.


    Current state of their CE section:


    "Yay, Obama."

    "Heh, misogyny is funny and cool."

    Marvin: "Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck."

    Entire board after every one of his 12433 posts like this: "GET HIM!!!"



    If we're going to accept sexist kids from the other board that only want to lurk and laugh at us, I don't really see that as a positive. But, whatever.


    Oh, btw, since we don't seem to have a Fuckin' TSM thread yet, I'll drop this here: hop over to our big retarded brother and take a gander in the ChocoSocko at the thread entitled "Mom sucks baby's wee wee". Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like, but that's not the point. It somehow evolved into a discussion of male-female equality, or lack thereof, specifically in the area of comedy. I've never seen this board's rampant misogyny bette illustrated than right there. I've known many men who make the mystifying judgement that ALL women are incapable of being funny, period; but this thread takes it to an extreme I've never previously seen. I personally don't understand why one would claim to have never laughed once at anyone from Katherine Hepburn to Sarah Silverman. I make the factually accurate point in that thread that guys who claim that chicks aren't funny never have any reason to back up this assertation; instead, they usually just say "they just aren't" and are incapable of deeper discussion. For this absolutely true statement, one of the mutants sneered that I have a case of "vagina envy". Which is kind of like saying that if you don't want black people to be treated as an inferior species, that makes you a nigger-lover. There aren't enough facepalm gifs in the world to express my disdain for these little boys and their fear of women.


    Petition to change title from thread from Will Barry blah blah blah to Fear of a Black Planet.

    Only if the blue board changes Current Events to Fear of the Vagina.







    Guns N’ Roses - Chinese Democracy


    November 21st, 2008 | 6:10 pm est | Stephen Thomas Erlewine


    To put Chinese Democracy in some perspective: it arrives 17 years after the twin Use Your Illusions, the last set of original music by Guns N’ Roses. Seventeen years prior to the Illusions, it was 1974, back before the Ramones and Sex Pistols, back before Aerosmith had Rocks and Toys in the Attic, back before Queen had A Night at the Opera — back before almost anything that Axl Rose worships even existed. Generations have passed in these 17 years but not for Axl. He cut himself off from the world following the trouble-ridden Illusion tour, retreating to the Hollywood Hills, swapping every original GNR member in favor for contract players culled from his mid-’90s musical obsessions — Tommy Stinson from the Replacements, Robin Finck from Nine Inch Nails, Buckethead from guitar magazines — as he turned into rock’s Charles Foster Kane, a genius in self-imposed exile spending millions to make his own Xanadu, Chinese Democracy.


    Like Xanadu, Chinese Democracy is a monument to man’s might, but where Kane sought to bring the world underneath his roof, Axl labored to create an ideal version of his inner world, working endlessly on a set of songs about his heartbreak, persecution and paranoia, topics well-mined on the Illusions. Using the pompous ten-minute epics “Estranged” and “November Rain” as his foundation, Axl strips away all remnants of the old, snake-dancing GNR, shedding the black humor and blues, replacing any good times with vindictive spleen in the vein of “You Could Be Mine.” All this melodrama and malevolence feels familiar and, surprisingly, so does much of Chinese Democracy, even for those listeners that didn’t hear the portions of the record as leaked demos and live tracks. Despite a few surface flourishes - all the endless, evident hours spent on ProTools, a hip-hop loop here, a Spanish six-string there, absurd elastic guitar effects - this is an album unconcerned with the future of rock & roll. One listen and it’s abundantly clear that Axl spent the decade-plus in the studio refining, not reinventing, obsessing over a handful of tracks, spending an inordinate amount of timing chasing the sound his head - that’s it, no more, no less.


    Such maniacal indulgence is ridiculous but strangely understandable: Rose received unlimited time and money to create this album, so why not take full advantage and obsess over every last detail? The odd thing is, he spent all this time and money on an album that is deliberately not a grand masterpiece — a record that pushes limits or digs deep — but merely a set of 14 songs. Compared to the chaotic Use Your Illusions, Chinese Democracy feels strangely modest, but that’s because it’s a single polished album, not a double album so over-stuffed it duplicates songs. Modest is an odd word for an album a decade-plus in the making, but Axl’s intent is oddly simple: he sees GNR not as a gutter-rock band but as a pomp-rock vehicle for him to lash out against all those that don’t trust him, whether it’s failed friends, lapsed fans, ex-lovers, former managers, fired band mates or rock critics. Chinese Democracy is the best articulation of this megalomania as could be possible, so the only thing to quibble about is his execution which occasionally is perplexing, particularly when Rose slides into hammy vocal inflections or encourages complicated guitar that only guitarists appreciate (it’s telling that the only memorable phrases from Robin Finck, Buckethead or Bumblefoot or whoever are ones that mimic Slash’s full-throated melodic growl). Even with these odd flourishes, it’s hard not to marvel, either in respect or bewilderment, at dense, immaculate wall of god knows how many guitars, synthesizers, vocals and strings.


    The production is so dense it’s hard to warm to, but it fits the music. These aren’t songs that grab and hold, they’re songs that unfold, so much so that Chinese Democracy may seem a little underwhelming upon its first listen: it’s not just the years of pent-up anticipation, it’s that Axl spent so much time creating the music — constructing the structure then filling out the frame — that there’s no easy way into the album. That, combined with the realization that Axl isn’t trying to reinvent GNR, just finishing what he started on the Illusions, can make Chinese Democracy seem mildly anticlimactic but Rose spent a decade plus working on this — he deserves to not have it dismissed on a cursory listen. Give it time, listening like it was 1998 not 2008, and the album does give up some terrific music - music that is overblown but not overdone. True, those good moments are the song that have kicked around the internet for the entirety of the new millennium: the slinky, spiteful “Better,” slowly building into its fury; the quite gorgeous, if heavy handed, “Street of Dreams;” “There was a Time,” which overcomes its acronym and lack of chorus on its sheer drama,; “Catcher in the Rye,” the lightest, brightest moment here; the slow, grinding “I.R.S.;” and “Madagascar,” a ludicrous rueful rumination that finds space for quotations from Martin Luther King amidst its trip-hop pulse. These aren’t innovations, they’re extensions of “Breakdown” and “Estranged,” epics that require some work to decode because Axl forces the listener to meet him on his own terms. This all-consuming artistic narcissism has become Rose’s defining trait, not letting him move forward, only to relentlessly explore the same territory over and over again. And this solipsism turns Chinese Democracy into something strangely, surprisingly simple: it won’t change music, won’t change any lives, it’s just 14 more songs about loneliness and persecution. Or as Axl put it in an apology for canceled concerts in 2006, “In the end, it’s just an album.” And it’s a good album, no less and no more.

  11. What the hell is with the retarded MSNBC captions during that clip?

    "Gov Palin keeps talking as turkeys get slaughtered behind her."

    "Gov Palin not realizing incongruity of her words versus her backdrop."

    Wow thanks for explaining exactly what I'm watching.

    I like their use of "TURKEY CARNAGE." Someone's band just got a new name!

  12. I wish I had it in me to laugh at "Madagascar." But I just can't, because this is a song I first heard seven years ago, and I didn't have a very refined sense of irony back then. It's just that song with the I Have A Dream and movie quotes. Nothing funny about that. :(

  13. He, and I'm sure a lot of others as well, just thinks it's kinda weird that you came out of nowhere and suddenly started lecturing the staff on their admittedly overinflated size.


    Actually, I was trying to save TSM by giving good advice. It only takes 1 admin to kill a place. It has happened to every board like this with very few admins in power so just imagine what will happen with 14 in power. Thats all I was saying.

    This board has over 150,000 posters making a million posts per day on average. 14 admins isn't nearly enough.



    Yeah, you fight the power too, bud.

  14. He, and I'm sure a lot of others as well, just thinks it's kinda weird that you came out of nowhere and suddenly started lecturing the staff on their admittedly overinflated size.


    Actually, I was trying to save TSM by giving good advice. It only takes 1 admin to kill a place. It has happened to every board like this with very few admins in power so just imagine what will happen with 14 in power. Thats all I was saying.

    This board has over 150,000 posters making a million posts per day on average. 14 admins isn't nearly enough.
