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Posts posted by BUTT

  1. He, and I'm sure a lot of others as well, just thinks it's kinda weird that you came out of nowhere and suddenly started lecturing the staff on their admittedly overinflated size. You can't just walk in and start making demands without rubbing people the wrong way.

  2. BTW here are some PMs I received from Justin at another board.






    czech said it was OK!


    but some do like it and those i appreciate i figure anyhting JINGUS hates is good




    he sure takes his PRO WRES seriosuly!




    my post must be approved by MOD


    but they no approve ANY


    maybe when czech first message me i shouldn't have had BETH write so he knew that...




    THAT VENKMAN guy shook, he is ebhind this, he edit/delete lot of my posts, before hand, like I had a great ROH post that was DELETED QUICKLY.




    he really is the PETER of that board

  3. I don't think there's anything to be sorry about for KRF. Have you ever looked back at the WWE and/or NHB folders back in '02? There were a whole lot of posts just like those of KaneRulesFan, only without any hint of sarcasm or irony. All I see from Justin is a guy who helped this board get back to its roots.

  4. Is it just me or does Matt Young make the same "ain't I the shit" facial expression in nearly every photo? No, it's not just me. I've procured photographic evidence that shows that Mr. Young feels there's never a wrong time for a smug face.




    For instance, here he is in the audience for Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. In a period during which the nation was torn by war, while the Great Emancipator was giving what is regarded as possibly the greatest speech of all time, Matt Young couldn't help but mug for the camera.




    Then there was the time he was cast on the hit 80's sitcom The Hogan Family. You won't see him in any episodes because he was fired before the show premiered. Matt lost his chance to act alongside Valerie Harper and Jason Bateman because when a female producer asked him to stop looking so smug, he called her a disgusting slutty cunt and promised he would defile her phone book listing. (Matt was replaced with the much more courteous and respectful Jeremy Licht.)




    And even on Matt's recent trip to China, he couldn't stop looking smug when visiting a sweatshop! I've seen some narcissistic TSM posters before, but I think Matt Young really takes the proverbial cake of egotism.


    If anyone has any more photos of Matt Young looking smug in an inappropriate public setting, I think you should show them here. Maybe the only way for Matt to see how we see him is for him to see himself.

  5. HTQ was a real trip back in '05. He was just a normal, reasonable dude until he got mod powers and then...




    - KOAB for saying that Eddie should go over Batista for the title. Smackdown's ratings share has been .089 percent higher since Batista won the belt when you take into account the audience disparity since the move to Friday, and Meltzer says that merchandise sales are up 25 cents per head at the house shows. Think before you type you fucking moron.*


    *This post never actually happened. But it damn well could have. That man got power, and the fucking claws came out. Look at him now. Take away the mod spot, he's just fine.

  6. I think it's awesome that NOA is working so hard to keep the Wii library pathetically limited. Keep up the good work!

    Burning Wii games to a DVD-R and playing them is painfully easy, even without a modchip. Same thing with WiiWare and VC games. It makes sense that they'd want to lock that out.



    You could enjoy the stupid exercise game, the stupid music game, or the worst Wario platform game aside from Master of Disguise!!

    Wii Fit is a good product. It's basically an interactive fitness video, kinda like Kiana's Flex Appeal but with instant feedback and without a sexy Asian lady in a bathing suit. Wii Music is, from the limited amount I've played with it, not so good, and isn't worth more than a rental. I thought the new Wario Land was very good, but it too could be beaten within the span of a rental period.



    I want to see Captain Rainbow released here, if for no other reason than to get Christian Fundies ticked off.



    I don't ever want to see that game over here. It seemed like a promising enough idea until I found out about the "retrieve Birdo's vibrator" mission. I'll accept some wacked-out idea in games, but none that involve Mario villains masturbating.
