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Posts posted by BUTT

  1. Speaking of Pitchfork, I'm still betting on them not giving this a straight review. Either a picture of a deer sticking its antlers up another deer's BUTT or something like their St. Anger review where they wrote an esoteric short story filled with Metallica song titles to show how down they were with the band's old catalogue.

  2. And judging from the reviews, they be far from the only ones not behind this album. I guess since theirs was the first official published review, they wouldn't have known that. But really, how could you not know. There's going to be people who don't like it, and I have a feeling that there are going to be some people who do like it but feels that it's JUST WRONG to like it because it isn't the real band. But I doubt that there will be those who don't like it that think they have to pretend they do. So go after it, RS! It's a low-risk venture! But Rolling Stone has always been pretty pro-Axl (especially this dude who wrote the review, who also appeared on the GNR Behind the Music a few years back). And besides which, they know if they trash his album, he won't give them that exclusive silence-breaking cover story they want from him. Then again, who isn't Rolling Stone in favor of? ("Republicans." No, I meant in music.) Meat Loaf, that's who. They never liked Meat Loaf. Everyone else is A-OK with them.

  3. The real deal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upkpZjnckAc


    Holy fuck, is this song awful. Hearing it for real kinda kills the mystique, too.


    The Casio version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSZz381Dc28


    Highly superior.


    This is a legit great moment for me; it's like downloading my first NES emulator, or when I was 12 and I discovered a Beta tape that had an episode of Finders Keepers on it.

  4. That Cindy Sanders heel turn is something else. Sam should have figured something was up when she agreed to go out with him. No super-cool cheerleader goes out with a dude that geeky unless she's hiding some terrible secret that would make no normal guy want anything to do with her. Like being a Republican. Hi-yo! The best thing on the DVD set is the deleted scene where they're in her room and she tries to make up for their lost slow dance in the pilot by having him sing "Come Sail Away" to her while they slowly sway in each others' arms. Do you know what kind of shit they canceled this show for? "Tucker" and "Daddio"! Remember Tucker and Daddio? No? Exactly! When I rediscovered this show last summer after not seeing it for several years, I had to watch it out of order. I couldn't bear to watch the final episode last. It would have been too depressing.


    I think half this show's cast appeared on Boston Public. Sam (nerdy kid who gets beat up, keeps a hitlist, asks a hot girl to the prom and she says no so he says "you'll be sorry" and she thinks he wants to kill her so he gets expelled), Neil (just a wisecrackin' dude), Millie (wears too much garish makeup), Cindy (out of control goth who moves in with an obese teacher), Vicki the bitchy cheerleader (sucked a dick in the hallway for student council votes), Biff Tannen (football dad). Any more?

  5. I never understood you Canucks with your "Kraft Dinner." Macaroni and cheese, while obviously a popular dish, is too specialized a meal to just be given the generic "Dinner" tag. Who gave these cheeseheads the right to label their product "dinner"? Nobody! Call it what it is! It's more of a lunch food anyway.



  6. You're not telling me anything I don't already know. Why are you guys trying to dissuade me from going into politics? I haven't laid out anything that could be considered a future plan, the only thing that I've said is that I want to run for public office sometime in the future. Sucks that you guys had to cut your dreams short, but really now, give the cynicism a rest. It's too late in the year to improve your standings in PotY. If the only thing you want to say to this is "you're young, things change," you're preaching to the choir. I'm going to finish college, of course, but this isn't something that I just woke up with one day.

    Probably should cut that Hanson hair before you declare your candidacy.

  7. Get Paid to Travel

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    Google mocks my failed dreams :(


    Eh, writing is worthless as a profession. Unless you're planning to become a novelist, which you probably are since you're the most urbane dude here and you read a lot of books. But a degree in professional writing? That's bullshit and it won't get you anywhere. Well, scratch that. Won't get ME anywhere. I suppose going through the rigors of higher education will give you the benefit of more knowledge. But that piece of paper won't take you anywhere. (Yeah, I know you wanted to go to grad school. But just graduating once should mean something, shouldn't it? More and more I'm feeling like my bachelor's degree is worth about as much as passing middle school.) I'm a college graduate and my parents want me to take a job at a fucking gas station so I can pay my car insurance. Don't they know my friends are going to laugh at me?


    Byron the Bulb, are you black? Czech thought you were and I was like "no way, that dude's totally white." Maybe in his world, refined Caucasoids can't appreciate Weezy F. Baby, but I know what's up.

  8. I remember when this story first broke, like the first few hours of the story, I was at my college internship site, and I couldn't log on here. But the early news stories reported the dude's name only as "Mr. F." and I really wanted to get on TSM so I could post this and then write "FOR AUSTRIAN EYES ONLY!!" But no, by the time I got home, Josef's name was already public knowledge. Ruined the chance for some good boardin', the damn baby killer.

  9. All threads regarding any recently published, arbitrarily ordered list. How about everyone stop giving a fuck that Blender/Rolling Stone/VH-1 has ranked this singer/song/album over that singer/song/album? It's not as if any real discussion results from these threads, it's all "I can't believe Hanson only ranked #69! Why didn't Vengaboys make the list?"

    Oh, is that a shot at me, you Schwimmer-looking banana muffin? I'll start whatever goddamn thread I want in YOUR folder. Doesn't start real discussion? GOOD, I'M FUCKING GLAD. I wasn't trying to celebrate the release of the vaunted P.Fork's indisputable list of great songs, I was making fun of them for recycling 70% of their crappy list from the semi-annual Rolling Stone/Entertainment Weekly/Spin/Blender/NME and whoeverthefuckelse Tribute To The Same Couple Hundred Canonized Songs Of The Last Few Decades. I thought the Fork was supposed to be better than that, lest it be not deserving of all the hipster fawning it receives. Pitchfork is bullshit you're bulshit music folder is bullshit. I can't believe you used to be my hero, Inc. Wanna make out?
