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Posts posted by BUTT

  1. Ehh, it's dumb to do it like that. They should have just had them beat him up and been like "consider that your initiation. If you've got any balls you'll come back." And then he'd wouldn't come back and he's look like a pussy. Announcing that a dude is going to the other promotion, especially when the dude is right there on your TV as you're saying it, is just...I don't know, it's wrong. But then again, I don't have any unresolved issues due to discovering that Vince McMahon, the man I see as a father figure, doesn't respect me as much as I respect him, so forgive me if I don't have the insight required to understand why mentioning WWE on every show is so brilliant.

  2. Not as a whole, only the low-sodium ready-to-serve chicken noodle soup. It was terrible. I don't think it was Homestyle. What does that entail? Being thicker? This was kinda thick. A little thicker than I prefer my chicken soup to be. Maybe it was. I sound like an old man with health problems, complaining that my sodium-restricted soup was not tasty enough. My back hurts.

    No, homestyle means little, inch-long, super-thin noodles. I don't know why it's called such because that sure as hell ain't how they make soup in my family. We use rotini, though. I'm sure not everyone does that. BUT THEY SHOULD.




    I go through phases with soup. Sometimes I prefer Progresso, and sometimes Campbell's. When I'm making Progresso, I like to leave it boiling for a couple of minutes longer than I probably should. It makes a lot of the broth evaporate, but it gives it a thicker consistency. Probably thicker than you'd like, Czech. I don't mind if the soup I get from Chinese restaurants is just chicken-flavored water, but the canned stuff? Yeah, I need just a little more.

  3. That soup doesn't rock, if I remember correctly.


    Are you talking about Campbell's Soup as a whole, or just the low-salt kind? Because we have a few cans of low-sodium Homestyle chicken noodle in the house, and there ain't no WAY I'm eating that crap. But anyone who doesn't like regular Campbell's is a fuckin' heathen.

  4. Wasn't Rude actually hurt here and thus didn't face Simmons for the title? I would think he had to be in line to win the title here. When he came back he ended up mired in a feud with Dustin over the US title for months on end, before finally getting the bogus "world title" later in 1993.

    I e-mailed Meltzer once to ask him if Rude was supposed to win. He said didn't remember what was going on during that period of time. THE ONE THING HE DOESN'T KNOW. I suppose if we wait a year we'll get the Observers from that era posted online.

  5. Rude got screwed. :(


    Great King of Cable match. And awesome tag title match. But what a flat ending to finish a show with a battle royal which nobody cared about.


    I liked the old Starrcade theme. It's too bad they have to overdub that.


    I've never seen the full version of this show. I just used to rent the 2-hour version from my local video store. Time to see the Lethal Lottery tag matches in full for the first time!

  6. Oh I'll admit that he's a super-fascinating character, but that doesn't change the fact that most of his music is pretty bad.

    What, he isn't "twee" enough, you freakin' goonzer?


    Oh, and remember when you couldn't move two inches without bumping into another fucking instance of that stupid "A Little Less Conversation" remix? Was that the pits or what? I mean, geez, usually when we get sledgehammered with songs like that, they're either really good, really bad, or really fun-bad. Here we were just getting shellacked with C-minus work.

    Life in the U.K. circa 2002 was pretty rough for you, wasn't it Dan.

  7. Oh, I'm pretty sure I've said this before. But there should be a new Space Harrier for WiiWare. Or it could be a retail game, I don't care. But you could just use the Wiimote to move the Harrier AND shoot. Now that's perfect. There was an arcade sequel about 7 years ago called Planet Harriers. I wonder how that was. They should just port that. It'll be at home with all Sega's other 7-8 year old ports like Samba de Amigo and Bass Fishing.

  8. Ohio has gone to Obama.


    John McCain needs to flip one of Kerry's states from 2004, such as Michigan, to win it all.




    The totals going for Obama look surprisingly large in Ohio, so I don't think I'm out of line to say that the shit Jennifer Brunner was pulling with the ACORN registrations certainly didn't help McCain.


    Let the unreality begin!!



    He didn't follow that with a parenthetical explanation of the shit Jennifer Brunner was pulling with the ACORN registrations. I'm surprised. Although I guess everyone over there knows what he's talking about anyway.
