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Posts posted by BUTT

  1. I didn't have a problem with goofy Angle during his feud with HHH. It made for a good dynamic. But once he won the belt, they should have dropped the comedy from his character.


    Now Kurt's saying when his TNA contract expires, he's doing MMA. Maybe he will, but I think it's more likely he's angling (PUN!) for a big raise in his next deal, or for WWE to offer him a deal, and preferably to be able to play both sides to get the highest amount of money.

  2. There are two WiiWare games up today which look somewhat interesting. The first is the new Bomberman game, which is almost always good unless you try to make it all Xtreme like the 360 game. The other is a new Nintendo-published game called Orbient: Art Style which is a remake of a Japan-only GBA game that was part of the "bit Generations" series and which I don't think had even been announced before being released.

  3. I am currently unemployed, no doubt a side effect of my picking the utterly useless "Professional Writing" major. You'd think there'd be a large variety of jobs out there for someone with my skill set, but there aren't, especially considering that I live out in the middle of nowhere. I'm trying to find work as a freelance writer and that's going nowhere. Christ, I am such a boner.

  4. If I have my way, a fellow from Minnesota will make a strong indpendent run in 2012.


    Not Jesse Ventura, please...


    Me? haha

    What Snuffy is saying is he wants Norm Coleman to leave the Republicans and join up with a party that really gets things done on the issues of flag burning and prayer in schools.

  5. Yeah, well, I don't believe Bischoff. Of course he goes out of his way now to bury Luger and make it look like he only took him back because he REALLY HAD TO. Whatever he was making, Pillman's belief was that Lex was making around $400K at the time.


    Pillman would have done the job because Hogan wanted to beat him. I guess Hulk thought beating an over heel would give him the rub or something (I know that doesn't make sense, considering we're talking about Hulk Hogan, arguably the biggest star ever, but when has he ever made sense?). Also, Pillman was hyped for Uncensored despite him never committing to being there. He told them he wasn't coming, but they still hyped him anyway because they thought he eventually would agree. He didn't.

  6. I'll just post what I wrote at the Pit:


    You're saying this as though it's a given he would have gone to WWF. Pillman never wanted to leave WCW. He just wanted to make as much money as Luger was making (he had a weird hang-up about Luger). The reason why he didn't resign with WCW wasn't so much due to money as it was that Bischoff insisted on keeping the 90-day release cycle cause in his contract. Whether Eric would have been willing to budge on that if he wasn't in the accident, I don't know. But Brian wanted to stay in WCW.

  7. I had to buy shitty weed,


    Deon never posted a thread about banging anyone, so I assume he's never been sex and will die alone. Rot in hell killing yourself forever and take your mental twin Jerichoholic with you.


    Deon you embedded a shitty YouTube video in the Bond thread the other day and it crashed my computer. Probably not your fault but then again fuck you.


    Mods ban Jerichoholic next.


    idk looks like it's working pretty well

  8. God Smues, you are such a fucking piece of shit. You and your fucking warnings bullshit, acting all tough because you live in a fucking igloo with HOCKEYMOM as your governor, and now you're threatening to warn people. Well I know for a FACT that you don't have the guts to warn me, and I'm so sure of that fact that I am vowing that if I am warned, I will cut my own right index finger off and eat it for dinner. But I don't have to worry about that, do I, bitch? Because I'm the motherfucking Sensei, and I'm not afraid of anyone, especially not a guy who paid money to be a mod on forums.thesmartmarks.com. See you at the gay bar, queenie.

  9. Yes it was. Remember jumping up and down in the gym at middle school dances to that song? Good times. 1999-2000 was a last gasp of good top 40 radio before it turned into the wasteland of Nickelback and American Idol that it pretty much is to this day. At least if Travis dies from his wounds, he'll be able to join fellow plane crash victim and circa '99 chart mainstay Aaliyah.

    I didn't go to any school dances between '98 and 2000. Sorry, Blink means nothing to me.
