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Posts posted by BUTT

  1. I had a dream about TSM just last night. Take this for what it's worth, but I dreamed that Inc and Byron were hanging out in my basement talking about books or something and I came down after showering to get some clothes. For whatever reason I dropped my towel and Inc turned around so he didn't have to looked at my ass, but Byron kept facing me. Strangely, they didn't look how Inc and Byron actually look. Couple this with the dream I had a few years ago about Kotz making out with my college roommate and you better believe TSM has turned me into a latent very attractive in a way that I can't explain.

  2. I only played the demo of Dead Rising on 360 and I found the giant swarm of enemies to be annoying, so the Wii's technical limitations could make this a better game, at least in my view. I enjoyed RE4 on Wii and this uses the same engine. Really, DR appeals to me as an action game set in a mall because I wanted to see one of those for years before Capcom actually made one. They took out photography, which would have been perfect for the Wii controller but taking pictures in games isn't any fun so whatever.

  3. *It's time for a lot of these old jocks to move along. Steve Dahl fucked shit up thirty years ago, and by the time CBS fired him in September, he was just an old sobered-up middle-aged guy talking about where he went to dinner last night and the mild indigestion it gave him. That there's still a market for the greats of the 1980s baffles and depresses me. I know the old AM1000 produced some of the most entertaining and nationally influential radio programming in history, but I wasn't there for it in 1989. They shouldn't be there for me in 2009. They're washed up.

    Czech, you know you're my e-bud and all, but one of these days you're going to have to learn that not everyone on this board is from Chicago.

  4. They change ratings and reviews sometimes too. Back in 2001 I was enjoying an ironic fandom of Vanilla Ice's Limp Bizkit imitations, and I distinctly remember that the AMG review of his album Bipolar, after ripping it to shreds of course, stated that "the sad thing is, Vanilla Ice is still better than most of the nu-metal bands on the radio today." You won't find that line if you read the review right now, however. They took it out, I guess because they thought it would wreck their credibility if they suggested anyone, even Puddle of Mudd or Trapt or Adema or Taproot, were worse than Rob Van Winkle. They also downgraded their St. Anger star rating.

  5. The thing you have to realize about Allmusic (and I don't take it seriously at all, mind you) is that Erlewine seems to be trying to approach music from the position of a populist critic - the Roger Ebert of music criticism, as it were. Therefore his reviews are less focused on where an album fits into the canon of great musical triumphs and more on just if an album succeeds at what its creators intended for it to be.


    Also, you can't take those star ratings seriously. Read the reviews of the two Use Your Illusion albums and see Steve Tom pretty well SON them, but they still both got 4.5 stars. And also, Paris Hilton's album is better than Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.
