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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Sony sues Lik Sang the hell out of business

    Immersion sued them over Rumble, yeah. As a result, Sony had to fork over a huge settlement and (allegedly as part of the settlement) cannot have rumble functionality of any kind in PS3. Immersion offered to develop a motion sensor and rumble PS3 controller "cheap" to Sony after Sony claimed the lack of rumble in the PS3 was a cost issue. Many folks said the patent at the center of the dispute was too broad, though. I don't know all the specifics, exactly.
  2. AndrewTS

    Sony sues Lik Sang the hell out of business

    That's a rhetorical question. In the past 8-ish months Sony's made it clear that, at the very least, the heads of the companies have complete and utter contempt for all their customers. And I suppose we now have our answer as to if the PS3 is all region for *all* games, including PS1 and PS2--no. Terrific. There goes yet another reason I was interested in it.
  3. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    October 24th -- Justice League Unlimited Season 1 DVD box set comes out. Also Batman Beyond Season 2.
  4. AndrewTS

    Justice League Heroes :: The Thread

    I bought that game brand new on a Black Friday sale for like $8 and still haven't even tried it yet. I heard the Xbox Superman game was okay before, but I don't know on that. However, it has to at least be better than the Aquaman game. Well, come on--try the game already and give a report on it! The XBox game is crap on a cracker. I haven't played the Aquaman game but I've seen game footage of it. It looks every bit as bad. The flying controls are as awful as the Aquaman swimming controls look, plus the voice acting is so horrible that George Reeve rose from the dead to personally punch and double-noggin-knocker each person who was involved in its production.
  5. AndrewTS

    Justice League Heroes :: The Thread

    I've heard Superman: Shadow of Apokolips on PS2 was actually decent, which would make it the best of the lot. However, nobody I know has ever played it.
  6. AndrewTS

    Justice League Heroes :: The Thread

    Yeah, but that still sucks a little; it's a below-average beat 'em up.
  7. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    The PS2 also cost less in the first place. Sony will probably do, like a $20 price drop a year from now. These are the same people who are selling the PS2 brand new for $129 right now. Although I think the $499 model may ultimately become more popular, if consumers have a choice. If MGS4 is out by this time next year, I don't think there will be a price drop period, though.
  8. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Doesn't appear so--seems to be all 1st Party for now, with undoubtedly more to come soon after. "Under $15" isn't a bad deal, pretty competitive with MS/Nintendo. Although I would assume the number of gamers interested in PS1 games are very slim, and you could get 3 or so PS1 games at pawn shops/gamestops everywhere for the same price. I'd like to see Jumping Flash! enhanced for the Sony store. Hell, give me a next gen sequel--**** Sonic.
  9. AndrewTS

    PS3 .VS. Wii .VS. Xbox 360?

    I'm honestly more interested in PS1 downloads than I should be. It appears once you download it to your PS3 you can then sync it to your PSP. Then I realize the cost of a PSP and PS3 will run you like at least $650 bucks, then it seems less appealing, but hey--maybe in the future I'll take great advantage of it.
  10. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Sony's new press event, which wasn't phenomonally awful for once: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6160127.html Highlights: The "launch window" titles, which are short on exclusive releases. Kaz/Phil having some fun with the Riiiiiiiiidge Racer! thing. Talladega Nights comes free with the launch PS3s. Who needs games?! Other pack-in stuff: "2:18 p.m.: Tretton brings up the Sixaxis controller, emphasizing that it doesn't require any outside sensors, and says we'll see some wonderful uses for it in the very near future. Also in the box is an AC cord (no brick), a USB minicable, an Ethernet cable, and a multi-AV cable with composite connector." A playable game demo: "2:34 p.m.: Now Harrison is talking about the Sixaxis controller and welcomes the founder of Factor 5 to demo Lair. 2:36 p.m.: It starts off with a soldier walking up to a dragon. The player uses the controller's motion sensitivity to control the camera and then jumps on the dragon. Once on the dragon, he uses the motion sensitivity to control it. He says it's the ideal way to implement flight control and compares it to holding the dragon's reins. By jerking the controller to one side, the dragon moves evasively in that direction. 2:37 p.m.: The dragon lands and starts wandering through a field of enemy archers, spilling them on one side before taking off again. 2:38 p.m.: Now he enters into combat with a dark dragon. Upon closing the distance, the dragons enter into melee combat, the enemy rider is dismounted, the protagonist drives his weapon into the dark dragon's head, and jumps back to his own winged terror." "2:47 p.m.: In the Network Functionality part of the media bar, there's an Internet browser. Harrison says it is fully functioning and free out of the box. He opens up a YouTube page with a quick recap of Sony's Electronic Entertainment Expo conference. 'Riidge Racer!'" On PS1 d/ls: "2:59 p.m.: He confirms the purchase, and Harrison interrupts to emphasize that this is a live demo that will work exactly like this at our own homes. If you buy it on one PS3, you can go download it on up to five more PS3s. 3:00 p.m.: Harrison says they haven't priced everything just yet, but they expect downloadable games to be $14.99 and under, with very low pricing for game components. Smedley shows off the View All tab, which breaks the content down into categories like demos, game content, standard-definition trailers, high-definition trailers, and so on." And so on... I suspect major bandwagon jumping to the PS3 again soon, at least until they do/say something else stupid.
  11. AndrewTS

    PS3 .VS. Wii .VS. Xbox 360?

    PS3 launch ti--er, "launch window" titles announced: http://www.joystiq.com/2006/10/19/playstat...tles-announced/ That's pathetic. Hardly any exclusives and one of them is the crab game? Plus Resistance is going to be an atomic bomb in Japan.
  12. AndrewTS


    If you're buying the games anyway, it's a good deal. However, you don't need to buy a Nintendo memory card. It has 512 MB on board to go, and apparently can save to standard SD Compact Flash.
  13. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Rental stores around me kind of suck. I usually get "new releases" like a month later at best. Plus, they seem to have problems keeping inventory up to date. Tomb Raider Legend is not a new release!! No one is going to pay $29.99 for a pre-played Snake Eater! Well, I intended to rent Legend of Spyro, or God Hand, or Valkyrie Profile 2. Well, none of the above were present and I didn't want to bother with MK Armageddon--so I rented Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's based on that Nick show that is pretty much the only original one that doesn't suck. No, not the one with the sponge guy potheads giggle at. The one you see with all the action figures these days that has the little bald dude with a blue arrow on his head. I already beat it. It's pretty much an action RPG, but with a somewhat confusing inventory system and somewhat spotty hit detection. It's kind of funny how the bird's eye perspective doesn't do a good job of hiding the graphical shortcuts (stairs are flat textures!). However, it had some decent presentation and you got to beat the hell out of lots of things. Average game at best, but the kiddies probably will really like it.
  14. AndrewTS

    PS3 .VS. Wii .VS. Xbox 360?

    Blu-Ray and HD-DVD have at least one more thing in common: their movie cases suck-- http://www.shacknews.com/screens.x/ces2006..._ces2006_24.jpg http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=28907 Uggggggggggggh. Will this spill over into the PS3 games? It doesn't seem so. I picked up a flyer for the PS3 from Gamestop, and it seems most of the launch titles are listed, with mock-up cover art. None of them seem to use standard sized DVD cases like the Wii and XB360. However, they seem to differ in size. They seem slightly tallker than they are wide, so apparently they will come in their own unique cases.
  15. AndrewTS


    No, Wii Sports is listed separately. I suspect it's either a) software for your computer, b) the free Opera browser early adopters get, which will be pulled after the deal is up, or c) some sort of utility for the Wii itself, like a restore disk or software updater.
  16. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    What took you so long? I could have told you it was awesome years ago! *is kind of glad Japan didn't care for SoT* A few times she'll accidentally shoot you with the bow. That really sucks. However, you'll miss her if you play WW.
  17. AndrewTS

    Mortal Kombat Armageddon

    Yeah, I doubt Ed Boon knows about the Amiga one, aside from a royalty check years ago.
  18. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Most SNK fans are crap at them as well, actually.
  19. AndrewTS


    Mayhaps I posted a bit soon. Seriously? I doubt that.
  20. AndrewTS

    Mortal Kombat Armageddon

    http://www.gamespot.com/pages/contests/ind...ontest=mkscream MK1 GG? That's nothing.... How about the Turkish GG MK3 Anya has? With no Valkyrie Profile 2, God Hand or Legend of Spyro to rent, it was either MKA or Avatar. I went with the 2nd choice. Overall I'm glad I did. What the hell have they been spending all this time on? *2* fighting styles so they can recycle the old styles across all the characters? Ridiculous. Text endings. No original art. No real bios. No real ending. wtf.
  21. AndrewTS


    God forbid I dislike companies bribing magazines to get 9+'s for their games. And over a year later, it seems that R* didn't fill the moneyhats afterall, because the game was able to get by on its own merits, and we didn't get 9+ scores. Plus, just like we knew last year, the content is extremely tame, and JT knew jack about the game.
  22. AndrewTS

    The Grudge II

    I thought it was lame, not the least damn bit scary, and occasionally interesting. However, pretty much as a rule I hate PG-13 horror. Not because I have to have gore, but you pretty much never get anything honestly disturbing and freaky. Crap horror I can let slide with some good gore, intentionally funny scenes, and nudity--but, as you can imagine that ain't happening here. The really overdo the appearances of the catboy/ghost. By the time you get to the bus ride, it's damn downright comical. With a slight rewrite, this could have been Not Another Localized Japanese Horror Movie.
  23. AndrewTS

    Venture Brothers season 2

    The minions discovering the wings actually work was great. "Why does nobody tell me these things!" I have to wonder if they're going to go for the extremely obvious for Dr. GF's big secret, or something a bit weirder.
  24. Just for anyone considering a mac--the mac mini is the most stable computer (hardware-wise) they have. iMacs look nice but it seems as soon as they started stuffing everything behind the display, they started getting into trouble. This is the last good iMac: http://www.granneman.com/images/imac_flat_panel.jpg. Get a Mac Mini, max it out, spending the rest on a nice display and you're gold.
  25. AndrewTS

    Clubhouse Games

    Ever since two calls to Nintendo wi-fi tech support were only temporary fixes at best, I'll probably just wait until I get the Wii + ethernet kit and use that as my hotspot.