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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    http://vnes.thatsanderskid.com/ It works kind of like EveryVideoGame's setup--except that the window is better, and the sound isn't so bad you have to turn it off completely.
  2. AndrewTS


  3. xbox 360 related question... Since I'm stuck with a SDTV that only supports RG6, if I want to go for that Wii60 option and not have the games look like total ass, I'm going to have to use it on a computer monitor with VGA. However, it's hard to tell just how those VGA cables with the 360 hook up. My monitors don't have just a port on them; it has a cable coming out of the display, and the cable hooks up to the back of the computer. So, does the 360 vga cable just screw together with those types of display VGA cables? Does it come with a small adapter to link them together?
  4. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    My Gamestop filled a whopping 4 of the preorders as of 11 AM EST. Guy behind the counter believes they are all cores. So....they may or may not all get them, if the previously mentioned core-to-premium ratio is correct. Naturally, they all signed that waiver that they may not get the system at launch... Has anyone seen that? Does it also contain a section where the buyer cannot sell the system on Ebay?
  5. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I found this rant rather interesting: http://www.weeklygeekshow.com/2006/07/toda...little_kids.php Even more than that, I noticed something I've ranted on before... "Whenever I am in a game store and I see a kid less than 10 years old, all I ever hear them talking about is rad graphics, violent games or sports games. The kids never want to play the cutesy platformer style games that most people would attribute to their demographic. It's always Madden or GTA, because it is what the older kids are playing. It is what the cool kids are playing. What do they get out of these experiences?"
  6. AndrewTS

    Mortal Kombat Armageddon

    Game Informer gave it 8.25, but not really. The review said "we hate this game" but the score said "...but Gamestop pays our bills."
  7. AndrewTS


    No, white only at launch in all regions. Other colors coming 2007. Some good Wii info at these links: http://www.hellogamer.com/2006/09/14/japan...ails-announced/ http://www.mobiletechreview.com/ubbthreads...mp;Number=25257
  8. AndrewTS

    Venture Brothers season 2

    I loved seeing Killinger as the Justice of the Peace--although I can't help but think he'll be some sort of deus ex machina.
  9. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    "IIRC?" No, that's wrong. Sony has been mum on the region-free's affect on b.c. games. Sony promised "region free for gaming", but Blu-Ray regions have the US lumped together with Asia anyway. Of course, I don't really believe Sony on that point.
  10. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    With Sony's current marketing strategy, I think they might pack in 2 controllers. The 2nd one would only come with the Premium Pack, and in bold letters on the front it would say "For Your Filthy, Lazy, Swine Friend Who Wouldn't Work Enough Hours to Afford Our Glorious Technology. GET WITH IT!" However the Spiderman movie font doesn't set it off quite right.
  11. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    You'll get at least 1 controller. That's like a rule.
  12. AndrewTS

    Venture Brothers season 2

    Ep's on now--no real intro at all... "You couldn't have done this...I don't know...*ANY TIME* in the past ten years?!?" (After the henchmen captured Brock, Doc, Hank, and Dean) Brock: "You're next to Sargeant Hatred and Guest." (Hank winces) Dr. Venture: "I can't remember a day of my life that you didn't **** up." Pt. 2 next week.
  13. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Yeah. They'll play PS2 and PS1 games; you need an accessory to move PS1/PS2 memory card saves onto the harddrive, though. Unknown is whether or not the "region free" gaming feature includes PS2 and PS1 games.
  14. AndrewTS


    Consider me a Wii early adopter, but I fear there's a lot of misconception about the Wii. While everyone seems to brush off the "updated Gamecube" stuff as Sony Crab-boy propaganda, Nintendo basically admits it's true. Plus, it's not like the games are just going to be "a bit less pretty" on Wii. For example: Assassin's Creed. We're looking at a 1st gen PS3 title, a 2nd gen 360 title, and no-way-in-hell-ever Wii title. The game simply can't be done unless you make the crowds a bunch of mindless drones. That would gut the game and ruin everything the creators imagined from the beginning. However, this being Ubi, there could be such an interation in the works (see the rumored launch list indicating Wii and PSP versions). Call of Duty Twii seems to be suffering from similar problems. Now Nintendo could be lying and the Wii really is a Trojan horse with some amazing, magical horsepower--but that's very unlikely. In 4 months I suspect a lot of the Wii bandwagon jumpers will be disappointed, with expectations far beyond what they'll actually get. Nintendo hasn't positioned the Wii to be any more than it is; an alternative to the current gaming scene, not necessarily a replacement. I'll be honest--not having Assassin's Creed as launch is going to be really annoying for me. However, until the PS3 doesn't cost and arm and a leg, and until MS makes a machine I have enough confidence in that I expect it to still be running for a long time, Wii it is for me. I'll be able to make much more informed buying system and enjoy the hell out of my Wii/DS/PS2 for quite a while.
  15. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Excellent. I need hundreds of hours of FMV for Kingdom Hearts 3. What is the difference b/w the 499 and 599 unites? http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...t&p=2332794 Remember that we don't yet know where KH3 is landing, though.
  16. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    They'll release an upgraded PS2 with a new gimmick controller and sell it for $250. The PS3 could have been exactly that, and consumers/publishers would have extremely happy and they'd still kick the 360's ass without much effort. Tetsuya Takahashi just wet himself thinking about the possibilities. Well played.
  17. AndrewTS

    Venture Brothers season 2

    Almost as good was I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills. A woman who claims to be Hank/Dean's mother kidnaps the boys. There's some hilarious interaction of HELPER with Brock, Orpheus with Dr. Venture (always great stuff there), the way Brock defused the situation, and Brock/Doc's botched cover-up attempt. "...ok, so I ****ed her!! What of it?!" Plus, just like in Assassinanny 911, we see Doc has a thing for dangerous women.
  18. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    They probably will begin phasing it out, like it appears MS has done with the Core. Only Sony will probably put out a press release saying that "due to the superior value offered, customers are *happy* to pay the $599 price for our superior configuration."
  19. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    The double whammy of DS Lite plus New Super Mario Bros. knocked a lot of fence-straddlers into purchasing one, especially in the US. The sales for NSMB have been insane. PSP could make a bigger impact in the US with a price drop...but instead, Sony decides a crap bundle is a better value.
  20. AndrewTS

    Venture Brothers season 2

    Youtube has the ep, btw. Just search for venture + muertos and you got it. I'm really happy to hear the show has been getting really good ratings, too. Doctor Venture's to-do list: * Beat God at his own game * Get money * Increase my word power * Pushups! * Make everything [...] my way
  21. AndrewTS

    Venture Brothers season 2

    Thanks to the annoying delay and the pushed back eps, there wasn't much discussion here... However, if you missed last weeks ep (Viva Los Muertos, written by Ben Edlund), try to find it to download/torrent--it's really awesome. It's a very dark, twisted, messed-up and hilarious episode featuring a parody of the Scooby Doo gang modeled off famous criminals (Ted Bundy, Patty Hearst, Valerie Solanis and the Son of Sam--and yes, the Scooby parody talks to the tortured "Sammy", wanting him to do the "master's bidding"). Plus, Dr. Venture playing God a little, and Brock actually struggling with guilt over killing. Orpheus brings his usual slice of ham to the table as well. Really different from how the season first started... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY4JY1FrIyY Tomorrow is part 1 of the 2-part season finale.
  22. AndrewTS

    Mortal Kombat Armageddon

    "This is one of those games that's impossible to hate unless you're a Bible-thumping right-wing anti-violence activist from a state redder than Hell Boy." The reviewer is an idiot. I like how they have a briefer, ADD version of the review. You know, for the folks who didn't want that EXHAUSTIVE look into the gameplay and just the quick and dirty.
  23. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Would is one thing, could is another. As mentioned already in this thread, supposedly only 1 in 5 of the estimated 400,000 PS3s we'll be getting are the $499 configurations. It's a forced choice, essentially.
  24. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    PSP as ?
  25. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3
