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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    PS2 God of War 2: Divine Retribution confirmed

    New preview: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3153516 In this demo build it appears GoW2 is now ripping off Neo-Prince of Persia with its own version of a time manipulation gimmick, although it's more limited. I wholeheartedly approve, but kind of wish it was more of a ripoff.
  2. AndrewTS

    Mega Man ZX ships tomorrow

    Yeah, I'm beginning to see that. Anyway, more I play the more I love this game. There are warp points, as I expected. While there *are* pits, falling into one merely penalizes you with a bit of life as your biometal pulls your fat out of the fire and allows you to levitate over to a safe platform. Oddly for a Metroidvania, there are "lives," though, with the ability to replace used ones, although out of habit I'm not using them at all. While the game doesn't appear to be pushing the DS' technological limits (honestly, the in-game graphics are probably better in Gunstar Super Heroes GBA!), it seems the game does at least make use of every damn button on the DS, which is great because it feels like an awesome long-lost SNES game.
  3. AndrewTS

    PS2 Games.

    Leena said she's frugal, not stupid.
  4. AndrewTS

    PS2 Games.

    All those recommendations, and you get *that* game? I guess it's not good, but getting it after those xbox games is like being a homeless man who was living off of rat meat getting a double cheeseburger from McDonald's. It's hardly *good* but it's still a step up. "Don't listen to Andrew about Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. And don't listen to Bobby Peru about picking up the whole R&C series - Deadlocked is mediocre, at best." I never said it wasn't good. I said I didn't like it much, although I suppose I should have elaborated. Ratchet and Clank 1 and 2 are platforming sweetness, with fun missions and lots of great side missions that you actually wanna go out and complete. In comparison, UYA is more like balls-to-the-wall action. Most folks I know who like the series seem to feel Going Commando is the best. However, based on the Deadlocked demo I played, I don't really like that game. It's still a more worthwhile spinoff than Jak X.
  5. AndrewTS


    Most likely, a game based on the anime/manga of the same name. There was a big preview video and Bleach was in it. It appears to be a one-on-one fighter based on the anime.
  6. AndrewTS


    It beats Nada 3 on 360 right now.
  7. AndrewTS


    +Earthbound Zero, Earthbound, Earthbound 2 (Wait...Earthbound 2 ie Mother 3 ie the new game that's sitting out in Japan?!) +There will be new Virtual Console remakes of certain NES and Game Boy games by first and third party developers. -Online Wi-Fi for Virtual Console games is still a mystery. +Arcade...will join the Virtual Console fold very soon. +Nintendo Wii owners will get to buy Virtual Console games, game soundtracks, wall papers, and other physical items (real life posters and toys for example) with Wii Points. Wii Points can be purchased, earned through buying games, donated from friends, and won through Wi-Fi raffles. EDIT: Damn, Downhome just keeps hitting it up with the new info.
  8. AndrewTS


    Correction about the "region free" thing: http://www.codenamerevolution.com/?p=1848 So, US and Japan won't be divided by regional lockout, but Europe is locked in its own region. I assume that holds true for all PAL territories.
  9. AndrewTS


    Gamespot says Twiilight Princess controls are AOK: http://www.gamespot.com/events/wiilaunch/s...opslot;action;3 Red Steel apparently no longer sucks: http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/redstee...tml?sid=6157687 Metroid Prime 3 shaping up well: http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/metroid...tml?sid=6157653 Buttload of others: http://www.gamespot.com/events/wiilaunch/games.html
  10. AndrewTS


    Better argument. Although there's plenty enough people who buy these SD games to make them all go GH, so there's plenty who'd prefer the newer game.
  11. AndrewTS


    Sensei Obvious. Although I think it depends on what sort of trademark dealy WWE/F had with the wrestlers. Wrestlemania The Arcade Game came out long after some of the wrestlers were gone, with the home ports even later. It's hard to tell since it's surely not cut and dry, but possible since we know how much WWE contracts put the screws to much of their talent.
  12. AndrewTS


    ZAMN is not a bad game. Bad Dudes is. 2 Crude Dudes (sequel I tihnk) is bad without quite as much charm. You control 1 or 2 massive, post-apoc looking roided up biker freaks who do things like hoist around cars and toss them, while also doing lumbering jump kicks and fighting really cheap enemies. You can punch soda machines for more life, and I seem to recall fighting a friend over it in coop. Altered Beast is really lame too, but the voices are hilarious.
  13. AndrewTS


    Miyamoto threw out the possibility of enhancing some of the games, so maybe, but I wouldn't count on it. That tidbit came out shortly after Sega Classics Collection came out, so I'm not sure the response was too positive. Of course, Sega screwed up their "enhanced" classics about as much as Sega could be expected to screw up these days. Could be a good thing for the N64, kind of iffy for NES games. And it seems the 10 dollar N64 games stick in a lot of gamers' craws. There's lots of NES games you can justify $5 for. $8 isn't so bad for a lot of primo SNES games, especially RPGs. However, for N64 games, most of the very best titles are in huge bins at Gamestop for $4.99 right now. But, if by some circumstances made unlikely by current legal entanglements, an enhanced, glitch-free No Mercy was made available--I'd pay a Jackson for it easy.
  14. AndrewTS

    Mega Man ZX ships tomorrow

    I got it, and it's quite awesome. I honestly don't see why the game *needed* to be a DS release, though, because so far everything the game seems well within the GBA's capability except for maybe the silky-smooth animated cutscenes. It's like a Mega Man Zero game, without the brutal difficulty (although you can unlock that option), a new cast of characters, and some very Metroid-style ideas and game design. My EB didn't get it Tuesday. Or Wednesday. So I had to leave my money and preorder slip with my sister while I went to work, and she picked it up for me. I'm honestly only a half hour-ish into the game, though, so I can't really make many sweeping generalizations about it, but I do love it thus far.
  15. AndrewTS


    Results 1 - 10 of about 28,700,000 for sony + evil. Results 1 - 10 of about 23,100,000 for microsoft + evil Results 1 - 10 of about 21,200,000 for nintendo + evil. Number 3 again. Although that's impressive for a company with a relatively narrow focus. At the risk of getting back on topic, here's the Wii power brick. This is old but I haven't seen it before: http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2006/06/3...upply-revealed/ Which is disappointing, since I expected it to use its own internal power supply fueled by smiles, rainbows, and fun. There is no DVD playback.
  16. AndrewTS


    Google test... "Results 1 - 10 of about 34,900 for hiroshi yamauchi + evil"
  17. AndrewTS


    Yokoi: http://archive.gamespy.com/articles/march0...ages/Yokois.jpg Yamauchi: http://arstechnica.com/journals/thumbs.ars/2006/1/4/2332
  18. AndrewTS


    Actually, I've made my piece with the Xenogears situation, since the creators got to have full creative license to bring their vision to life, it still sucked, and the market dictated they shan't continue. The revelation that Nintendo killed Yokoi WITH A VIRTUAL BOY is sad, though. I thought it was just a tragic car accident when a motorist crushed him between a parked car. Now I wonder if they gave him eye cancer, bludgeoned him to death with the unit, or simply blinded him and he walked into traffic. Sad way to go. Yamauchi was basically forced into retirement, BTW, so he's not even relevant anyway. -------- As for Virtual Console prices, I think the "starting at" is leaving the gate open for 3rd parties to set their own. I know I'd be glad to pay 8 bucks for a Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy Thrix without dealing with crappy loading times, or funky emulators.
  19. AndrewTS


    Zelda is at launch. But you'll have to buy the Wii one, not the GC one.
  20. AndrewTS


    Official press conference over: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6157575.html My comments in italics.
  21. AndrewTS

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    I like how Time Killers finally got a home port. To Genesis. Years and years later, like in the beginning of the 32 bit era.
  22. AndrewTS

    PS2 Games.

    Why is BG&E supposed to be good?
  23. AndrewTS

    PS2 Games.

    My list of actual recommendations. Ape Escape 3. Capcom Classics Collection. Onimusha 3 Katamari 1/We *heart* Ico. Prince of Persia 2 Thrones or Sands of Time Silent Hill 2 Tomb Raider Legend either Mega Man Collection, if you know you like the titles. Ratchet and Clank + Going Commando (don't like UYA or Deadlocked much) Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 Viewtiful Joe Rumble Roses Obscure (really good for two player; a cheesy survival horror game that seems to be inspired from the Faculty. Team up with a friend and beat enemies to death with blunt objects!) Resident Evil 4 Sly Cooper Klonoa 2 War of the Monsters Sky Gunner Castle Shikigami 2 Bard's Tale is charming and funny from what I've played but I haven't played enough to really vouch for gameplay. In case some one else recommends it, Psychonauts is charming and funny and well written, but the gameplay is really pedestrian, and it tries so hard to be "weird" that it fails to meet its true potential. It's one of those games reviewers gush over for being so original and inspired and bitch that people should have bought it. Then they don't actually play it themselves. Kind of like Beyond Good and Evil. J/king, I played about a half hour of it, and it didn't grab me at all.
  24. AndrewTS

    PS2 Games.

    By the end? Try "by level 2." The game is a triumph in graphics, art design, voice acting, cinemas--yet such a complete and utter failure in control and camera areas. Plus, yeah, giving you actual interesting things to do besides FIGHTing. People who bitch about the logs may be justified, but that was almost a welcome reprieve from all the damn fighting. If you love new school presentation married to the most annoying old-school gaming cliches (pits! millions of identical enemies that are braindead yet sneak in cheap hits! more pits! Instant-death trap! More pits! etc), and really crappy platforming then you might like God of War. Give me Prince of Persia's lousy presentation, "slow" battles, and sublime platforming anyday. I beat GoW...after like a year of getting it for 15 bucks at a pawn shop. I sold it for like 12 bucks and I still feel ripped off. Watched the making-of stuff too. David Jaffe is so disappointed he didn't get to include the forced-scrolling platforming section where you'd have to also deal with a sandstorm. Yeah, that sounds like fun David. They ditched the Icarus wings too, although it's going to be in GoW2. Too bad, that might have been really fun.