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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS


  2. AndrewTS


    Every market but Japan. As it is, the Wii is going to get less attractive to the US market once HD TVs spread to more homes. Plus 2009 is the cutoff for analog signals to be broadcast. It won't be $299 for a core. I'll tell you that much. And are any of the other prizes yet to hit the market yet? No. ARV = *Approximate* Retail Value. 2 SKUs wouldn't shock me, if the 2nd one included something extra like 2 wiimotes and the already-mentioned VC bonuses.
  3. AndrewTS

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    I'm surprised there's 2 different versions. I've seen other films with a "special edition" when I swear it was the only edition.
  4. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    CDs' ROM images are called "iso"s. They're also much harder to crack than cart-based emulation. There's probably a decent Saturn emulator out there. My Windows 98' pc is set up with Gens using a Sega CD BIOS. I can actually put a Sega CD game in the machine and it will play the game that way. However, actually finding viable isos and using them--I'm clueless on. If you actually mean "Panzer Dragoon" there is a PC version readily available, the xbox version has an emulated version available as an unlockable, and there's supposedly a new Sega Ages version of it coming out soon. However, if you mean "Panzer Dragoon Saga", then I'd check with Renegade or one of the other folks big into emulation. Finding the iso is the biggest problem. Sega doesn't have plans to remake or port Saga. Because they're stupid. (And they actually have no idea how to adequately emulate their own ****ing Sega CD/Saturn hardware. Seriously.)
  5. AndrewTS


    Plenty of games will use 'traditional' controls. Either the "shell" controller (which apparently is a completely separate controller) or the Gamecube controller (which is confirmed to work with Smash Brawl) will do the job. Joystiq says Twiilight Princess will use the traditional controls if you prefer, and the wiimote is only an option, but I'm not 100% certain on that. November 21 I doubt. It's a Tuesday, and Nintendo is apparently going with Sunday (ship dates) for many of their major releases. Plus, November 14th/15 is the rumored PS3 street date. Nintendo would be lost in the mix if they launched last. I think even November 5 is a bit later than they should go for.
  6. AndrewTS

    The Marine trailor

    Maybe it will become a franchise. The Marine 2: The Airman! The Marine 3: The Seaman!
  7. AndrewTS

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    I hope they put Ian's X-3bumpers from the Fox showing of X-2 where he'd hype up the different mutants debuting in this movie. The one where he called Angel a killing machine and made him sound like a *major* part of the story was terribly funny.
  8. AndrewTS

    The Marine trailor

    Do Hogan movies count? If so, does "punch" count as a wrestling maneuver?
  9. AndrewTS


    Nintendo is clamming up about it until September. All we have to go on now is "by Thanksgiving" and "under $250 USD." I call November 5th for $200.
  10. AndrewTS

    God Hand

    I dont' consider Gamefaqs posters to be much of an authority on anything but cheating (Legend of Zelda as Best. Series. Ever. aside ), but saw this list. I didn't play many of these games and didn't see them mentioned here, so anywho who has tried it should feel free to share their thoughts. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/top10/514.html Top 10 Lists : The Top 10 Best Current Generation Beat-Em-Up Games #10: Rise to Honor (PS2) #9: Ultimate Spider-Man (XBOX) #8: Mystic Heroes (GC) #7: Drakengard 2 (PS2) #6: Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (PS2) #5: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (PS2) #4: Champions of Norrath (PS2) #3: Gauntlet Dark Legacy (XBOX) #2: Viewtiful Joe (GC) #1: Dynasty Warriors 3 (PS2) I only played Shaolin Monks and Viewtiful Joe, which were good. I know Rise to Honor use the full analog stick control gimmick and lets you beat people with chicken. A friend bought Drakengard 2 and he hates it.
  11. AndrewTS


    I guess this can be the Wii thread for now. Ubi has strong Wii support in the works. We already knew about Red Steel and new Rayman, but... 1up reports (http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3152629) "Far Cry, Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII, Monster 4x4 World Circuit, Open Season and GT Pro Series" are also coming. Okay, the 4x4 thing I could care less about, but a solid racer coming onto the system that isn't Mario based is great news. However, a Ubisoft France press release has announced Wii is getting (in 2007) a PRINCE OF PERSIA game on Wii!! If I wasn't buying one already I'd be getting one now.
  12. AndrewTS

    The Marine trailor

    The trailer looks like it was directed by Michael Bay... 's...hyperactive kid. I'm pissed he doesn't have a Native American sidekick and isn't riding a motorcycle.
  13. AndrewTS

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    20th Century Fox, not Warner Brothers. WB usually sticks to DC properties. Thanks, I was thinking Fox but typed WB. I know Fox also was responsible for AVP and gave it the same treatment.
  14. AndrewTS

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    -waves- Awww... I didn't know I was missed. ^.^ Yeah, the extras on the disc are, like, their last ditch effort to make any money. Let's throw it all out there! Then again, this guarantees that there won't be a Super Special Collector's Director's Pyro-Wearing-Nothing-but-a-Pretty-Bow kind of editions later on down the line. At least, I hope so. I'd say so. WB threw out a bare bones Batman Begins right away. Crap? They go balls out right away to sweeten the deal. Stuff like AVP got the suped up edition too. Of course, it isn't just WB. Sony had their "special edition" Resident Evil Apocalypse (only edition, unless you could the UMD one). I wouldn't rule out an X-trilogy pack come X4 or one of the spinoffs, but it may be just the same disc/set thrown into a new package.
  15. AndrewTS

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    I hope the deleted scenes include the OMGSOOPERSECRETREGIONSPECIFICENDINGS! Good to seeya post again, Yuna. And I see WB going with their usual "okay, so our movie sucked...let's give it a FRIGGIN STACKED DVD SET! 2 DISCS! EXTENDED AND DELETED SCENES! COMMENTARY! YOUR OWN SET OF ADAMANTIUM CLAWS!" positioning. Forced trailers are ghey x3
  16. AndrewTS

    Destroy All Humans! 2

    Source: 1up.com Looks very interesting. The original game has a lot going for it: (the lampooning of sci-fi cliches, the hilarious voice acting, the imagination put into the weapons and scenarios. The biggest downfall was that like a lot of sandbox-style games, far too quickly you were just doing variations on the same old tasks. It wasn't as bad as some games (I'm looking at you, Spider-Man 2), but this gives the developers opportunity to expand on those minor gripes. Although hopefully they can mine the comedy potential out of the 60s as well as they did the 50's.
  17. AndrewTS

    Destroy All Humans! 2

    Gameplay vids/trailer: http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/4870 Co-op mode!
  18. AndrewTS

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    We got it over here ("Case Closed") but it was pulled. I liked the show, although the animation was really lousy. So I guess it would fail for crossover appeal, but the mangas are readily available here. Of course, maybe they never translated enough eps for them to show new ones. The Berserk manga has been going on forever and the anime was really good, although has a slim chance of ever being shown on US TV. Plus Guts is directly or indirectly referenced in tons of games/anime.
  19. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    FFX was the worst for that. Avoid 100 straight lightning bolts? That stupid Chocobo crap for Tidus' weapon? Ridiculous. Really once you found the right spot the lightning wasn't that bad. There were a couple of spots where the lightning would strike 5 or 6 times a minute. The chocobo racing, on the other hand, pissed me off to no end. Annoying and aggravating. Last I heard, a friend of mine was *still* trying to meet all the requirements for Jiminy's journal in KH2.
  20. AndrewTS

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    I would assume Cowboy Bebop meets most or all of the criteria for HoF. I'm sure you can put a lot of Shirow on there--not sure what the best candidate would be. Kimba definitely belongs way up there with Astroboy. Akira--it sucks as an anime but it was a lot of people's first and they still love it.
  21. AndrewTS

    Silent Hill

    Okay, finally got me a copy of the original silent hill--playing through it while a friend gets the cash together to buy all the stuff I'm holding for him. For a PS1 game the graphics have aged rather well, and it's still pretty damn freaky... I've just gotten to the Alternate school. DAMN!
  22. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    So what's the difference between that and the original "uncut" version we had originally? I'm guessing this one has the original soundtrack and TEHCHUNLEEBEWBS because uncut didn't skimp on the violence and did have blood here and there.
  23. AndrewTS

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Regardless of how you might feel about them: -Dragon Ball (original and z) -Sailor Moon I'd also assume Battle of the Planets and the Captain Herlock stuff should be up there too.
  24. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    New Ape Escape on the way!! http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/apeesca...p;mode=previews And finally we have a decent multiplayer!