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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. Nothing adds drama to a match like reciting body measurements. This match is a two foot long, 3" in diameter piece of...
  2. Zombie group could use this guy:
  3. Slow burn to the inevitable Vampire vs. Zombie match.
  4. Slow burn to the inevitable Vampire vs. Zombie match.
  5. AndrewTS

    Video Games in the News

    Oh yeah. Go to Gamevideos.com and do a search for "broken pixels superman" and see the gameplay footage.
  6. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    I've watched all of season 2. Thorougly impressed, especially since most of them I never saw before. But Hereafter is really, really stupid. I mean, except for Batman the League are written like idiots, the first big surprise is really obvious, and so much of the plot developments are really goofy. But (that character that pops up later on) almost makes it awesome. I guess he somehow got ahold of movie Doc Ock's old research.
  7. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Not without Dracula. Well, to be honest I haven't watched it in a long time (they're up to season 4?! WTF), but the first season was terrible and one of the main scriptwriters churned out the pile o' crap script that was Brainiac Attacks.
  8. AndrewTS

    Video Games in the News

    That's impossible. All of the published screens up to this point aren't actually real screens but "target screens," used for publicity. So, it's, like, an estimate. Real game *footage*? Only gaming press saw it at e3, and it wasn't playable.
  9. AndrewTS

    Starship Troopers 3

    I think you're giving it a little too much credit. I think it was part stupid sci-fi action flick, part spoof of old school sci-fi flicks. I also agree with this. This is Paul Verhoeven we're talking about--let's not give him that much credit.
  10. AndrewTS

    Video Games in the News

    Oh, and I doubt either of these titles will be as bad as Superman Returns: The Videogame (yes, that's the official title as of now). With EA publishing, Tiburon developing (a development team that has exclusively done football games in the past), and the cursed Superman license it seems only natural. The game is so bad in its current build *EA* was ashamed to release it to cash in. I doubt a few more months will save it.
  11. AndrewTS

    Video Games in the News

    http://www.1up.com/media?id=2908340 That blue texture? Carpeting. Yes. I wonder how PJKK: TOGOTM sold.
  12. AndrewTS

    Super Mario Bros. for the DS

    Any tips on getting a mini-mushroom stored in your item box?
  13. AndrewTS

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Sooo...what is the plot? Two immortal vampire brothers occasionally duel on a planet with an old-west style setting--one of them a bad guy, one of them a comedic hero who acts as the big gun for a paranormal investigation/extermination unit, and some chick along the way becomes bitten and turns into a vampire who ends up working for the good guys...with crappy animation and silly dialogue? *hits up wikipedia* Okay, not quite--it sounds way better than my theory, but definitely can see where you're coming from. And yes, gotta love those stupid religious references.
  14. AndrewTS

    Superman Returns

    *BUZZ* WRONG! She, like Harley Quinn before her, was a character created specifically for the animated series. She was just brought to the regular comic earlier this year. If done right, the campiness factor could be toned down enough to make her a contenda. I'm well aware of that; that's why I said "hardly." A large number--although not all--of JLAU fans are comic geeks, some less hardcore than others, but still comic geeks. And Harley transitioned to the comics pretty darn quick, was always way more fun and well-liked, and got her own spinoff. Harley was even in Hush, damnit. How long did it take for them to use Livewire in the comics again? Not quite the same. Plus, you haven't refuted the "3rd stringer" comment. We've gotten Luther so far in SR. Batman Begins sequel will probably have Joker and already BB used Al Ghul. They can still make much better use of Supes' admittedly limited rogues gallery than have her carry a film. Of course, Singer's yet to breathe a word of what he has in mind for the follow-up, and Superman II didn't bother using any established villains except for Luther as a comic foil, and it still turned out okay. Although I guess your final point has merit--Timm and company turned a lame-ass ice pun villain into one of the best Batman villains (although Schumacher ruined that in B&R).
  15. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    For 13 eps the last set better be cheap. The 18-ep Supes sets were 20 bucks most places. The 13-ep Teen Titans set original retailed for 20 but I've seen it marked down to 14-15 bucks at kmart and walmart, though.
  16. AndrewTS

    Superman Returns

    Aside from being a third-stringer that hardly anyone aside from comic geeks have ever heard of? She's too damn campy and would kill the tone that Returns established.
  17. AndrewTS

    Superman Returns

    Good for the look but I've never seen Ron speak the same way. Yeah, he sounds huge and gruff but doesn't have quite the attitude IMO. Brainiac would probably end up being cgi or something, though. Metallo, for some reason, I picture as Christopher Walken but probably isn't up for such an action-intensive role. I can't help but wonder if Nuclear Man from Superman IV was supposed to be Bizarro at some point but nixed in favor of...a snarling blond-mulleted euro-trash looking punk with long fingernails. It's funny how that movie is pretty much Mark Pillow's entire acting career, and he was dubbed over with Gene Hackman's voice to boot! Livewire I'm totally against. If she ends up in one of the movies she should be a lackey that's out of the picture in 10 minutes. Cyborg would only work if they did the Death and Return arc, and the iron has long cooled for that. Without D&R we don't really have a way to fit Doomsday in. Prankstar, Toyman, Mxy? I think only Mxy could work and only if he's in an absolutely twisted subplot.
  18. AndrewTS

    NES stopped working?

    My 72pin connector is on the way, so I'll be glad to let you know how it turns out if you're wary of trying it.
  19. AndrewTS

    Mega Man X Collection

    Here's some short impressions (okay, basically a full blown review) of Rockman ZX: http://www.toastyfrog.com/toastywiki/index.../Site/MegaManZX Oh yeah, sounds fantastic.
  20. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Almost no RPGs have terribly good gameplay. For it's time, Lunar's battle system was fine, because at least characters position on the battle field mattered somewhat.
  21. AndrewTS

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Slayers Great is one of the movies. Out of them I've seen: Slayers The Motion Picture (where Lina's looking for that spring of growth--Naga's tolerable here). Slayers Return (lame villain, no real threat except a brainless monster, and too much Naga). Synopsis of SG: And yeah, Try's not nearly as good as Slayers and Slayers NEXT, but I still like it, and it was my first taste of Slayers.
  22. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Okay--must be something else you can only do once per fight. It's been about a year since I played it last.
  23. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah it sounds cool, but it's pointless and unnecessary. It's one of the easiest RPGs I've ever played, just not terribly fun. Forget about the epic plot; it's pretty much a bunch of mini-quests, and lots of terrible dialogue. Gameplay is pretty much every turn based RPG you've played before, with the added addition of being able to change classes mid-battle (only once tho). Oh, there's something to "timing" your attacks, but it's still very same-old, IMO.
  24. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Folks who had a lot emotionally invested in FFX would beg to differ. Fortunately I am not clouded by those folks' perceptions and expectations, since I never played FFX. X-2 sucks regardless.
  25. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    No, that would be 7 or 8. That crowd pretty much didn't give a damn by the time X came around. That or not existed at all.