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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    I heard it was missing the "Upper" fighters, though. Right? Does it explain what the stars all mean in the dispwitch settings?
  2. AndrewTS

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Hey, a slutty gypsy.
  3. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    The ads on GameFAQs make no sense. They're showing sprites and backgrounds from the SF3s. And while you could consider the time the Alphas came out the "golden years", the Alphas are relatively late additions to the SF series compared to the time when *everyone* played the SF games (about from SF2 to SSF2T). Rendclaw: Be aware that there is only one Alpha counter per character in SFA, and in 3 they're done a little differently. Oh, and I thought Gem Fighter lost the PS1 character edit--actually, every game has its own color editor built in as a special option, so it would be redundant. However, what do I need to do to unlock those extra ISMs in Hyper Street Fighter Alpha? EDIT: nevermind. I found an FAQ on it. Hit up GameFAQs and look in the FAQ section (not codes). There's more stuff in here I didn't realize was there. Wish Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 let you select your level of super by the strength of your attack button (like how Fierce in Alpha 3 did Level 3, Strong did Level 2, Jab Level 1)? That's in. Want to turn off alpha counters? You can do that too. The bonus ISMs in Hyper Alpha are as follows: Select Alpha 3 version On the Mode select, you need to hold start on one of the modes and press left or right, then select the mode. Normal: Gives you Vampire, which includes chain combos and guard reversals Mazi: Gives you SF3 mode, which allows you to parry Saikyo: Gives you "true" Classic versions. Only works for SF2 fighters, but allows them access to SF2 properties and exploits. Classic: Vs. Mode. It's lame. No super jumps, chain combos, dashes, aerial raves, etc.
  4. AndrewTS

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Poster for the video. Seriously: http://www.riverblue.com/mst3k/finalsacrifice/poster2-sm.jpg "Beethoven's Fifth just can't get started here..." *shot of a really ugly Canadian neighborhood* "Hitchcock's Parade of Homes." "Aw, it's the Came-With-The-Frame Family." "You know it's getting to be spring when the executioners start getting into the house." *Troy laying down with his head in front of the campfire- "Rowsdower.." "Could you put my hair out?" "I'm getting water for Rowsdower. Rowy, Rowy Wowsdower...." "Do you know how fast you were going, Rowsdower?" Horse: "If you could just move that huge gunny sack full of pork--oh, that's your BUTT." "Did you know my father?" Prospector: "Know him? He was *DELICIOUS!* *shot of a big-nostriled statue* "The Just About to Sneeze god."
  5. AndrewTS

    Box Office Report 6/16-6/18

    It was cheap to make and has earned a slight profit. People will buy the DVD, and unfortunately this will probably help finance another WWE Film.
  6. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    So you stopped caring about them before anybody ever cared about them? Impressive.
  7. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    While not quite that, Super Monkey Ball Adventure is a little closer to that concept than anything else in the series so far. Although it is a quirky game series with monkeys, I surprisingly never really got into Monkey Ball. It combines a lot of things that, normally, I dislike in games. You have the obligatory collecting (which I can usually tolerate if the rest is good), bottomless pits (which I have lot tolerance for when they're in 3D games), and timing-based objectives, which I suck at since I'm the slow-and-steady type of gamer. Maybe Adventure will be more up my ally, though. 1. Crap. Quick, name the last Sega game released for PS2 that was any good and wasn't a port. They seemed to exhaust all their creative energies on high-quality xbox titles. 2. GTA is so played out. 3. I hated Shenmue. Soooo duuuull.
  8. AndrewTS

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    There we go. Will we see any hippies getting killed on TV this week?
  9. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

  10. AndrewTS

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Thanks for watching Raw Is Male Ass.
  11. AndrewTS

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    midgets--always funny
  12. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    I love how characters that have *similar* moves are "clones" even if they have completely different ranges and properties.
  13. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    Alpha 2?! Based on what, and compared to what? Obviously Shin Gouki was god tier, Dan, SF2 Gief (and arguably Gen) were crap tier. As an intermediate player, I claim no special or reliable insight on the rankings, but I've seen ranking charts made by several experienced players. Okay, Rose and Chunners are at the top. Arguably Ken. Then everybody else is completely different from chart to chart. I've never heard an experienced player complain about its balance. Although, hell, the gaps between top and middle tier in Third Strike are usually considered broader. As for Alpha 3 being more balanced--well, I'll leave that to somebody else who knows more than myself. Hot damn, those X-ism fighters sure are useful, aren't they?
  14. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    You could always get used to the voices--I thought Mercy's voice was okay (it is Tara afterall), and it's not like Lance Henriksen and Powers Booth are amateurs. However, the new voices also signified an apparent change in all the characters' personality, *plus* the poor direction, *plus* the bad plot, *plus* the terrible dialogue. The folks involved could do better, but apparently they just didn't care. I wouldn't even say this Luthor was like the Donner Luthor. He's more like Elmer Fudd without a speech impediment. I'd say the biggest blame falls on writer Dwayne Capizzi, also responsible for TEH BATMAN, a series so bad it needed Dracula to make it worth watching.
  15. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Flash's Luthor--still better than the "Brainiac Attacks" Luthor. Okay, I expected it to be bad...but holy crap, that was sad.
  16. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    It's my grudging favorite out of the Alpha series as well, although I really wish Karin was in it.
  17. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    BOCK-BROCKAWWW BWAKOCK BOCK!! (You said it, sister!) (comparison: http://img13.exs.cx/img13/1192/athena8cs.jpg ; at least things improved over 2k1) Yuri is a little better, but not by much: http://www.cannonspike.com/CamFan/miscella...01/yuri2001.jpg Just *look* at the others: http://www.cannonspike.com/CamFan/miscella...01/kof2001b.htm
  18. AndrewTS

    X-Men 3

    Then people bitch about how The Hulk looked in his movie.
  19. AndrewTS

    WON WWE News and Notes

    Pronounced Furry. And just have a guy come out with a bunch of "cat-girls"...that will satisfy that group. Inside jokey Chris, again. Maybe they can have a shape-shifting sorcerer come UNBALANCE THE FURIES and try to take over our dimension. And I want Funaki, time traveling scientist and Nova, real-life superhero/inventor extraordinaire.
  20. AndrewTS

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    I'd settle for Megas repeats in a decent time slot. Come on, guys, release a Megas DVD box set so I can, like, buy 3.
  21. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    Oh yeah--I know all about Falcoon, but it's easy to forget when the games only have computer-rendered profile pictures like the MIs. His art is hit or miss with me. For instance, the 2001 character profile art was *hideous* IMO. Athena looked like a beakless ostrich. And how about his "new" character K9999, who is practically lawsuit bait? The stick-thin waif Kula? How long was Shinkiro with SNK? I only think I recall the super-detailed look associated with Shinkiro artwork as of the KOF series, but what an amazing talent. Is there any particular reason they're translating CFC instead of Match of the Millenium? I suspect it has something to do with Yugioh or some bs like that. Basically every GBA fighter is teh suck.
  22. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    http://www.neogeoforlife.com/neo_reviews/3_count_bout.php According to GameFAQs, 3CB debuted March 93, while SNSM debuted July 93 (both Japan dates). It's a really nice looking game, but Fire Pro Blazing Tornado no doubt kills it. SNK was responsible for (at the time) the most egregious example of fighting game females existing for only fanservice, namely... http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c104/Sis...MaiShiranui.gif It probably made an impression on Itaragi. Of course, that'd not counting games that nobody played that you see pop up on sites all the time. Thankfully, SNK balanced it out. They *used* to have some of the best character designs in fighting games. However, take a look at the 3D KOFs to see how that deteriorated with the KOF series' quality. Idiot Catgirl with giant projectiles, huge-breasted blond, gay 3D cowboy, a female Kim, etc.
  23. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    Was 3 Count Bout released as a counter to Saturday Night Slam Masters? Now that is a fun fighting/wrestling game. The SNES version retains the ability to have the tornado matches (tag champs who don't tag!), but the Genesis version was bad. It came out loooong after the SNES game, the control sucked, you couldn't have more than 2 wrestlers in a match, and the Death Match was too little, too late. Wrestle War on the Sega Smash Pack was horrid.
  24. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    "Having fun with friends" is more than I could get out of SVCC. I find it to be that bad. Seriously, the only entertainment value is the pre-match quotes. Yet it has online play. Game Informer gave it a good review because of online play, and they hate 2D fighters. "I'm tempted to agree with you, Andrew, that SNK doesn't have as many hits per game released as Capcom, based on two things. They released a lot of games that no one remembers (because they do suck), and King of Fighters 99-2001 suck ass. 2000 is sort of okay." Agreed, except I kind of like 2000 because of the great graphics, cheesy gameplay and the strikers. It is chaotic and more casual players seem to prefer it so you're going to milk more fun out of it than something like 2002. I know 2001 is considered the "better" game but I don't like it much. 2002 gets lots of props but it's a hideous-looking game. There are backgrounds that look like they were scribbled in crayon, and I don't mean in the Yoshi's Island "it looks cute and cool" sense. Dreammatch 99--aka the Dreamcast reworking of KOF'98, is the most fun KOF to me, plus it has a great roster.
  25. AndrewTS

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    Yeah, I have Sculptor's Cut. It's very rare, and would probably fetch a pretty penny on Ebay, but nobody wants it so it doesn't. I agree with Jer that if you can get a few friends together, playing a bunch of bad fighters back to back makes for a great time. I was surprised Art of Fighting on SNES had the scaling in it. However, the game is *really* limited in gameplay. However, it's worth a look if you're an SNK nut who wants to see where some of the characters came from. For instance, Kasumi's walking punching-bag of an old man, King (who OMG gets her shirt ripped b00bi35111). Plus I heard it was the first game with a "super" move.