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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Final Fantasy III (JP) for the DS

    What? Since when was Chrono Cross what the consumers wanted?
  2. AndrewTS

    Iconic video game music.

    All the music in Curse is excellent. I think I only have about 1/6 of the game to go before I finish it, but I'll wait until it is a budget release. Iga should not make 3D games. His 3D output is like somebody who is a fine driver in their Contour, but was permitted to drive a tractor trailer truck and produced a huge flaming wreckage within 5 minutes on the road. Chrono Cross is like...eh, Terminator 3. It feels totally wrong since there's about 2 guys who were on both projects, and the whole mood is more downbeat and depressing compared to the prior adventure.
  3. AndrewTS

    I saw this video that LOOKS like

    Yeah, it's called "No Mercy with the bloody music turned off." Sadly it doesn't work for the shitty select screen samples. "Dig-dig-diggity dawg..." I never did have the music turned on with the game. The wrestling games for the N64 had some wretched background music. I just hated speeding along in a 1-on-1 match where one of the wrestlers had a manager, only for a run-in to happen, and the games speed drop by about 50%. That's not what you were asking about. You mentioned tag matches, not run-ins. I'm not sure if it works for run-ins (since I haven't played Championship in a while since I'd unlocked everything prior to discovering the trick), but it seems to work just fine for exhibition tags.
  4. "I can feel the *love* in this building tonight...!"
  5. Bisch was at his best early on. He was such a total sleeze that he was consistently entertaining. Hell, when he showed up SD in the crowd, he was being cheered, and the crowd went nuts during the Billy/Chuck wedding when Steph got attacked by 3MW. ...and then he got his balls chopped off and became a tolerable, but dull heel. However, with him gone I'd rather they either forget about naming a GM, or any GM named would just show up once in a while rather then several time per show.
  6. AndrewTS

    Castlevania Double Pack

    Not really. The most annoying aspects of the game are the poor animation for the main character and the double-taps to get him to run (his walk is pitifully slow). HoD addressed those criticisms as well as the dark graphics. However, now that we can play GBA game backlit, HOD looks quite gaudy. But it won't be re-released since it was quite common, and it isn't an IGA game.
  7. AndrewTS

    I saw this video that LOOKS like

    Yeah, it's called "No Mercy with the bloody music turned off." Sadly it doesn't work for the shitty select screen samples. "Dig-dig-diggity dawg..."
  8. AndrewTS

    Final Fantasy III (JP) for the DS

    If they release this Stateside they'd damn well better give us Chrono Trigger in portable form.
  9. AndrewTS

    Wrestlers better then Finlay right now

    It's a shame the announcers have no clue how to hype up Finlay. It really showed in that tag match last night. Benoit--current US champ, former World Heavyweight Champ! JBL--former WWE champ held it for a record setting 10 months! Lashley, the impressive newcomer who had an undefeated streak until Finlay got involved! Orton--youngest former World Heavyweight Champ ever! Finlay--he's, uh, a veteran! Off and on they'll mention Rey's previous pre-WWE titles, but I don't expect to hear Cole mention that Finlay's held lots of titles in Britain. Surprisingly, WWE.com mentions his titles in WCW.
  10. AndrewTS

    OAO Who's on Steriods thread

    The others also all had the word "Jerk" in them, so I wasn't exactly trying to distance myself from my personality. edit: plus I've got a stockpile of pictures of people with "Y2Jerk" signs. For some reason his posts really dipped in quality when he became RobotJerk.
  11. AndrewTS

    Iconic video game music.

    Vampire Killer, Wicked Child, Bloody Tears...hell, I could go on and on. Castlevania in general has incredible music, even when the games suck (Curse of Darkness). Zelda overworld. Both FFVI overworld themes. Most of Chrono Trigger's soundtrack, from the individual character themes, to the overworlds, to the boss themes--great stuff. Soul Blade's "World Atlas Collapsed" really puts you on edge when you end up fighting some demonic manifestation in some surreal netherworld. "Edge of Soul" is cheesy but extremely memorable. Although a notable mention goes to Bravely Folk Song. I really like it for some reason. In comparison, Soul Calibur 1+2's theme music sounds dull and samey... (Although I also love the Zelda remix for Link). Ghosts n' Goblins level 1--mainly because few people ever got past that part. Earthworm Jim's New Junk City, Buttville, Level 5, and even though it's definitely not original, the Heck stage theme. Most memorable Sonic themes for me are when you fight Mecha Sonic in Sonic & Knuckles, Lava Reef Zone, Ice Cap Zone (the original, not that putrid replacement that's in the PC version), any of the Death Egg themes.
  12. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/02/07/flowers-...jack-part-deux/
  13. AndrewTS

    The music of Super Street Fighter II

    When the match is over you hear Godzilla roar in that stage.
  14. AndrewTS

    Castlevania Double Pack

    It's a great deal. The solo carts Aria were fetching about sale price (25-30 bucks) in EBs/Gamestops. Harmony of Dissonance had, I believe, a more limited production and were going for around 40. Aria is boss. Definitely get it if you haven't already. Harmony isn't nearly as good of a game, suffering from more limited gameplay, clunkier controls, and poorer music. However, it's still a good game, but Circle and Aria are superior IMO.
  15. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    March 21: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b129/Sir...7/jl1resize.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b129/Sir...7/bb1resize.jpg (Credit: Sirkenz from agonybooth.com forums for the pics) I don't know if Batman Beyond was any good, really, because outside of a few eps on CN and Return of the Joker, I didn't see much else of it. Going by previous pricing schemes, I expect $20-$24 (depending on retailer) for the BB set, and $34.99ish for the JL set.
  16. AndrewTS

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    I remember a time when that was more logical, appealing, and interesting... but HHH refused to do so. Hmm.
  17. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Daikatana had about a 3 year development cycle, and the delay/crappiness has a lot to do with the programmers and Romero spending lots of their time/money on drugs as opposed to making the game. I doubt that's hearsay either, since for a college project one of my classmates interviewed an ex-Ion Storm programmer. The guy was (at the time anyway) flat broke and getting by selling books online while living with his mother. OOT had a lengthy gestation period, but was well worth it. Call me naive or hopelessly optimistic, but I expect Duke Nukem Forever to be out before the end of 2008, or whatever the project has morphed into at this point. There must be tons of lost/misplaced preorder slips for that game. Thankfully my TP preorder slip is safely tucked away in my GC OOT/MQ casing.
  18. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah, but you made ridiculously off-base comparisons to DNF. Original release for LoZ: TP -- Winter 05. Original release for DNF -- sometime in 1999 One actually exists and hasn't been scrapped and restarted endlessly. The other doesn't even has any screenshots available.
  19. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    *shares a beer and cries with Scroby*
  20. AndrewTS

    RIAA claims copying CDs to iPods is unlawful

    The lamest part is that purchased music that's downloaded is inevitably compressed, and while you can back them up to CDs, you would face a pain in the ass of a time organizing them. How would it even be enforced? Apple: Download iTunes 7.0! Now with the feature of preventing you from ripping music from CDs! So...you'd probably just download something else to convert them to AAC/MP3s even in that case.
  21. AndrewTS

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    So... Nick's going to get the megapush and the rest will be buried/released?
  22. AndrewTS

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Next week--Marty heel turn.
  23. AndrewTS

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Duggan > Jobbers half his age.
  24. AndrewTS

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    I think that's an industry-wide term. Also acceptable is "in no condition to perform" when somebody shows up to work liquored up/high/etc.
  25. AndrewTS

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Marty Jannetty?!? I guess he got those personal demons taken care of. (For now).