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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    I think if you're under 5 feet you qualify.
  2. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    The World's Tallest Midget is in action.
  3. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    WWE.com circa April 2006. "WWE.com and Paul Burchill have come to terms on his release. Everyone here at WWE wishes him the best of luck in his future endeavors."
  4. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    How much wrestlecrap can WWE fit in 3 minutes? This much.
  5. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    It's not that he is good, it's that he has the potential to be good at some indefinite time. Part of me believes that the reason HHH pushed so hard for him way back when was that he knew Orton was never going to be good enough to be a real threat. Awesome. I'm as smart as HHH.
  6. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    Where's the uproar about booker using a dead man for a punch-line? Oh, he wasn't a wrestler. That makes him fair game. You're kidding, right?
  7. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    It's not that he is good, it's that he has the potential to be good at some indefinite time.
  8. AndrewTS

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Anya: the FFX ladies are on board--you must get this game. That's not a flattering pic of Burress, though.
  9. AndrewTS

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    It seems the Brits have a lot of awesome (yet violent) video game commercials. http://www.youtube.com/w/Prince-of-Persia-...prince%20persia
  10. http://cube.ign.com/articles/652/652473p1.html Game itself is looking incredible. But the whole Dark Prince thing looks horribly lame. "Now he's EVIL Prince and Hideously Evil Prince!"
  11. AndrewTS

    Writer assistant from Smackdown writes to Meltzer

    The whole "pissing on his grave" idea sounds too mundane for WWE creative. My prediction: Orton uses stock footage of Eddie to interview him in hell. The fx guys can matte in some nice flame effects on old footage, and Eddie can end up wearing a different shirt in each piece of footage. High-larious, no?
  12. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It's early in Q1, near the end of a console gen. The biggies that will send out this era with a bang (KH2, FFXII, LoZTP, TRL, etc) aren't coming out until Marchish-Aprilish. The only major console release due out soon is Black.
  13. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Nintendo *hearts* Apple. http://toastyfrog.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId...cUserId=5379721
  14. AndrewTS

    Shaun of the Dead

    I like Land a hell of a lot more these days since I picked up the DVD. Although I like Dawn and Day quite a lot, Night has aged horribly. The rules it layed out, the imitators and sequels it spawned are hard to separate from the film itself. I watched the Land commentary, and Hopper brought a lot of great ideas to his character. The scene where Chulo offers him a drink (and he then ignores it and pours his own), as well as when he is trying to make his escape and warns that guy to GET DOWN (before shooting him in the head) were Hopper's little contributions. When I first saw it the symbolism seemed beat-you-over-the-head annoying. Now it doesn't seem quite so much, although it has a few groan-worthy moments.
  15. AndrewTS

    Shaun of the Dead

    Hell no. Dennis Hopper + Eugene Clark as Big Daddy + Dead Reckoning + some great makeup and gore + a machete-wielding zombie Savini made it well worth it.
  16. AndrewTS

    Women's division

    The division is really bad right now, but a couple black eyes stick out that I thought were far worse. - Gayda's debut. A total disaster in just about every way. She didn't get much better, either--seeing her screw up something as simple as a clothesline sell when she got back made me groan. - Stacy as She-Diesel. For about a 2-3 week period they had her throw on a pair of leather pants and pretend to actually be a competitive wrestler. A powerbomb would have done wonders, cuz she didn't even have that. Just slaps and foot chokes. - Torrie challenging for the women's title: Shortly after the split Molly was on both shows defending the title. The main competition SD offered was Torrie. So there were at least about 2 matches where Molly bumped her ass off for Torrie's lousy offense, which never got more thrilling than a body slam. Ashley's pretty lousy, but not much worse than Lita was when she'd be constantly blowing poor spots with little ability to cover it up. Mickie's had little one-on-one time, so can't say too much about her work jumps out at me, good or bad. Torrie's fine in her current role--getting her ass kicked, rarely talking, and no longer being the most overexposed and irritating female face since Sable.
  17. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    E-mails/online screen names are sometimes the shameful tattoos of the online world. It beats having something like Sephiroth1985 or Vegetar0xx0rs99, though. Hurray for my bland initials-based SN. Saturn's US launch is perhaps the winner. A launch that resulted in a stillborn console and virtually handed the entire company's marketshare over to Sony? Far worse than a bunch of defective systems or a fart-in-a-windstorm launch for a console that never had much potential in the first place (i.e. N-Gage, Jag). Although many would beg to differ: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22wo...G=Google+Search
  18. AndrewTS

    Good games you love

    Chris: I'm sure you could write like a dozen columns on excellent Adventure games, since I know you're a huge fan of the genre. Another Neverhood project--Skullmonkeys, is also heralded as an unsung classic. I had it but never quite got the fascination, though.
  19. AndrewTS

    Good games you love

    Excellent taste, SK. I remember when I got my original Playstation, and I played the JF! demo a lot. I eventually purchased both JF!1 and JF!2--and I even played the original last week. It seems likely Retro Studios (of Metroid Prime fame) dug the game, because the MP games have a similar feel. JF! was basically the first game to do jumping in a First Person perspective right. I had Robbit as an MSN avatar recently, as well. Shadowrun being mentioned reminded me that I've been looking for that game forever--and I just lucked out and found it on half.com for 10 bucks + shipping. http://search.half.ebay.com/shadowgate-64_W0QQ I also often see it at EB/Gamestop for $4.99. However, many reviews I've seen remark that the original Shadowgate (an NES game) is better. Suikoden II isn't obscure (the Suikodens are outrageously overrated, even in they are good. How outrageous is it that you can't buy a used copy for less than 40 bucks at the usual places?!). Valkyrie Profile is fairly obscure--I've never seen the game at a retail location, ever.
  20. AndrewTS

    Matt Hardy Interview

    I beg to differ. It has been several years and a company ago since Kidman had connected with the audience to any extent. Even so, it was fleeting and due to a big push.
  21. AndrewTS

    Good games you love

    Contractual obligations prevented it. EA had Shaq locked up--hence his crappy fighter and appearances in the NBA Live series. MJ's separate license agreements meant he *could* be used in video games if the company wanted to fork out a buttload to Nike or whoever. It's not that clear, though--EA somehow was able to get MJ to star in a crappy platformer but he wasn't in their B-Ball games until NBA Live 2000.
  22. AndrewTS

    Good games you love

    That game has an odd history. It's based on a Konami arcade B-Ball title called Run n' Gun (which was unlicensed). There was a 3DO title that was a virtual clone called Slam n' Jam. Shortly after, Konami released NBA Give 'n Go on SNES. Konami decided to be a wet blanket, and released their 32-bit follow ups to Give 'n Go as "NBA In the Zone." Just about all of them are decent to good, though: tight arcade-style gameplay and an excellent game perspective. Since the GBA NBA Jam sucked, Konami should make, like, "NBA Jive 'n Drive" for it. EDIT: Damn, I think the GBA NBA Jam 2002 is the only basketball game on the system.
  23. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Famitu RAGES AGAINST THE MACHINE by giving Dirge of Cerberus...an above-average score. http://1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3147827 Most import reviews indicates that the gameplay is a pretty lousy, but the game is purty. Oh, next Famitsu is supposed to have info on a PSP Tekken.
  24. AndrewTS

    The bizzare scheduleing of CMT

    Titus and MwC are actually funny, though. And KotH is good, but totally wore out its welcome on me about 100 episodes ago. kkk and I are both in the W. PA area, and I can attest to that. At last count: UPN, WB, FX, WNPA and I guess now CMT have all been showing it recently.
  25. AndrewTS

    TV/Video Clips in Avatars/Sigs

    It would have to be compressed to an animated gif. Some people just leech clips they found elsewhere, but some people probably have video editor programs to make them. I'd PM Downhome or someone else who you see with them in their sigs a lot. They might be able to make one for you if you ask them. However, after that you'd likely need to upload it to a website. Something like geocities or something like that may not let you do it--posting an image on a non-native server uses bandwidth, so most free servers make the pictures only display on their sites.