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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Fuck this shit.
  2. AndrewTS

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

  3. AndrewTS

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    and the streak of dq losses continues
  4. AndrewTS

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    I hope a little elmer-fudd-esque midget comes in, tombstones Suke and breaks his leg.
  5. AndrewTS

    Tomb Raider Legend preview

    Right now, I'd be happy to play just about -any- ps2 game. Currently PS2-less due to an unfortunate meeting of Mountain Dew with my ps2's fan. Snap-crackle-pop, my $15,000 victory over Dr. Salvador in RE4 means nothing. Still pissed over that ><; Game sounds interesting and will certainly check out the vids. As for the tits comment... I thought they were, uhm, toning her down in the funbag department? Opting for more realism and all that jazz. Hence the "still" part. It seems like they just made her arms and waist less Barbie-dollish and more realistic. Hell, compare: http://playstation2.gaming-universe.de/scr...legendscan3.jpg In-game though is another matter--she's probably bulkier now that she has rounded textures instead of points. However, finding a screen shot to confirm that is nigh-impossible due to the ridiculous amount of promo art/comic art/trl media/pictures of Angelina Jolie on google image search. EDIT: Yup-- http://histoireduroussillon.free.fr/Trnext.../TR1/002TR1.jpg
  6. AndrewTS

    Tomb Raider Legend preview

    Have you seen the gameplay vids? http://toastyfrog.1up.com/do/download?cId=3139416 --oh yeah, your computer sucks. Probably you didn't.
  7. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Capcom isn't as bad as NAMCO milking it's 80's arcade collection of Pacman, Galaga, Pole Position, Dig Dug every 2 years.....50th Anniversary WTF is that!?!?! It's not a bad collection...but they should have stuck all the Namco Museum release (plus the Japan exclusive Encore) onto one DVD. Although the 50th Anniversary collection had Rolling Thunder, nice presentation, and cheesy 80's music. However, Konami doesn't even have the good sense to do any decent compilation. Yeah, Gyrus/Frogger/Time Pilot on a GBA cart. Nice job, you morons. Make a Castlevania + Contra collection that doesn't suck and I'll pay good money for it. The packaging of the Devil May Cry 3 SE is....well... You know how most companies' GH releases have the original game manual with no changes, since it is still the same game? And know how occasionally when companies do enhanced upgrades--like MGS2 Substance, Virtua Fighter Evolution, etc. they make new manuals? Capcom has the regular DMC3 manual packaged with SE, but with a little card about Vergil's moves and some of the new modes added to SE.
  8. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    The point was that there's plenty of beat 'em ups coming out these days--not that they're excellent. There's honestly a fairly decent amount of okay-to-good beat 'em ups for the past 5 years. It's Cody's brother/cousin/3rd cousin once removed or something like that, and allegedly Haggar's in there somewhere. 20 years later. That was Kreese's comment. I don't know/care if it's EXTREEEEME!! I'm skeptical since every time it was shown it was usually considered underwhelming-to-horrible, while Warriors/Shaolin Monks had much more realized potential. Plus, Capcom's own Beat Down was fairly ass--so they've got a lot they'll need to improve on. We need Don Frye as Mike Haggar...somehow. http://www.ironlife.com/mag/issue17/images/k1dynamite23.jpg
  9. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    Easily a half-dozen or more good ones, if you define beat 'em up very strictly.
  10. AndrewTS

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    I got the DVD set with Overdrawn on it. I was missing all of the eps from my VHS collection, anyway. "Woah. He's kind of a Dickensian-character-of-the-future, sort of thing." "So aging lesbian nuns run the future?" (TV screen of the chairman spinning around) "Somebody turn off the fat rotating guy!" "Wow. Really, *Really* Big Brother" (Red/yellow "future-y" graph) "Oh, they're showing us the tubby guy's angioplasty." "It was *kind* of like watching Casablanca...while a small child uses your groin as a speedbag."
  11. AndrewTS

    Shaun of the Dead

    I'm a bit biased, but...have you seen Land of the Dead? It's about 10 times better than that, at least. Everything is played straight, but the situations and the way it is directed is damn hilarious.
  12. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    Urban Reign Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (okay, beat 'em up spliced with GOW) Beat Down The Warriors State of Emergency 2 DBZ Sagas That crappy subgame in Tekken 5 Rise to Honor TMNT Licensed crap like Teen Titans, Fan 4, and the Incredibles. Less recently--the Viewtiful Joes, Batman: ROST, Spike Out There's countless awful-to-good hack and slashers, though. There's dozens that are also too horrible to recall.
  13. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Screw Halo 3 or Gears of War. Here's your killer aps here: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6143335.html So...another DOAX (Anya cheers) Selling downloadable costumes for DOA4. Holy crap, how ghey. I wonder if Tecmo will sue gamers for making hacked custom jobs again.
  14. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

    Oh great--"Trish ; This is your life!" coming up.
  15. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

  16. AndrewTS

    Tomb Raider Legend preview

    http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3147582 A new Tomb Raider game that isn't going to suck! About damn time. No indicator if the basic objectives have changed, though. Hopefully there's less sticking widgets into whatsises. Since RE4 toned down on that ridiculously dull cliche, I would expect TRL will continue with that trend. Oh, and this statement sounds even dumber now: "Could be interesting, but she is certainly no Rayne. Doesn't even compare. Worth a $1 rental, perhaps." But OMG she still has huge tits.
  17. AndrewTS

    Medieval 2: Total War announced!

    At the risk of going off topic, how's Spartan Total Warrior? I know the same folks are responsible for Spartan and the rest of the Total War series. However, PC strategy games are far beyond my scope of interest. Supposedly Spartan is more like a console hack 'n slash, though. Was going to rent it today, but the blurbs on the back weren't flattering. One referred to it as the most "promising action game" since God of War. Which sounds like a preview blurb. The other blurb was from Game Informer.
  18. Is he joking? I honestly can't quite tell.
  19. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Microsoft is losing money on the consoles, hence the overpriced games and accessories. I was pretty hyped over a 360, considering the steamshovel of utter bullshit that Sony drove into e3 with. However, MS' ineptness dwarfs it.
  20. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    DoA4 was originally going to be an X-Box 1 game. King Kong, Gun, Tony Hawk, etc--those are multi-console titles. Of course they're going to be barely-enhanced, with the HD support the major upgrade. Kameo started from a GC title, although the game environments do display more of the 360's capabilities than some other titles. So maybe...Project Gotham and RR6 are a couple of the few titles that was always supposed to be a 360 game? The library is loaded with multi-console titles, and titles that were aborted for other systems. Naturally they aren't as next-gen as they should be. I expect Rumble Roses XX and Gears of War to make DoA4 and Quake IV look pathetic (graphically)--and that's just maybe 6 months or so from now.
  21. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    The Shoe/Hsu (EGM guy) interview with Peter Moore is pretty awesome in its bluntness. Moore tries to squirm out of them but just dodges, bullshits, and lies. Since game magazines are not real journalism anyway, it's ridiculous for game mags to have so many dull, pre-fielded interviews.
  22. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    2 attack buttons that result in you wildly swinging your weapon around, and a grab that leads to...button prompts/mashing. The stealth kills in 2 Thrones are obviously inspired by GoW, but you only get to set those up after watching enemy patterns and carefully gauging the right time to attack. And maybe the enemies get vastly smarter later on, but they seem to be idiotic dopes in GoW. Playing both on normal, T2T's enemies were more likely to block and properly counter than GoW's. You attack, attack, attack, and usually they'll only be able to answer with a super attack that you can't interrupt. The right-analog roll is crap compared to the Prince's acrobatics. His are actually useful in free form combat. All Kratos' roll is good for is putting distance between you and the enemy. It's useless in most combat situations. The Prince actually has a wide variety of combos, but simply mashing without proper timing will get most of the attacks blocked, and get you nothing but the most basic of combos. Okay, Dark Prince sections are the exception, but he's meant to be an engine of destruction, and in those situations time is the enemy above all else. All GoW has *is* the most basic of combos, and a few extra moves you acquire along the way. Plus--GoW has no way of avoiding cheap deaths i.e. the Medusas. On their own, you can wiggle the stick and unstone yourself. A little trickier when you're being ganged up on, however. Also, T2T is paced so well that I don't have...oh...2 dozen more enemies popping in to fight me for no adequately explained reason (except for the sand gate areas--where it actually makes sense). Sands of Time's combat areas did suffer from that though. And there's no contest in the platforming--T2T has GoW beat there, although GoW likely never set out to compete with it on that area. For the first game in an (inevitable) series, GoW's pretty darn good. And as far as combat engines go--DMC3/SE destroys GoW's anyway. Is the PS2 version that ugly? I have the GC T2T. While GoW looks better than even that, T2T by no means has bad graphics. Multi-console releases often look poorer than exclusives that were optimized for one system. Graphics aren't everything, regardless.
  23. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Admittedly I've got a long way to go before finishing the game. However, this is better than Two Thrones how?
  24. AndrewTS

    WWE notes from Da Meltz on Figure Four Daily

    It's not just you. He comes back too often, and for the same reason each time, to be of the kind of value he could be. Foley should come back once every 12-18 months and work a short program to get someone over, either by wrestling them or being in their corner for the last match of a feud to ensure the babyface finally gets the win. I was sick of seeing him 2+ years ago. The WM2000 comeback...okay, he had lied, but it wasn't that big of a deal. And the first run as commissioner was gold, because of him chemistry with E+C. However, everything from then really wore on me.
  25. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I finally dusted off God of War and gave it another go (played a couple hours straight, but died a good bit. Only once by running out of health (rest were getting turned to stone by Medusa), though. I'm starting to see where a lot of the praise and criticism is coming from. However--Game of the Year? No, sorry. The game engine is fabulous, and I would love to see other games built upon it, because it allows for a lot of more traditional platforming, but is flexible enough to give you a very good view in so many types of gameplay scenarios. The context-sensitive button presses are fairly shameless--tap at the right time, get brutal eye candy. Did the programmers set some sort of bare breast quota they had to meet?