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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Ray Nagin, Super Genius

    Silly, not even the fires of Hell will take Butterfingers.
  2. AndrewTS

    Mega Man X Collection

    Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GBA is coming out!... February 16th!!... Stop laughing! Apparently (somehow) the InsidePulse guys got a hands-on: http://games.insidepulse.com/articles/45914 Yeah, like I trust InsidePulse that much, but I saw Mark Henry have a decent match last night, so I'm going to have a bit more faith in the impossible.
  3. AndrewTS

    New TMNT CGI movie poster

    DTV? Big budget studio release?
  4. AndrewTS

    OAO 1/20/06 Smackdown thread

    Rey did a crappier Frog Splash than Chavo...waaaay too short on that. Cool finish.
  5. AndrewTS

    OAO 1/20/06 Smackdown thread

    I agree. Henry selling the offense well, rey bumping like a freak, and even though Henry seems like he's legit getting gassed, he's working some decent big man offense.
  6. AndrewTS

    OAO 1/20/06 Smackdown thread

    OMG BIGGEST BOOBIES IN WWE! And standing beside them, Melina.
  7. AndrewTS

    Ape Escape 3 / Saru Getchu 3

    New review: http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/apeesca...tml?sid=6142542
  8. AndrewTS

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    http://www.digitalsolid.com/dcon2005/costu..._kratos_640.jpg http://eternity8.sempai.org/images/cosplay/cos012.jpg http://www.kikouken.com/gallery/cosplay/co...4/friedrice.jpg http://uranime.nekomusume.net/anime-conven...s/Catgirl3b.jpg http://uranime.nekomusume.net/anime-conven...xpo2002_141.JPG
  9. AndrewTS

    Mega Man X Collection

    It's easy to fall into the one weapon-one boss trap when most of the games are like that. While of course the best of the games (MMX and MM2) make the weapons more versatile and useful. And I didn't learn about the rawksomeness of the 'cutter until about 2000, actually.
  10. AndrewTS

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    *Saw the rest of the feature the above article was from* *No, it wasn't pretty*
  11. AndrewTS

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

  12. AndrewTS

    Mega Man X Collection

    Thanks. "promised by Capcom USA (and nixed by Capcom of Japan)" Well that explains it. "What we've been told is that Inafune wants to retool the X series up to Mega Man X6." You can't shine ****, Keiji.
  13. AndrewTS

    Sonic Mega Collection PLUS!

    What exactly is hard about it? The most frustrating parts are the Labyrinth Zone areas where you can get easily crushed/drowned. Plus, the Springyard Zone where the Ball Hogs come out of nowhere. Scrap Brain can be pretty annoying with the flames/electrified areas/crushers as well, of course.
  14. AndrewTS

    Sonic Mega Collection PLUS!

    I don't blame you. It's good, but there's no way it can live up to that OMG GR8EST SONIC EVER!!~ distinction it's been given by a lot of folks. It's just a good Sonic game on par with Sonic 1. Since it was started on before Sonic 2 was released, it's slower and plays differently than 2/3.
  15. AndrewTS

    Sonic Mega Collection PLUS!

    About half of the Game Gear games are terrible. Sky Patrol and Labyrinth are nearly unplayable. Blast is plagued by sprites that are way too large, poor collision detection, bad level design and lack of challenge. Sonic 2 is brutally hard and unbalanced. Chaos and Sonic 1 are very fun, though. Tails' Adventure is a neat little game that is vastly different from the other Sonic games. It isn't on + though. I got the import Sonic Mega Collection, and I don't know if I'd say Sonic CD is worth it by itself, but I'm glad the SOR games are there. If you find Gems collection for maybe about $15, I'd say snap it up.
  16. AndrewTS

    Sonic Mega Collection PLUS!

    Sonic Blast (on GG I'm assuming) is not good at all. GC SMC doesn't let you save outside of Sonic 3? Lame. Sonic Jam had a save feature for the others, although it's fewer games.
  17. AndrewTS

    Mega Man X Collection

    Capcom's ACTUAL SITE says "remixed soundtracks," which is a really huge stretch based on what we actually got. There's X3 which is just the "remixed" x3 from SNES, and some unlockable remixed content. That's it. As for differences--pulled this stuff from another MB:
  18. AndrewTS

    Mega Man X Collection

    Gone in X4? No idea where you got that from. However, the Extremely Dull Japanese Guys doing voiceovers from X6 is gone. Capcom flat out lied and didn't give us the redone cutscenes with dubbing. Nooo...they're apparently going to do that for the PSP enhancements of the X games. In fact, pretty much all the extras that were supposed to be on the MMXC were pulled to use as a selling point for the PSP games. It's worse than when they made the Rockman Complete Works for PS1.
  19. AndrewTS

    Mega Man X Collection

    I don't understand how anyone can hate X5 the most when X6 is there. The ability to switch between Zero/X depending on the level at your choosing is nice, too. Aside from the upgrades...why does X lose all the gained weapons? Never really explained in MM series or X series.
  20. AndrewTS

    Mega Man X Collection

    He tripped and fell over, and couldn't get up because of his HUGE FRIGGIN HEAD! I was tempted to get the Cube version, but I guess it was the PS1 controller being used with X4 and X5 that got me. That being said, I kind of think it should have worked out well with the cube controller (which is just so damn perfect with PoP Two Thrones), but that itty bitty d-pad would be not quite up to cutting it, IMO. Too bad those SNES-ish controllers for GC aren't available without special ordering.
  21. A for effort. B for the amusing, if simple pics. D for the punchlines that have been hopelessly beaten into the ground.
  22. AndrewTS

    Last movie you watched on VHS

    I haven't seen the MST3K movie recently, but I have it on VHS too because the DVD is overpriced, bare bones, and has no chapter stops. I had gotten the VHS for about 5 bucks from a rental store selling its VHS stock. As for actually saw--Last Action Hero. The trailer of Arnie in Hamlet is the absolute peak, but still had lots of great lines. Benedict: I wonder if you could help me? Mechanic: Sure, what do ya need?. Benedict: Well... [benedict shoots him. He listens for a while, then shouts] Benedict: I have just shot someone; I did it on purpose. [listens some more, still nothing] Benedict: I said, I have just killed a man and I wish to confess! [listens some more, someone tells him to shut up. He looks pleased] The mayor: Jack, as mayor of this great metropolis, you and I have had our little tiffs, but this is the Lieutenant Governor. Lt. Governor: Slater, here's what I... Jack Slater: [breaks the Lieutenant Governor's nose] When the Governor gets here, call me. Jack Slater (shoots several bullets at taxi...is puzzled when it doesn't explode): I think the taxis are bulletproof.
  23. AndrewTS

    Mortal Kombat Armageddon

    A couple omens that disturb me: Armageddon is such a cliche and uninspired name. Often the products reflect the effort put into the name. See: Resident Evil Apocalypse, MK Annihilation. Also, no MK product that can be abbreviated as "MKA" is ever any good. See: Mortal Kombat Annihilation, Mortal Kombat Advance
  24. AndrewTS

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    Hey, edit that J. Spoilerford. And mashing Y to just chop 3-4 enemies to bits with ease, and using the daggertail to swing across huge gaps was great. That is a bitchin' sword, though.
  25. AndrewTS

    Mortal Kombat Armageddon

    I just read the feature in the new GI. It's making a big deal about the improved, faster air combat. So that probably means even more infinites. Rain has a new look and actually seems designed to look rather regal. He has a purple vest, natch. However, he has a cape, a big gold collar, and he has a cool dagger. An "original" character will be the main one you use in the konquest mode. He doesn't have a real name yet, but his costume looks like Han Zo Mon from WCW/nWo Revenge without a mask. Puzzle/Chess combat is gone, but there's a new mode replacing it. "...something new. Something strange. Something that will support up to eight players simultaneously online," GI states. Anya: You might be interested in this... http://openmortal.sourceforge.net/