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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I made it up at 1 o'clock in the morning suffering a little insomnia.
  2. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Both will be out in 20XX. Seriously, though, it was announced way back in Feb of this year, and I expected surely it would be out by now. I understand that there's work to do on the bonus material...but come on, now. GBA MMAC is a sick joke at this point that Capcom won't kill, cuz it's Mega Man. It's a more sane option at this point to pick up the occasional used GB versions of MM1-4 you can often find at EBs and Gamestops than to wait for Capcom to make enhanced versions of games that were meh translations in the first place. Events likely to happen before GBA (or DS) MMAC is released: Zelda Twilight Princess released Bryan Singer's Superman 2006 The Official Movie of the Game Turbo...is released...to stellar reviews. PS3 comes out. Koji Igarashi and his team produces an excellent 3D Castlevania game that has a great camera, has spot-on and fun platforming sequences, and includes a premium bonus disc with Rondo of Blood in its US debut. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Remake with non-cel-shaded graphics debuts on Revolution. Hideo Kojima makes a game with simple, addictive, fun gameplay and avoids overblown cinema screens and convoluted backstory. The PS3/Linux team up heralds a shift in the balance of OS power and Microsoft takes a huge hit. Mario appears in a new, original 3D platform game universally hailed as the greatest new platformer in the last 3 generations. Halo 4 The Movie The Game X-Box 360--number one in Japan!!! Team Ninja's Keiji Itaragi hails Tekken 6 as the greatest fighting game of all time, and gets Accutane treatments. Furries become socially acceptable. The Mario Party series comes to an end. The Final Fantasy series comes to an end. The Madden series comes to an end after an embarrasing sex scandal. The series continues as the renamed "The only NFL Game 20XX : what are YOU going to do it about it? Yeah, you're gonna buy it. Bend over...yeah, shake that cheek with that wallet...we gotcha right where we want you." The included hologram sticker with a voice chip that shouts the product name when the case is picked up is deemed a bit too far even for EA, and sales tank. 10 million copies of the game end up in a landfill, and over the next few years EA limps its way to bankrupcy and dissolution. DS US sales overtake the PSP.
  3. AndrewTS

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/princeo...ia3/review.html Another review--and check out the Watch link next to Gameplay Movie 1 to get a sneak peek at fighting that first boss. On a related note, it seems the Aeon Flux game may actually be a good platformer in a similar vein, with several very positive reviews just about everywhere I've seen it reviewed. Suprisingly, our occasional guest Bloodrayne geekette Yuna Firerose hasn't popped in to give us feedback on it (Terminal Reality, the devs of Bloodrayne, also did AF), because it appears AF was developed like an outgrowth of the Bloodrayne series.
  4. AndrewTS

    X-Men 3 Pictures/Preview

    Juggernaut does look awful. Sure, UMX Bullethead S&M Freak Juggy wouldn't look so good on the big screen either...but he looks like some 80's pro wrestler doof in his ring entrance gear. "Tonight's opening match! Bane vs. Juggernaut!" If you're going to be a superhero/villain and need a protective helmet, you shouldn't leave your face exposed. Totally looks short-bus.
  5. AndrewTS

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    *old guy petting tigerskin* "The Japanese Calvin and Hobbes." *at night a guy drives onto a net...which is hauled up in the air by a helicopter, yeah...* "They're going to return that Japanese car to the wild!" *sits down, Crow in Mr Rogers voice* "Hi boys and girls, I'm going to take my shoes off and put my little sneakers on!" *pulls heel off shoe* "Cherry cordials? What a thoughtful old man!" "He's building a meal--he's got the four button groups there" "Oh great, the instructions are in Japanese." "This is only a test..had this been an actual movie..." *on a boat, some guy lying down reading a book* "Captain of the valdez, here." *sailor comes in holding head* "Doctor, I have this awful headache!" Tom: Okay...climb in. "Meanwhile, back on the Greasy Bastard." "Unzip me, will ya?" *big metal cone drops down on hostage guy* "Those lights are capable of blinding you." "I'm not afraid! I'll keep my eyes closed, but I won't answer any questions!" Crow: Wow is he smart! "You're being very foolish. Soon you'll open your eyes and you'll be blinded for life." "You can't hold out much longer...where is Mighty Jack's base?" Tom: Next to the drums and the guitar! "The kidnappers must be *clever* and ruthless!" "We can't just sit here like this!" Crow: We're getting hemorroids!
  6. AndrewTS

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    I need to rewatch Mighty Jack. I've endured about all of the insane, probably-butched-to-hell-in-translation, incomprehensible Japanese episodes I have multiple times, but I haven't mustered the courage to come back to that one. I have it somewhere but I'm afraid of finding it. ...hell, I'll watch it tonight. I've seen this episode of the Tick again recently. Jungle Goddess is boring as hell compared to how it could have been. Lousy 50's. Not even Superman could save it. The Sven and Ollie joke referenced in ELM's avatar killed me when I saw it. *pops in Mighty Jack* I'm going in...
  7. AndrewTS


    20 bucks for nothing? Bitchin'. I could swear I posted this link a while ago in one of the Batman Begins threads, though. It's pretty old and I'm a regular visitor of the Agony Booth forums. The original post was slashdotted, though I was never familiar with anyone eating up the AICN shilling and swallowing the "re-imagined" version either, though.
  8. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Sells cover stories for ad revenue? *gasp* Shocking. I'm betting Game Informer is at least one of them, but Gamepro is, was, and always will be trash, so nothing would surprise me about them either. I'm pretty sure that's any number of game companies that don't fork over money to X game rag. Remember, not "video game journalists," but "semi-independent marketing representatives."
  9. AndrewTS

    Rights to Acclaim Games up for auction due to bankruptcy

    Bubble Bobble/Bust a Move on the systems Acclaim published them for, sure. However, only Taito can make new games for that series. Double Dragon--the property is owned by Million, who use Atlus as a publisher these days. Smash TV is a Midway property. As you likely know, the Midway Arcade Treasures featured the arcade version of it, Paper Boy, the MKs, etc. The license/franchise never belonged to Acclaim. So must of those rights are absolutely of no use to anybody, I believe.
  10. AndrewTS

    Rights to Acclaim Games up for auction due to bankruptcy

    But it took, like, 20 years for them to.
  11. AndrewTS

    Rights to Acclaim Games up for auction due to bankruptcy

    Red Star isn't on the list--hm, wonder if somebody bought the rights already.
  12. They need to use OMG instead of Jamal as Cena's backup from the streets. Maybe... Or they'll team OMG up with a returning Lanny O. Lane to be a pair of smarks who just will bitch about the workrate of faces then get jobbed out constantly.
  13. AndrewTS

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    Faced the first boss (yeah...he's quite a ways into the game), who is quite God-of-War-riffic. Huge beastie with no lower jaw--you have to platform your way above him, take out his eyes, then cut him down to size from there.
  14. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    http://www.invertedcastle.com/archives/200...-japanese-games Found the link at Godawful Fan Fiction (which has a poster called Leelee, who may or may not be the same one here). Ah, Japan.
  15. AndrewTS

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    I didn't beat it, since I didn't get it first day (only got to sit down and play it since Monday) and also had the new Batman TAS box set, but I've gotten past the 2nd Dark Prince section and the chariot sequence that followed.
  16. AndrewTS

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    The main page is McGriddled with Prince of Persia Two Thrones stuff, at least.
  17. AndrewTS

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    1up with a review. It's *loaded* with spoilers, however. However considering that probably a lot of people who got it first day may have completed by now, it's not so bad. http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3146191&did=1 I agree with a lot of the criticisms, however, but it's still an excellent title.
  18. AndrewTS

    Raw pops a 4.1 rating

    Anglesault did too, though. The test will be if more people tune in next week.
  19. AndrewTS

    Smartest/dumbest States

    Source: CNN Netscape States Ranked: Smart to Dumb The smartest state is Vermont. The dumbest is Arizona. These are the 2005-2006 findings of the Education State Rankings, a survey by Morgan Quitno Press of hundreds of public school systems in all 50 states. States were graded on 21 factors, including student achievement and attendance, positive outcomes, strong student-teacher relationships and school district efficiency. Other factors are the number of high school graduates, reading, writing and math proficiency, percent of school-age kids in public schools, high school drop out rates, student-teacher ratios and class size. "The Smartest State Award recognizes those states that are committed to students and teachers, emphasize excellence in the classroom and ensure that public elementary and secondary schools are efficiently-run," said Scott Morgan, president of Morgan Quitno Press. "Vermont shines in many key areas of education. A high percentage of its students excel in reading, writing and math. In addition, schools in Vermont have smaller class sizes and lower pupil-teacher ratios than in most other states." They're doing something right in New England. Massachusetts was designated the smartest state by Morgan Quitno Press the previous two years, and New England states dominate four of the five top slots this year. The losers are Arizona, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Louisiana, Alaska, Alabama, Hawaii and Tennessee. How does YOUR state rank? 1. Vermont 2. Connecticut 3. Massachusetts 4. New Jersey 5. Maine 6. Minnesota 7. Virginia 8. Wisconsin 9. Montana 10. New York 11. Pennsylvania 12. Nebraska 13. Kansas 14. Iowa 15. New Hampshire 16. Rhode Island 17. Wyoming 18. South Dakota 19. Maryland 20. North Dakota 21. Missouri 22. North Carolina 23. Colorado 24. Texas 25. Delaware 26. Indiana 27. Michigan 28. Idaho 29. South Carolina 30. Washington 31. Ohio 32. Illinois 33. Utah 34. West Virginia 35. Kentucky 36. Florida 37. Arkansas 38. Oregon 39. Oklahoma 40. Georgia 41. Tennessee 42. Hawaii 43. Alabama 44. Alaska 45. Louisiana 46. California 47. Nevada 48. New Mexico 49. Mississippi 50. Arizona
  20. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    From what I understand, it isn't more, it's just different content... ...including some games we wanted more than some of the stuff that was in CCC.
  21. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    Didn't Vince fire all of us?
  22. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    Vanilla Ice Cold John McWeenie
  23. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    "I'm made a new star! The Elimination Chamber!"
  24. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    "Puffy white hos, green dollars, golden bling bling and new silver bullets! Part of your complete breakfast!"
  25. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    There's still time for him to drive (name of vehicle) into (location), (commit rebellious act) and (perform finisher on) somebody. Vince and Eric team up and throw Cena in the Dump Truck and start the compactor. If Vince makes like Raven did when he put Pepe in the wood chipper, that might top the trial.