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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    What were some great Sega Genesis games?

    He did the Matrix game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You mean the one that sucked or the one that suuuuucked? I know of it, because it's why Barkley was removed from NBA Jam. I have a Genesis copy with Barkley in it, though. The sequel had Godzilla dunks.
  2. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I did? Not on purpose then. I must have missed your reply. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, you did. Like 80's WWF, but with a Japanese guy getting a huge push. Although I'd love to play that game still. Oh, and until I played CCC, I had no idea that human players could climb Vega's cage in any version of the game.
  3. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Anya and I don't really argue anymore. We just have spirited discussions. Then we ramble on about stupid little things in games that make no sense/are a tad annoying, when the simple answer is that the makers of the games didn't really put that much thought into it when they made the game. Multi-part games, no. It's actually somewhat more comforting if you know up front that they've got a set plan rather than making a game that they intended to stand-alone, and only tacked on a sequel to milk a hit. Said worst fears for gaming would be a revival of the "interactive movie" genre, which threatened console gaming when the CD was assumed the next big thing for the biz, at least by Sega. When Sega was banking the SCD's success on said new phenomenon, it was a sad time for the industry. Of course, hardly anything lately has come close to those horrid games. Although Xenosaga is a multi-part RPG with barely any gameplay and ridiculous spans of time where you do more watching than playing. RPGs already are usually less gameplay and more story. However, once in a while one comes out that seems to go too far. Adventure games (as in, the PC kind like Monkey Island) are also kind of hovering between them, but they're relatively harmless because they've such a niche, and the better ones have a charm that you rarely see anymore.
  4. AndrewTS

    Castlevania SOTN, COTM, HOD and AOS

    Okay, snapped up the new Jampack...going to at least be able to play the Curse of Darkness demo. ...and...it's much better than LoI. Controllable camera thanks to the right analog, better level design from what I can see (needed an Innocent Devil to glide over a gap, for instance) but nothing ground-breaking thus far. You can choose different weapons for combat, such as the standard broadsword, and a spear I was cutting down tons of enemies with. You can level up just like the Castletroids, and apparently there's tons of ability upgrades available down the line. Okay, gonna have to give this game a chance when the full version is available.
  5. AndrewTS

    Shadow of the Colossus

    *raises hand* So far haven't played much of GoW, but did fight the giant Hydra. The Jampack with the demo of this game is out. I've got to go to work, but when I come back I'm going to play through a ton of the demos and give my impressions.
  6. AndrewTS

    WOOO!!!!!! Raw keeps getting better

    *sees your sig* ...um...so WWE/UPN is honestly promoting this week's SD based on that bull****? Stacy a pro-wrestler? My ass.
  7. AndrewTS

    Shadow of the Colossus

    (MikeSC) Ico sucked. (/MikeSC) Now that that's out of the way, what's the heads up on a playable demo? Last I heard it was supposed to be on the new Jampack (which I plan to check out for the Curse of Darkness demo), but I haven't seen it out yet. Seeing still screen shots does it no justice. You have to see it in motion.
  8. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Most of the folks here are usually on the same page, so there's been few arguments. Even you admit that Square pretty much sucks now, the occasional decent release aside. Thankfully, Xenosaga Ep. 2 was such a huge bomb my fears of other companies taking similar routes are assuaged for now. Apparently they're trying to pay penance by making a 2D DS version of 1 and 2. I think you blew a previous chance. When I confronted you on your shameless bias when posting the Revolution controller with no accompanying news text or article links, you basically ignored it. Just about everyone was talking about now Nintendo is crazy, stupid, out of touch, etc. Then 24 hours later people were doing 180s after actually *reading* about it (imagine that) and basically saying the same things I was saying in the first place. Pretty much the only person who is likely to vastly deviate from the norm is MikeSC, whose sum total of useful contributions seems to have begun and ended with pointing out that Metal Arms and Ratchet and Clank are really good. If things have since changed, note that I have had him on ignore for a good month and a half. Too bad SR was originally on MAT2, but they held back on it and MK1.
  9. AndrewTS

    What were some great Sega Genesis games?

    Using *normal* attacks drains your health on it, though. WTF? The bonus cd was a disappointment, too. Considering how many people put Eternal Champions CD on their list of top SCD games, apparently the base engine appeals to some people, but I didn't see the big deal when the game was new. evem/
  10. AndrewTS

    What were some great Sega Genesis games?

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mickey Mouse: Red X 1 and 2 ruled. (EDIT: Hey, 10 hours later and there the screens are!) I remember that the Looney Tunes would often luck out with some decent games. B-Ball was a decent NBA Jam clone, Desert Demolition was a blast, and Bug's Genesis game (name escapes me right now) was hard but really fun. I hated the Taz games. I know that Tiny Toons inexplicably got games years after the series was cancelled. Hell, there is a GBA game that's either coming out or was put out recently I saw reviews for.
  11. AndrewTS

    What were some great Sega Genesis games?

    They sold off their cash cow, changed their name, put out some games that were financial duds (Skullmonkeys, Wild 9, Boombots) and didn't quite live up to the EWJ games. And today, the only one we still hear about is that greasy "I think I'm the Fonz of the game industry even though I'm a asshat who didn't even deserve credit for the music that came out of my studio" Tommy T. Oh, and Perry released some statement about what he thought about the Revolution controller, and everyone who read it was trying to remember a game he was involved in within the past 7 years.
  12. AndrewTS

    What were some great Sega Genesis games?

    Yes <{POST_SNAPBACK}> World of Illusion and Castle of Illusion, anyone? World is better, but it loses something without coop, though. Mickey Mania was *the* Mickey Mouse game, though. Fantasia blew. The Magical Quests were totally different animals, of course.
  13. AndrewTS

    What were some great Sega Genesis games?

    SNES version was made by Capcom. Completely different game. Good, but Genesis one was more enjoyable. The SNES game is available on GBA. Lion King was was the same game on both systems. Well, if Anya hadn't already sharked the thread... SNES version was the better *game*, but for capturing the spirit of the show and being unique, the Genesis version comes on top. A B&B game designed like a PC Adventure game...who'd have thunk it? I had the Game Gear version. It was a boring, crap platformer, but without all the traits that made the SNES one fun. SNES had Chicken Fights, neat boss fights, and BUTT FIGHTER!!
  14. AndrewTS

    What were some great Sega Genesis games?

    Aladdin's a pretty decent game that was overhyped because of the graphics. Still fun, though. During 16-bit days it seems like you'd get the odd *good* licensed game more often, because you'd often get folks like Capcom or Konami making it. EWJ is better on the Sega version, but the best version is the SCD/Special Edition. The PC CD version is the SE version, which works well even on Windows XP, although you have to mess around with the display colors to get it working right.
  15. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Everyone knew it sucked when it was announced...way to exceed expectations, Midway. This thread should die. It's absorbing all the content that could be used for half a dozen niche threads, which always end up going off-topic eventually anyway. ...which I guess was the purpose, but it still sucks.
  16. AndrewTS

    What were some great Sega Genesis games?

    Missing... Beyond Oasis aka The Story of Thor Ranger X Ristar Castlevania Bloodlines Toejam and Earl 2 Shinobi 3 (some would say Revenge of Shinobi as well, hasn't held up for me) Dynamite Headdy Landstalker Ecco 1 and 2 Mega Turrican Phantasy Star IV WTF? raza deserves mad props for bringing the obscurity. There's a few there even I haven't heard of.
  17. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm just kind of used to load times in most of my disc-based 2D fighters anyway. Yet, there isn't any noticeable loading on Final Fight. *shrug* Credits--point--they replaced all of the menus and gave you that lame overlay instead of the regular options/title screens. The SGnG menu doesn't allow you to access the in-game sound test as well. I spent tons of time playing the GBC Ghosts and Goblins, so I had fun playing the version on board.
  18. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I think it's a decent port--certainly a better value than the insane prices the SF2C/Capcom Generations versions were fetching online. Yeah, there are sound issues, but I grew up with the SNES/Genesis versions so it isn't a big deal. Load time? Pretty much what I expected. Alex Lucard (insidepulse) is the only person I know of reporting control issues. But he thinks Super Ghouls and Ghosts was a Genesis game, didn't know Forgotten Worlds supported the analog sticks, and has given glowing reviews to both versions of Maximum Impact.
  19. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah, pretty neat to have a beat 'em up with gunplay in it, even if it is toned down from the original version. Yeah, I already mentioned that a few pages back...
  20. MSRP on this? And any chance of a FYE bonus disc?
  21. AndrewTS

    Castlevania SOTN, COTM, HOD and AOS

    No official titles/platforms have been announced, but Iga's stated that there are more CVs on the way, and will continue to be post-1999 on the handheld version(s?), and pre-1999 on console. If anyone here can nab the Jampack, post your thoughts on the Curse demo, plz.
  22. AndrewTS

    Castlevania SOTN, COTM, HOD and AOS

    Researched the 2 in 1 thing... Apparently it's based on this: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/259693.asp Coincidentally (?) Japan is getting re-released copies of AoS and HoD (Konami the Best versions): http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-19-37-406617...astlevania.html So, assuming EBGames isn't full of it (and remember this is the same EB games that posted a preorder page for XB Soul Calibur 3 and took a month or so to update their scheduled ship date for KH2), I guess HoD and AoS will be getting the multicart treatment. Since CVII and III haven't appeared on GBA yet (either separately or compiled), and have yet to be released as Famicom Minis in Japan, if it's real it'll be HoD and AoS.
  23. AndrewTS

    Castlevania SOTN, COTM, HOD and AOS

    Gotcha, although Konami's track record with 3D action games has been quite spotty, save for MGS3. The Primes can get away with being less graphically intense, though. More organic environments are acceptable. CV is expected to have top-notch art design, otoh. Legacy of Darkness came darn close to doing everything right. If CoD sucks, Iga needs to get over himself and let some of the KCEK folks who worked on them to help contribute input and design ideas. Although the Curse of Darkness hype supposedly has it geared more like a SotN-style game than the glorified hack-n'-slash that was LoI.
  24. AndrewTS

    Castlevania SOTN, COTM, HOD and AOS

    2.5D games haven't really had a vast amount of commercial success lately, I think. But I'm fine with a new 2D Castletroid every year and a half, and allegedly there's going to be a new one for DS as well after this.
  25. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Old news, but EA doesn't really give a flying dutchman about its customers: http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000837061762/ http://www.maddenrecall.us/ I put up with more glaring incompetencies at work, but as an established company with about 20 years in the biz, this is pretty screwed up.