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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Pinning down release dates has been awful lately. You've got rumored pushbacks for like a half dozen good games, Gamestop and EB release dates are conflicting, GameFAQs is inaccurate as ever, and I still have no friggin' clue if Kingdom Hearts 2 is actually coming out this year. Some magazines have said the PSP version is supposed to come out first, but many release lists show it as December.
  2. AndrewTS


    I'm pretty much in the same camp. Although DD leans more towards Simpsons humor than classic LT humor. The Samurai Jack parody was killer. And I also suspect the ratings were high because of the percieved trainwreck factor.
  3. AndrewTS

    Son of a Peach

  4. AndrewTS

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Stuff like Mighty Jack, the Coleman Francis 3, MAGG and Neptune Men are an utter chore to watch at first. Almost nobody can really love them on the first try. Then, the utter bleakness of everything in the films somehow fades into the background, and the quality of the rifts shine. So while I never would recommend trying to watch an un-MSTed Neptune Men, about the 3rd viewing or so can begin to win you over. Plus, I think every Japan-obsessed otaku needs to watch it, because of the relentless skewing of Japanese culture. Can you believe that they CUT stock footage from the bombing scenes? Yes, that was originally longer, and more violent and depressing portions--taken from actual WW2 bombing footage--were present in the original. "Featuring...SPEED RACER, SHONEN KNIFE, SAILOR MOON!" "He was trained by Bruce Lee...bowitz." "Wispy Chickenheaded Bachelor" "These kids are like, 10, so... yeah, they're well out of college..." "They should be at their jobs right now." "Scientists labor around the clock to find out what the hell is the deal with Japan." "Has anyone seen my record?" "It's smaller than us--we can torment it!" *dramatic zoom in* "My head is a koosh ball!" "Humiliating game shows are beamed across the country." "Grampa tries to set his VCR..." *sings* "Spaaace chief failed miiiseraably, and tried to coover up his shaaame.." "Due to the apocalypse, cram school will be delayed by 45 minutes this morning." "Space Chief should really try going up*into space* sometime. "Yeah, he's more like Lower Atmosphere Chief." "Barely Off the Stupid Ground Chief." It's pretty funny to see Sonny Chiba punching and kicking so weakly, as well...considering...
  5. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    While you know of its existence, there is Policenauts. But, baby steps here; when Snatcher comes out on a system that's not either unknown to most US gamers or a system upgrade usually mentioned today only to note Sega's many bouts of utter incompetence, then lets hope for a sequel.
  6. AndrewTS

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Track of the Moon Beast is awesome, but it's one of those episodes that, if you haven't seen it in a while, are easy to get mixed up with about half a dozen other entries featured on the show. Track, Werewolf, and It Lives by Night...it's easy to get scenes mixed up in there. However, the makers of Werewolf had to know how much their movie sucked and weren't taking it seriously. Come on--the turning off the radio scene? Driving Under Lycantropy? The casting of Joe Estevez? Many people also mix up Prince of Space with Invasion of the Neptune Men. I can kind of see it, although the former is a cornocopia of bad dialogue, bad dubbing, bad costumes, bad sets and effects, and shrill children. Although, at least the Prince is rather easily definined as the hero of the pic, with the shrill children bordering on tolerable at times. The same can't be said about the children in Neptune Men, who are basically your *stars*. Almost every single scene puts the focus on the unlikable, indistinguishable brats. Neptune Men also has an utterly depressing pace, flat out boring dubbing and dialogue, costumes that make you say "eh", and has a hero that's actually more dull than Prince, despite in theory being easier to kill. When you're watching the Mobian Strip of an air battle that is supposed to be some sort of climax, you end up so drained of enthusiasm even with the MiSTing that the appearance of Krankor really does seem like the breath of fresh air that the crew acts like he is.
  7. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    The transformation--hellayeah. Was trying to pin down something similar, but oh well. And what can really be said about them fighting a Bowser-dooed Gamera clone?
  8. AndrewTS

    MK Shaolin Monks

    Even though the cutscenes are still loaded with bad acting, the intro joins the ranks of DA's and Deception's for being really, really friggin' awesome. Anya: As is that link. It's funny that UK people complain about how violent American entertainment/society is, yet you probably could never show that on American TV except maybe late, late, LATE at night.
  9. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Great endings, too. Although, I thought in DCAU continuity Metallo could still move around without Green K, just would be weak?
  10. AndrewTS

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Dino Riders-esque fantasy story in 1st ep The Kirby-esque artwork in Grodd's story WW actually getting a decent appearance in Some funny innuendo in both.
  11. AndrewTS

    MK Shaolin Monks

  12. Some good choices, and lots of crap. Of course, it's a popularity contest, and unfairly skewed towards newer stuff as expected.
  13. AndrewTS

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    "The DRIVE FOR FIVE!" 161. Goldust showed up on the show, *in character* 162. Amy Poehler's Conan appearances are all 10x funnier than anything she ever did on SNL. 163. Abraham Lincoln in KISS makeup reinacting baseball.
  14. AndrewTS

    MK Shaolin Monks

    I guess it is the same game minus cutscenes, really. Not like they could make those sequences make any sense.
  15. AndrewTS

    MK Shaolin Monks

    I assume Cage and Sonya are the other playables in the main/koop modes, but didn't really pay much attention to the silhouettes. Which ones are?
  16. AndrewTS

    MK Shaolin Monks

    After playing "Ko-Op" with a friend, I feel this game is 10x better than it had any right to be. Got up to the point where you fight the 3 ninja chicks and then get the Fist of Ruin. My favorite parts so far are using a body impaled on spikes for a platform, juggling an enemy tons of times using Lao's hat spin, and the cutscene kills.
  17. AndrewTS

    MK Shaolin Monks

    I'm having company over, and got a coupon for a free rental, so snatched it up this morning. 5 days should be enough to see everything in the game I'd want to bother with, without needing to purchase.
  18. AndrewTS

    KB Toys Game Clearance

    My KB--a small one in the mall--had absolutely none of these except for LoW2 and...ugh...Enter the Matrix. However, they were also clearing out games for $4.99 that had display boxes out (were opened), or the cases were missing. I was able to get some manuals that they didn't have games for. It's not that somebody else hit it--in general they just have terrible selection there. I did get Final Fantasy X-2--even though I know I'd absolutely hate it, might help flesh out a lot of game I'm selling down the line.
  19. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    "Do you own RE4 on your Cube, Andrew?" Not yet, still a bit too expensive. 44 bucks used?! That's silly. I just got paid today, so tomorrow morning I <3 Katamara will be mine.
  20. AndrewTS

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    "Capcom has delighted gamers with its Capcom Classics on PS2 and Xbox, and the PSP is getting its turn. Aside from offering old gems like 1942, Final Fight, and Street Fighter II, this handheld collection will throw in titles like Strider and Side Arms, which weren't on the compilations for the larger systems." -- Game Informer
  21. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    According to the biggest collection of Nintendo marks and Square fanboys on the planet... Link > Sephiroth. Eat it, Anya.
  22. AndrewTS

    WWEShop Goes Insane

    I'd rather have a Meng/Haku wig from the period when he had jumped from WCW and tagged with Kish.
  23. AndrewTS

    House of the Dead

    There are worse movies--yeah, saw HotD and got the DVD, plus I've seen AitD (in theaters, mind you). And yes, worse recent movies (discounting the 50's junk with talks of WHITE GUYS TALKING AND SMOKING IN ROOMS, Manos and Monster A Go Go). Try Dracula 3000.
  24. AndrewTS

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    I still love the platforming gameplay. I hate the crappy music, the fact that it is ridden with bugs, the muddy, uglier designs, several "improvements" made in the battle system, and yeah the angst. It's borderline on being ruined, but still has enough redeeming factors to make me like it.
  25. AndrewTS

    New Prince of Persia 3 Trailer/Title

    Well, 2 already used the cliche (but still cool) "It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." persuer gimmick. The funny part is that Fusion did that and the evil twin thing better than those, IMO. Hopefully it is thoroughly bug-tested this time, and perhaps the combat system will have fewer "Hey...I see you're trying to cross a tight-rope...this would be a great opportunity to have a bunch of enemies try to kick you in the face and knock you to your death" areas.