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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Scientists Discover Tenth Planet

    I saw this pop up recently, but I'm fairly certain the story is about 7 years old because the mainsteam didn't care one bit. Maybe NASA forgot. EDIT: Apparently I'm not crazy... http://www.captaincomics.us/forums/lofiver...php/t20464.html They've suspected the existance of the tenth planet ever since Pluto was confirmed/discovered. Pluto is just too small to do the weird things that happen to Uranus' orbit. It just takes years to confirm where the darn thing actually is! I know I'm not thinking of Charon either, cuz that's really old news.
  2. AndrewTS

    OAO Game Ratings/Content Controversy Thread

    If you go back even as recent as the PS1 era, you'll find some ridiculously conflicting ratings/descriptors on games. I mentioned the Turbo Revival E, yet GBA Alpha 3 gets the T rating with the descriptor "Realistic Violence." Tekken Advance has "Mild Animated Violence" (still a T). I thought the blood made the difference, but Comix Zone caused the Sonic Mega Collection + to get the descriptor "animated blood" (the mutants). Yet, fighting games with robots--Tech Romancer, Virtual On, Robo Pit--have T ratings. Strider 2 has an E for "Animated Violence." Shinobi games are all E except for the PS2/Saturn ones for "Animated Violence," even if the animation is fairly realistic and features actual humans getting killed. The Clayfighters get T ratings for "Comic Mischief,Mild Animated Violence" Street Fighter The Movie features "Realistic Violence" while the also-digitized Shinobi Legions has "Animated Violence" (both T). Blackthorne has a Teen rating, while the old 2D Prince of Persias are E. Yet the GBA Sands of Time is T (for "Mild Violence"). Flashback for the Jaguar gets an E while the Mac version gets a T (Both say "Animated Violence"). Robotron X originally got a T rating, but the PC version has an E rating. Supposedly the T was over one level called "Bullet Hell" that was either renamed or the ESRB changed its mind. The ESRB sucks hard. Of course, almost nobody cares about ratings less than M anyway. And lets face it, SA got the AO because they caved in without a fight. Anybody spot any others they'd like to share?
  3. AndrewTS

    National Lampoon rips on Futurama

    Atomsk: Izzok, seems like you picked my brain and said just about everything I wanted to, anyway.
  4. AndrewTS

    OAO Game Ratings/Content Controversy Thread

    AR Max can be used to download everything. But you can partially access the content without a net connection, minus the nude skin(s). So yeah, pantomined ploy pr0n among fully clothed characters.
  5. AndrewTS

    Rockstar Protested again.....

    I think "making it law" is a bad idea, and the SA controversy had nothing to do with minors allegedly buying the game themselves, but rather it being re-rated over the hidden content. However, certain persons twisted it try to make it appear that way. I see no evidence why self-regulation is a problem, nor do I find it necessary for M-rated games to be treated like booze and porn. AO games already are harder to get than real porn. Plus--this has nothing to do with the rating whatsover, so I'm not following you. They aren't protesting the rating (most certainly an M); they're protesting the game's very existence. You have every legal right to as a parent. Even though he'll probably just chew on the disc.
  6. AndrewTS

    PS3 in 2007?

    Thank you. (although we probably don't need one anyway). However, it is important to note that it hinges on a few events first--namely a $99 X-Box, and the 360 not making a huge splash during launch. What we're not sure, however, is what Sony considers "sufficient software support to gain an insurmountable lead," or what window of time they might use to gauge the XB's success. Although I'd bet the 360 will definitely dwarf the XB1's launch and not "tank". The X-Box's launch window honestly was pretty bleak except for Halo and (to a lesser extent) DoA3. While there's no Halo 3 to launch, Gears of War seems to be substituting as the 360's killer app (but in Japan, it likely will do poorly). Plus, Blue Dragon will likely be a launch title. Launching with an RPG is a smart decision on both sides of the Pacific. Would, however, a strong USA launch but a weak Japan launch leave Sony complacent? DoA3 was one of the top XB1 sellers in Japan, and DoA4 certainly won't hurt the 360. Ridge Racer 6 is in the rumor mill as being on 360. So, whether or not it's true, there are still plenty of unclear factors yet to be determined.
  7. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Thompson is petitioning the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) to change its M (Mature) rating to an AO (Adults Only) rating for Capcom's Killer 7, a stylized psycho-thriller for Nintendo GameCube and Sony PlayStation 2.
  8. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Both XB 360 and Rev are supposed to use standard DVDs, I believe. Although, history has shown us once a VG company is knocked out of the number one spot, they never attain it again. And since Nintendo isn't a huge MNC with tons of other industries under its umbrella to provide it with cash, I don't see it happening.
  9. AndrewTS

    Cornell Study on Masculinity

    People who are larger than average in body size can muck that up. I drive a Contour since I can't fit into some piddly little car like a Hyundai or a Focus. Although I had an Escort before (got totalled). What's the average anyway?
  10. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Peach, playable in SMB3 via ROM hack! http://acmlm.overclocked.org/hacks/screenshots.php?id=55
  11. AndrewTS

    WWE Magazine

    I confess that I owned the KotR 95 issue (isn't that the one with Mantaur getting taught table manners by HHH?), and like most horny little wrestling nerds of the day, the Raw issue with Sunny.
  12. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Needed a thread. I hope its true. Although it clearly states it depends on a few events to occur first.
  13. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Meh, I have some lingering doubts. When we have actual pictures from the set, I'll buy it. It can't top the comedy classic that is Annihilation. Death Jr., Coded Arms, Tales of Legendia are all that come to mind. Give us a sequel to Tron Bonne (the MML games are already coming out in Japan), plz. Too damn much racing.
  14. Actually, I think the inverted piledriver is the proper name for the version Owen used, and Bret/Jerry's one is the regular one. Unless there's some difference stemming in Japan. But they call a vertical suplex a "brainbuster" so screw 'em. And even the inverted (or belly-to-belly sitdown piledriver, whatever) ones are relatively safe used by larger wrestlers. Rikishi and Bam Bam's big fat thighs make for great padding, but Kish had to stop using his anyway. Yet, didn't his banzai pop one of Chyna's implants?
  15. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    If MS gets themselves organized with the 360 backward compatibility (I want to play Spike Out, Panzer Orta, Ninja Gaiden, hopefully online Capcom/SNK fighters on it. **** Halo in the ear), I may pick it up. It's looking progressively more interesting than the PS3. It appears to be getting solid support from Konami and Capcom this time around. Plus rumors are that Ridge Racer 6 will be on 360, perhaps exclusive. So Namco is on board too. *puts up Anya puppet* "What, no Tekken?" So far, no, but a company that stuck so close to Sony so far, save for their wandering SC games, putting one of Sony's once-exclusive series on another system is promising. All PS3 has now tech demos for sequels to the same old stuff, it's not going to support PS2 memory cards, controllers, or accessories, and the controller blows. So hurray for Microsoft's "toy"; Kutaragi can shove his "supercomputer" up his ass until I see quality, playable games.
  16. Would anybody with a lick of power in WWE even notice if London kept doing the SSP? Most of them supposedly don't even watch Velocity. And banning people's established finishers when they're very safe is really silly.
  17. The following top ropes are the only legal ones: Flying elbow drop Moonsault Flying axhandle Flying clothesline Naturally, cruisers won't be able to do the first two moves, though, becuase they're trademarks of HBK.
  18. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Soon as I get a decent job, I'm so owning a DS and likely will get a Rev. Although PS3 is going to be the best, cuz you're going to want to put in tons of overtime to afford it. And Sony knows kung fu.
  19. AndrewTS

    Rockstar Protested again.....

    That's passe. Now they bitch about games that aren't even completed yet. Didn't you hear about the 25 To Life hubbub? It's going to be funny when these games sell twice as much as they likely would have if they'd have shut up. Thankfully Narc and Manhunt slipped under their radar, since they weren't really any good..
  20. AndrewTS

    Campaign 2008

    If you wanted to be truly representative of the people's will, half of the SC would be totally indifferent, about a quarter would be slightly left, and a quarter a bit more to the right. I must have never gotten the Christian pamphlet, "Why We Feel Jesus Would Be Against Stem Cell Research." I mean, sure, abortion is a divisive issue, but do they think research labs will put out cards saying "The Need is Real. The Time is Now. Please abort your baby so we can use its stem cells for research"?
  21. AndrewTS

    OAO SD thread for 8/4/05, blah, blah, blah...

    "Oh, and people are making too much of this Jillian angle. She'll eventually get it removed or something, nothing to worry about." I think it's no so much the angle/gimmick itself as it's now 2 divas taking the focus away from those 2 guys who are doing the wrestling.
  22. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Pinata: Survival Island? Heard of it but not seen it. Oh, there's a sequel to HotD in the works. Boll isn't directing, but it has the same writers. The director is credited as a writer for MANSQUITO, too. Muggy- sounds like an idea to pass along to some one who could bring it to life in flash (I'm not the guy, though). Too bad Luigi's Mansion was lame. Although, supposedly Nintendo wants to do a sequel.
  23. AndrewTS

    Big Dust meeting with Steph today

    Holy shit, Y2Jerk is turning into Jericho! Thanks for the laugh. It really sounded like something Jericho would actually say. Not to sound dumb, though, but did Jericho really say that at one time? I can't remember. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AFAIK, no. Just a parody of an old Dusty line. I sigged it this morning. Y2Jerk > RobotJerk.
  24. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Well, aside from "zombies kill people," and "people get guns and kill zombies," no. It's set modern-day. There's a Sega-themed rave on the "Isle De La Morte", the "main characters" (oh, we know who lives/dies like a minute into the movie, nice job Uwe) hire a ferry to take them to the rave but zombies (who jump around like jackrabbits and make the Dawn remake zombies look like arthritic old white people) have already killed/chased off just about everyone. Lots of stupid stuff happens as they try to survive, some bald Spanish lunatic scientist is behind all the zombies, and.... None of it makes a lick of sense. Iceanvil.com has a nice write up on it. You might get a kick out of Liberty. She's such a bad actress/character she actually stands out even among these schmucks. Although the sea cap'n is actually a good actor who happens to be doing this movie for some unexplainable reason. The main baddie's backstory is set up by the line, "This book looks old, maybe it can help us."
  25. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    There's clips of zombies attacking lifted directly from the game that are spliced into one of the action sequences, used as transitions, and there's like a "Predator-Vision" bit of game footage used all throughout the opening credits. Yes. Go watch and see for yourself. Although when you've seen *THAT* action sequence, it's like poorly-placed deck chairs on the Titanic. You saw my summary of the plot of AitD, after all.