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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The Sims... More evil than GTA?

    Virtually everyone involved in this whole mess has some agenda. Hillary wants to appear like she cares about "family values"/morals/etc. Thompson is motivated by greed. Plus, stupidity, since his previous efforts have completely and utterly failed. Even this small "victory" hasn't gotten him dime one directly from Rockstar yet. Illinois passed a law to prevent sales of "Mature" games to folks under 17. For comparison's sake, I don't believe there's any law on the books that legally forbids movie theatres to let anyone under 17 to watch R-rated films.
  2. AndrewTS

    The Sims... More evil than GTA?

    I posted it already in the GTA controversy thread, but it was ignored.
  3. AndrewTS

    Smackdown vs RAW 2006 for PSP

    Surprisingly blocky. Supposedly the PS2 and PSP versions will "each" have exclusive extras. Are there any plans to make UMDs/PSP games playable on PS3? UMD was mentioned on the mock-ups of PS3 (the one where they showed the PS3 as the ugly, mutant stereo from hell), but even that wasn't specific/clear. How would it play, since the PS2 SD games use almost every single button and the PSP doesn't have the same layout?
  4. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread for 07.25.05

    We need Edge's car to stall. "....Edge's car was sabotaged!" *gives chase to ambulance on foot*
  5. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread for 07.25.05

    You're close. "Now get teabagged by Hogan clips."
  6. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread for 07.25.05

    when kayfabe and worked shoots collide...you have no idea wtf is going on.
  7. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread for 07.25.05

    "Big Show, you deserve better than having to be on Raw. You should be a professional comedian or a movie star. You have so much more potential than WWE lets you show." "Brock, I hope that your hiatus from wrestling doesn't stop you from attaining the legendary status you deserve. You're the greatest big man in pro wrestling since Vader."
  8. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread for 07.25.05

    Kane/Edge matches to come in the upcoming weeks: I Quit, HIAC, Coal Miner's Glove, Casket Match, Blindfold, Capture the Midget, Lingerie Match, etc etc.
  9. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread for 07.25.05

    "Queen of the Mountain?" So, next week are they going to take on...the AaaaaGROooooCRAaaaG?
  10. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread for 07.25.05

    "These young women are going to eat hot dogs. You should watch it because it is implied to remind you of fellatio. And yes, this competition is career-related."
  11. AndrewTS

    well, i finally decided to buy

    If you save sparingly during the Championship modes, you shouldn't have a problem. I have an 06 one I picked up used at a pawn shop last year, and I only save every 2-3 matches. I've not had any glitch hit me yet.
  12. AndrewTS

    For those getting a PS3...

    This warrants a thread? "in reality by the time May comes around Football is out of my system and then it will only be a few months until Madden '07." Answered your own question, didn't you?
  13. ...no home consoles. Arcade-exclusive. Stolen from insidepulse...who stole it from the Magic Box I think VF4 did alright in sales, although I still see tons of those VF4 Evos unsold everywhere. Although it seems PS2 owners were more interested in the Tekken series (which still isn't as popular as it once was), and X-Box owners are mostly satisfied with DoA (on a related note, 1up confirms DoA4 for the XB 360 launch. Shocking). So one of the last decent Sega development teams slips into irrelevence... Even though Sonic Team owed more to Sega Technical Institute than Naka would like to admit (arguably the two best Sonic games, Sonic 2 and 3/Knuckles were mostly their work), Sonic Rush hopefully will be good. I'd like Shadow the Hedgehog to be dragged out back and shot, though. It will be ironic if the new HotD movie is direct-to-DVD, as it should be.
  14. 72. Hassan YTMNDs aren't quite as stale as Vader/NOOOO! YTMNDs.
  15. AndrewTS

    The Boogieman...

    First feud? 3 nameless Divas become the Powerpuff Girls, all grown up, to battle him.
  16. AndrewTS

    OAO Devils Rejects Thread

    There was one scene (which I can't specify, since I don't know how to do spoilers) where pretty much everyone in the theatre laughed at an inopportune time ... as soon as we all quieted down, someone yelled out "how was that funny?!?" There were quite a few scenes that were LOL funny. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I found it odd that people laughed so hard at that part. Desensitized freaks. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I honestly don't know how you could take that seriously. That whole scene was soooo stupid.
  17. AndrewTS

    OAO Devils Rejects Thread

    What a wretched, overly long, poorly-written, dumbass-character-filled, unappealing, cliche pile of shit that was. If this is *better* than House of 1000 Corpses, thank God I skipped that one. I didn't expect it to be scary, but it wasn't really "edgy", or unnerving, or disturbing. Just flat out stupid. The dialogue was awful, but there was quite a few decent intentional laughs in there. Far too many unintentional ones, though. Oh, and horror fans will likely enjoy playing "spot the reference," but I wouldn't see the movie just for that. I assume you mean when the maid comes in. Holy crap, that was hilarious, and made no sense whatsover. Thankfully that stopped after the opening sequence, for the most part. I'd never thought I'd say this, but the movie didn't have enough DDP.
  18. AndrewTS

    Owen Wilson and another Owen

    Spade dressed up as Wilson in an SNL rerun last night. Got the nose all wrong though--it was just a long prosthetic, basically. I missed it the first time, so his dig at Clint Eastwood (it was on "Sean Penn's Celebrity Roast; he commented that Clint looked like "my ballsack dressed up in a tuxedo") cracked me up. Is he known for jokes like that? I haven't seen him very often besides in movies. Didn't notice. Damn.
  19. AndrewTS

    Weekend Box Office Report

    *cheers and applauds*
  20. AndrewTS

    DoR2 Legends Update

    Could be, but Cena would make the most sense. But seeing half a guy's face and no hair--it's really hard to tell. But the HHHammer is unmistakeable.
  21. AndrewTS

    DoR2 Legends Update

    Looks like Cena to me. The EB Games flyer shows basically the same cover, but the picture of Cena (I think) is slightly different, and Orton was in HHH's place. Not sure which one is the final, but maybe they're going to run with the Orton/Cena one since HHH probably won't be on TV for a while.
  22. AndrewTS

    New WWE DVD's

    Joking, I know... WWE knows Jericho's got tons of fans, but since he's not retired yet, they're not bothering. Although they gave him a VHS back around 2000, which I think was just a fluff piece/biography. They might re-release it on DVD and toss a few extras on it.
  23. AndrewTS

    Owen Wilson and another Owen

    Naw, you're not the only one. I noticed it waaaay back when he was just a no-name in The Cable Guy. Obviously the build isn't going to confuse anybody, though.
  24. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I saw that article on 1up. It seems like they're putting words in the creator's mouths. They say it may not be on GBA anymore but they didn't conclusively say it was going to DS. So they still have to finish making it. It's been delayed about 5 times already. The original Bomber is going to be 18 before we get the portable game celebrating his 15th birthday. I really don't think they'd want to put it on DS either. They were supposedly putting custom borders in for Game Boy Player, etc, plus the GBA is still outselling the DS. It seems weird to see companies like Capcom and Sega being unable to emulate these old games. (Oh, and Renegade confirmed that the Panzer Dragoon in Orta is the PC version. So no Saturn games have been properly emulated yet.) The Game Boy games weren't as good as the NES ones, though. I see why they wouldn't include SF1, but they may not get that some people get entertainment out of playing crappy old fighters. Obviously that plus the historical value accounts for your interest. Nobody is begging for 2010, though.
  25. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Great games, still, yeah. Capcom seems to be the only company that doesn't screw US gamers over with their compilations. Hyper + Third Strike instead of separately, the Mega Man Anniversary Collection instead of Rockman Complete Works, and Capcom Classics Collection instead of all those separate Generations collections. We may never see the GBA Anniversary Collection, but small gripe. Although the SF Collections on PS1/Saturn are still basically the same thing they did in Japan. MMAC gave us all of the MM games plus those arcade games that were crappy, but they gave in to demand and added them. Mega Man X Collection is going to be getting enhancements, plus we get to play the rare X2 and X3. Meanwhile, Sega does a half-ass job on their compilations, and Konami won't even make any decent compilations at all. Konami has 2 on GBA of old arcade stuff; The NES Castlevanias and Contras ended up on PC shovelware. They won't let anyone play the PC Engine Castlevania through emulation and crack down on any sites showing it even though they're not releasing it. They put out a PS1 game called "Castlevania Chronicles" that is ONE old PC game, instead. And even though Konami has tons of great arcade titles and currently has the TMNT license, they use the first arcade game to try to sell the crappy Battle Nexus when everyone would much rather see the old arcade games in a compilation.