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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm a big Mega Man fan, but completely disagree. Mega Man 2 > SMB 3 Yoshi > X (which is still excellent) And I'm not even counting Mario 64 since it wouldn't be fair. I like Tron Bonne/Legends, too.
  2. AndrewTS

    DoR2 Legends Update

    EB has flyers recently put out advertising it for "8/30", so yes.
  3. AndrewTS

    DoR2 Legends Update

    Hart and Hogan = me content. Now hopefully the game is a lot better than DoR. Good sign for SvR 2006. Um...but...the box art... http://media.cube.ign.com/media/734/734926/img_2848738.html WTF?!?!?
  4. AndrewTS

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    Rockstar needs to raise the bar in the next game. If they replicate the mini-game, but without any way of seeing the "action" who is going to care? Nobody. Utilizing the PS3, Grand Theft Auto Tokyo should be even better. However, instead of boring ol' consensual sex, you'll be able to molest high school girls on subways and violently rape women (off screen of course). It'll do quadruple the sales in Japan, at least. You'll want to avoid black women at first though, because they'll just laugh at you. Oh, Lockstall and you hirarious laciar humah! Over 50 sexual perversions can be added to the game with online expans--er, "mods." There will be a way to launch a nuclear strike and annihilate the entire Nagasaki region where a rival crime organization will be, but nobody will pay any attention to that.
  5. AndrewTS

    Capcom screws Nintendo again..

    My mistake; they're doing Too Human on XB360 now.
  6. AndrewTS

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    Not me, but somebody I talk to on MSN: "Geez... playing Def Jam: Fight 4 NY... Fatal Four Way in a Subway... here I am waiting for someone to win so I can jump and attack the last guy standing, they fight in the tracks, the subway's coming, both get creamed, and I automatically win. o_O"
  7. AndrewTS

    Ages of current WWE and some OVW

  8. AndrewTS

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    Jack Thompson should be deemed legally retarded, in my book, now: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/07/22/news_6129609.html Raise your hand if you're shocked Mike is defending the big, evil corporation.
  9. AndrewTS

    Games that need to be brought current

    Guardian Legend will probably not get a true sequel, but Sigma Star Saga on GBA is in the same vein. Game Informer gave it 8.5 out of 10, if you consider them a credible review source. It's out next month.
  10. AndrewTS

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    I didn't know the difference between an R rating and a porn movie was seeing the guy's wang, either. Yet there's "couples" porn out there that doesn't show any penetration or wang. It doesn't get an R, vivi.
  11. AndrewTS

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    The list of games given the ESRB rating of A-O. SA is the only console game to get it so far. http://www.esrb.org/search_results.asp?rat...arch=1&x=45&y=2
  12. AndrewTS

    Capcom screws Nintendo again..

    Which would have been completely irrelevant anyway when your competition had a huge head start and has more money than God. Both Dreamcast and N64 were screwed, to some extent, by their choice in medium. That was only one factor, though. Cartridges themselves were *not* the problem--rather, it was 3rd parties dislike of using them. The N64 was still a success, but the decision was shortsighted. Dreamcast was developed before it became apparent just how big DVDs were going to be (of course, the ease of pirating DC discs can't be overlooked), but Sega's previous hardware failures and poor/nonexistent marketing doomed it. Judgment's out on Revolution, although with it coming out last, having a poor relationship with 3rd parties, and already generating negative press puts them at a disadvantage already. I don't doubt that Silicon Knights, HAL, Retro, etc. already have development kits, but there's a line between being cautious and being paranoid. That being said, the only "bad" Nintendo system has been the VB, and I expect quality for the Revolution. However, unless something huge happens to dislodge all of Sony's tentacles at once, they don't have any chance in hell of making significant gains, and neither does Microsoft, really. Yes, even if you ignore Japan. Really though, this is just an announcement that Capcom is making a game for systems that're less than a year away. PS3 development kits were recently sent out. No big surprise, then. I think the argument about Revolution's purported power has been blown out of proportion. The weakest console has dominated a market before, and the strongest consoles have sometimes been dead last. The important factor--arguably the only one that really matters--is 3rd party support and the games they provide. That's where the Revolution isn't looking too good right now.
  13. AndrewTS

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    M. Matt Young: sounds like a good opportunity to exploit them.
  14. AndrewTS

    Capcom screws Nintendo again..

    "They've sown their own grave and have no one to blame but themselves for not being able to directly compete. " How? By simply not being a multi-billion dollar company that owns record companies, movie studios, practically all of Japan? Yet Sega made 3 crappy systems in a row, but since the DC was great, I picked it up.
  15. AndrewTS

    UPN Bans Hassan Permanently

    "I say just run an angle where he is 'fired' over the controversy, cuts a worked shoot promo about how he couldn't get a break until management guaranteed him a spot only if he played an Arab character. He apologizes, says he loves his country and wants another chance no matter what it takes and boom, sympathetic babyface. " Worked shoot --> Dropping a bad gimmick in favor of "the real me" or another gimmick hasn't really had a good track record. Beaver Cleavage - Chaz Seven - Dustin Rhodes Cap'n Mike - Michael Wallstreet Hugh Morrus - Hugh G Rection (okay, that one didn't have a chance). Mark Magnus, Guy Who is Pissed off at WWE Management doesn't scream $ to me either. What do you do with him then?
  16. AndrewTS

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    Apparently it goes a little farther than I thought. EDIT: Check LSD for a link I found--don't wanna break any rules here.
  17. AndrewTS

    Capcom screws Nintendo again..

    Actually, the "Dual Shock" incorporated the feature directly into the controller itself, and didn't have the shock feature as part of an optional add on. The Dreamcast "Jump Pack" was blatantly ripped off of Nintendo. But Sony got sued over the Dual Shock, so whatever.
  18. AndrewTS

    UPN Bans Hassan Permanently

    WWE is probably kicking themselves now for giving the "I'm a WASP now" gimmick to Chavo.
  19. AndrewTS

    Capcom screws Nintendo again..

    Hmm? How about fuck Nintendo instead? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nintendo's trying to protect themselves, since they're going up against not one, but two MNCs who have vastly superior resources to them. That's not saying the Revolution will be any good, but it's something worth keeping in mind before bashing Nintendo. They're no longer able to directly compete. They were at a disadvantage when Sony first entered the industry just because Sony is Sony.
  20. AndrewTS

    UPN Bans Hassan Permanently

    Hassan in funny boots that curve into a horn at the toe and speaking in a ridiculously overstated accent, spitting on all that is the USA and riding in on a camel would entertain me. Seriously. Don't give me nuanced angsty "I'm an American too!" bullshit. I like my foreign heels stupid and cartoonish so I can call them dirty yellow Japs or damn Rooskies or sand people. That's pro-wrestling. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd get a kick out of that too, but the WWE fans would mostly be too stupid to "get it" and on top of it we'd have Muslim/Arab groups complaining to the network that it is offensive to them. Not that all Arabs/Muslims would do that, but every interest group has a minority of whiners to be the "voice" for them, making people think everyone in that group has no sense of humor.
  21. AndrewTS

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    White trash will have to buy it from EB Games and Gamestop now. EDIT: then again... Oh well. *laughs at Rockstar for the moment*
  22. AndrewTS

    UPN Bans Hassan Permanently

    Vince will just take advantage of this, business-wise. I can see it now: Teaser recap clips of what UPN wouldn't air will be shown on the Smackdown Rebound, or can be downloaded from WWE.com. Every week, a new Hassan "Too Hot for TV" DVD will be released! Also available in UMD for PSP owners, of course.
  23. AndrewTS

    The Pit.

    So, what's the point? To make "RVD sucks" threads? Teasing--I don't contribute anything worthwhile to the WWE folder myself. But the RVD/Shelton thing seems to be one thing Mike and Eric S could agree on.
  24. AndrewTS

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    Also funny--kids are already having sex at 16 and younger. But 17 year olds seeing two humanoid masses of polygons engaging in what appears to be Catholic-Church-sanctioned missionary--NOT ALLOWED!
  25. AndrewTS

    New Virtua Fighter and HotD to appear on

    I'd expect Japan to see it, because this side of the Pacific the new VFs have gotten lukewarm receptions, but seems weird it won't even be on Japanese home consoles. Since I mentioned it above-- DoA3 is one of the top selling Japanese X-Box titles to date (it may be the top one even). I'd expect XBV to have done well, too. Of course, a top selling X-Box title in Japan means squat, but that seems to indicate they'd be foolish to not put it out right at the start. And, hey, they're doing Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2 afterall, Anya. What the heck does that mean? 30% more fanservice?