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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS


    "I seem to recall hearing about Ed O'Neil being in a serious dramatic role that failed miserably because when he was first seen on screen the audience reaction was to laugh at Al Bundy." The Dragnet revival? Katie Holmes in Batman Begins is just Joey with a gun. I don't know if it was her acting (which I think it was), or her looking too damn young, but she really looked out of place. The Harry Potter kid is probably going to have a hard time getting different roles.
  2. AndrewTS

    Games that need to be brought current

    I didn't know 3D beat 'em ups were common enough for there to be a "generic" one. Although I know people probably really want one that's reminiscent of River City Ransom in 3D. It's good to see the new DS Super Mario Bros. games. A new Mario *platformer?* Why, it's just crazy enough to sell! The image worked, BTW.
  3. AndrewTS

    "Filmore" creator mad at Jon Stewart

    Doonesbury used to, but now it seems like 7/8 of the strips are directly or indirectly about the Bush admin. I checked the official side to see some of the recent strips--there were literally 3 in a row directed at the Cheney "last throes" blurb. Meanwhile, there's a scrolling banner above with anti-Bush admin quotes. Trudeau only needs to squeeze 7 jokes out of a week, and has trouble doing that. Daily Show has 22 minutes to fill 5 times a week, and seems to have little trouble.
  4. AndrewTS

    Weekend Box Office Report

    "5 3 Batman Begins WB $5,620,000" Still chugging along admirably. No big surprise for #1, but Wedding Crashers doing so well seems surprising. I guess the slump is really over.
  5. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Seph sucks. Madonna probably would think he's cool. And if you get that, then you're probably a geek too. I've seen positive reviews but never played it. All I know is that it has Bruce Willis in it. Too. Much. Scanning. Otherwise, I love it. Amusing. The picture made me expect a fart joke. Pist: I found a MB post about Chakan/BO2--seemed like mostly just similar character designs. I don't see any smoking gun concerning the game engine or design. Still, kind of cool. Huge twists in development like that are interesting. I've missed out on the entire Legacy of Kain series except waaay back when I rented the original PS1 game. Any good? I see a bunch of them used dirt cheap but I don't know which ones are worth trying.
  6. AndrewTS

    Games that need to be brought current

    Parodius had games during the PS1/Saturn generation, so it's not really that long dead. If they revive it in Japan maybe it could make its way over here. A goofball shooter parody would probably sell a hell of a lot better than a brutally hard, totally serious shooter that brings nothing new to a series, which by definition will appeal only to a very, very niche audience.
  7. AndrewTS

    Futurama direct-to-DVD movie

    Um--what? I thought the DVD sales and high Adult Swim ratings spawned the return? And all of those in turn spawned the DTV movie (which isn't actually out yet)? Is there a DTV movie I haven't so much as even heard of before floating around now?
  8. AndrewTS

    Games that need to be brought current

    DC had a new Chakan in the works. Cancelled. There was an SNES Kid Icarus in the works. Ditto. "I thought the original was part of GBA's NES Classic Series...or did it just not leave Japan?" Never left Japan. Streets of Rage 4 looked promising, but never was finished because Sega of America are frickin' idiots. http://xcult.sonic-cult.net/dispartx.php?c...subid=1&artid=1
  9. AndrewTS

    Where can I get Wrestlemania X-7?

    Half.com has it for 50, so forget there. Places that sell used DVDs like EB Games, Gamestop, CD Warehouse, FYE, etc--you should be able to find it. It's really not that uncommon. WM2000 is probably rarer, but since X7 is such a damn good show, people are probably less likely to want to sell it. *got mine for 7.99 used at CD Warehouse*
  10. AndrewTS

    Man dies from sex....

    That one isn't too surprising.
  11. AndrewTS

    "Filmore" creator mad at Jon Stewart

    All-political comic strips tend to always be awful. Doonesbury gets really painful too. At least Boondocks changes it up once in a while.
  12. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    MK's biggest problem is how much it screwed with the games' story. However, compared to Street Fighter, it isn't as big a deal and is okay in it's own right. Shit Didn't see Shit Shit House of the Dead, MK: A, Alone in the Dark and Street Fighter are hilarious, though. Apocalypse completely sucked ass. WS just wrote a script based around letting his girlfriend play a superhero, made the actual game characters incompetent or unlikeable, reveled in stupid action movie cliches that would make Bruckheimer groan a little, and the big fight they build up to Nemesis and Super-Milla was awful, cut it a spastic bs way that was even worse than AVP's Pred/Alien wrestling match. WS didn't even direct it, he passed it off to his 2nd-unit guy. However, it feels like WS directed it. He wrote the thing and probably had a lot of say in storyboarding. The only upsides to RE:A were the wise-cracking pimp, the little bit of nudity, and them going for a traditional make-up/rubber suit approach for the Nemesis. The movie can be best summed up when the Jill and company are about to be killed in the cathedral, then Milla comes to the rescue bursting through the window on a motorcycle with gratuitous bullet-time.
  13. AndrewTS

    Sonic Gems Collection: FEATURING SONIC CD!!!!

    *bump* You can play the PC Sonic CD on a computer with XP, but you have to do a full install and download a patch for it. Edited some details about the previous collections. The Japanese version of the game includes Vectorman 1+2 just like the US version now, in addition to the Bare Knuckle (Streets of Rage) Trilogy and Bonanza Bros. Meh.
  14. AndrewTS

    OAO WWE released talent/staff thread

    I expect a trickle after Slam. And afterwards I think at least Snitsky will be let go. It seems that he's only still around because of his connections with the Lita/Edge/Matt storyline, plus the writers seem to get a kick out of him.
  15. Yuna: Ebert, that bastard! How dare he criticize Johnny Depp!
  16. AndrewTS

    The one and only emulation thread

    I have the Chaotix one--only one I want right now. Thanks, though.
  17. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It happens in Fighting Force as well. Ditto on Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I think it is because "explosions are cool."
  18. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Definitely. ^ Any time I haven't played Revenge in a while, I always watch the intro all the way through. Screw pre-rendered CGI, real-time cinemas can kick serious ass. Some people like it more than either of the AKI WWF games, too. Nightshade (PS2 game) kind of sucks but I like it. It's a spinoff of the previous Shinobi PS2 game. As far as games starring kick ass ninjas chopping up dozens of robots in 3D on the PS2, it's one of the best still, repetitive gameplay, crappy textures and pits aside. Cool link, Pist.
  19. Gene Wilder was on Conan recently, plugging his new book, Kiss Me Like a Stranger. I barely recognized him (he's put on some weight), but it was a great interview.
  20. AndrewTS

    Transformers: The Live Action Movie

    As long as it has nothing in any shape or form to do with Armada, it could be fun.
  21. AndrewTS

    Transformers: The Live Action Movie

    I have my doubts. Isn't Transformers a bit too reliant on character development for Michael Bay to handle it? Seriously though, this should be right up his alley.
  22. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k5

    Renegade forgot.
  23. AndrewTS

    The one and only emulation thread

    Anyone have or know when I can get the BIOS to play 32X games on Gens? I'm currently using another emulator, and frankly it sucks. Colors are wonky as heck and it apparently doesn't support a joypad.
  24. AndrewTS

    OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

    Why are they using everyone's last known photograph? (except for the stupid Diva crap)
  25. AndrewTS

    OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

    Christian squashing Booker T--that sounds strange.