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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

    This guy looks like a young Joe Wilson.
  2. AndrewTS

    OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

    The disclaimer is amusing in its condescention.
  3. AndrewTS

    Sonic Gems Collection: FEATURING SONIC CD!!!!

    "Isn't Virtua Cop 2 a port of the PC version?" That seems to ring familiar. It does look better than I expect for a Saturn game. "The VF1 in Evo is not actually VF1. It's a new version made just for PS2. It's got the presentation of VF1 but plays more like 4. You can even be the newer characters." I'm not too surprised. I guess there were even fewer examples than I thought. CD taking so long allegedly was an emulation hold up as well. Perhaps they did emulate the PC one after all. Meh.
  4. AndrewTS

    Sonic Gems Collection: FEATURING SONIC CD!!!!

    The Saturn emulation probably is a good argument. You don't see many Saturn games emulated. Offhand, I can only think of: Panzer Dragoon in Orta (which was on a very emulation-friendly system, too) Virtua Cop 2 on Smash Pack (a system Sega knew in and out) House of the Dead in 3 (I heard the rumor both 1 and 2 are included in 3, but I'm not certain. another X-Box game) Also, they chose to emulate the Genesis version of Sonic 3D Blast on the Sonic Mega Collection instead of the superior Saturn version. R's a Saturn game, but it was also supposedly an easy emulation on the PC, so it's probably a special case. Hell, you could even make a case for "why did they make a new collection from scratch when they could have simply upgraded Jam a bit?" Similar case, I'm guessing. Curiously, I've heard that the loading screens from the PC version of Sonic CD are supposed to be in this version. I hope that doesn't mean that they're emulating the PC version. EDIT: for anyone who has Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, is it the Saturn version of VF1 that's included in it, or is it the arcade? Or am I mistaken about them throwing in VF1 and it's just VF1-style textures?
  5. AndrewTS

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    That was something JBL did on his own just to be a douchebag. It wasn't an angle written and approved by the entire booking team. So Hassan/Magnus shouldn't be punished for it regardless. Hassan isn't a ten year + veteran that Vince obviously has taken a shine to, though.
  6. AndrewTS

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I'm assuming "playing possum" means you may be able to remain laying on your back after being knocked down even if you're strong enough to recover, but be able to get up in a split-second's notice, say when an opponent is attemping to do a top rope move. (--which was in many of the AKI games via the analog stick trick. Create-an-entrance I see probably allowing you to select a walk, an entrance pose, a ring entry, an in-ring pose, lighting, pyro, etc.
  7. AndrewTS

    Sonic Gems Collection: FEATURING SONIC CD!!!!

    Sonic Jam (Saturn) has fewer games than the recent Mega Collections but is a little cooler in a lot of ways. It has Sonic World (a 3D little world Sonic can run around in) with various little houses where you can view Sonic concept art, movie clips (including intro/ending to Japanese Sonic CD), etc. Cool features unique to Jam are Time Also, you can enable the Spin Dash in Sonic 1. Sonic Mega Collection is mostly the menu and all the games. More games than Sonic Jam, though. Both collections have a manual view mode and a sound test, I believe. SMC+ is just SMC with a few Game Gear games and few extra bonus games (like Comix Zone/Ooze). Sonic 1 and Chaos are kind of cool, but Mean Bean Machine is unnecessary if you have the Genesis version. Sonic Blast and Labyrinth are both terrible. There's a PC pack of Sonic games, too. They're packaged on multiple CDs, and include: -Sonic and Knuckles Collection (Sonic 3, S&K, and S3&K--so locking on to Sonic 2 is impossible; Lame collection, and they changed the Ice Cap Zone music for some idiotic reason) -Sonic CD (a decently emulated version, but suffers from slowdown in places, and saves after every "level"/act, which can screw you over if you're trying to get the Time Stones/Good Future -Sonic R (not terribly exciting by itself; the 3D racer) -Depending on which version of the collection you get, you may also get the Smash Pack 2. It has Sonic 2 (without a lock-on code for Knux, though), Comix Zone (good but included in SMC+), Flicky (ditto), Kid Chamelon, Shining Force (yes, just the original), Super Hang On, Vectorman, and Sega Swirl. Note that except for Smash Pack 2, none of the others are compatible with Windows XP. And Smash Pack 2 will only play on a measely 1/4 of the screen. Overall, Sonic Mega Collection + is the best collection.
  8. AndrewTS

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    What a wimp Vince is these days. He should have said "HELL YEAH THAT'S WHAT IT'S PORTRAYING! I'M VINCE MCMAHON, DAMNIT!!" It's not like this bending over backwards to sound PC is going to make WWE look any better.
  9. AndrewTS

    The Boogeyman

    .... .... .... .... BOOGEYMAN!!!! That's all you have to say really, right? It's probably going to be laughed out of the building, and they'll make him a goofy dancing face. Nathan Jones 2K5, he'll be (wait, that was Kenzo--Nathan Jones 2K5, part b then). This guy is a hoss with about a year of training at most too, isn't he? "Watch me again--same Boogey Time, SAME BOOGEY CHANNEL!"
  10. AndrewTS

    Games with too much movie!

    This is just plain stupid. If Zelda has a FF style story then it wouldn't be Zelda, now would it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ^
  11. AndrewTS

    Games with too much movie!

    That's stupid. Cats are cats. People can't be cats, now can they?
  12. AndrewTS

    Games with too much movie!

    I think you mean "dissection," but okay. I guess good old quotation marks are still best.
  13. AndrewTS

    Matt Hardy backstage at RAW tonight

    TheMattHardy.com I believe. Both the main site and message board crashed--LLSmoothJ checked it not long ago. I'm not sure if it was just the number of hits, or the collective weight of the usual visitors there, that crushed the server.
  14. AndrewTS

    Matt Hardy backstage at RAW tonight

    The whole Matt thing was a work. And so was Brock leaving. I told you it was a work and that Brock was going to be back.
  15. AndrewTS

    The One And Only Fantastic Four Thread...

    While I have seen neither F4 or The Incredibles, I did read somewhere a while back that the ending of F4 was changed as it was overly similar to the climax of The Incredibles. Maybe they did a rush job on the new ending? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What I heard is that they tacked on about $5 million to punch up the effects a bit. I don't remember hearing about any changes to the story/ending.
  16. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Raw = gigantic steaming pile except for the Matt segment.
  17. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Brilliant touch.
  18. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    2 months after his debut he'll be a dancing face.
  19. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    I expected them to draft the crappy OVW guys to SD, so I'm a little surprised. Unless it's going to be shown on both shows and he goes to SD anyway.
  20. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Who else laughed besides me and the wrestler Cornette slapped?
  21. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Will he ride in on the Baloney Pony?
  22. AndrewTS

    Games with too much movie!

    I think it does that whatever you use a lot of quote tags. It seems all the open tags and close tags match up just fine.
  23. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Kurt Angle NEVER FORGETS!
  24. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    OMG Masterlock meetz Kurt Invitational!!
  25. AndrewTS

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Hulk thinks his name is really "Hulk Hogan."