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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

  2. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    Kane has an asphyxiation fetish?
  3. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    Cena is teaming with WWE's version of Tom Cruise? I'm not buying it.
  4. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    Yeah, she's got a tough job. I pity her.
  5. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    Legit? Likely not. Prolly not by much. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Since Visc lost weight, I say Show weighs more. Show seems to have a lot more muscle.
  6. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    Last time Show was on Raw--he jobbed to Jeff Hardy, I believe (by count out?).
  7. AndrewTS

    After last night, can we finally end the myth

    Batista is going to Smackdown, so it's moot. And who is going to remain *the* guy on Raw? Hmmm.
  8. AndrewTS

    Robot Chicken

    Credit to them for not throwing in Scrappy just as an excuse to kill him. I guess CN didn't want them to show Scooby getting killed, though.
  9. AndrewTS

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    Not happening. WWE is stripping Smackdown like a fancy car in a bad neighborhood, because UPN is planning to dump it anyway. They have no interest in revitalizing it.
  10. AndrewTS

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    "There's a lot I haven't liked, the latest thing is the Diva Search, but I understand a large portion of the audience likes it or it wouldn't be getting the TV time." Wait...you think the bookers consistently listen to fans when deciding what to air? Seriously?
  11. AndrewTS

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    "Anti-smark rant # 4598124 on the board. Way to go" Actually, that was just template anti-smark rant #7 with the Carlito thing tacked onto the end.
  12. AndrewTS

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    "Nobody said you didn't have the right. What might entertain you might entertain a crowd of 150 in some promotion where the talent is basically working for free, but probably not so much the average fan. If you hate the WWE that bad maybe you should quit watching completely and just go to indy shows. Not just you either. "This sucks," "Vince sucks," "HHH sucks", "Carlito pushed because of Carlos", on and on and on, just quit watching if it's that terrible for you." You suck. Go post in a WWE AOL chat room if you can't handle seeing the WWE criticized, or flaws in a match noted.
  13. AndrewTS

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    I have that on tape. I need to pull that out. Great stuff.
  14. AndrewTS

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    Eh, Shelton can get over anytime. Pushing the marginally-talented sons of old wrestlers nobody remembers comes first.
  15. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k5

    bump: any more nominations?
  16. AndrewTS

    List of stuff I am selling on ebay

    No refunds/no returns if something goes wrong with Suikoden 2? 60 dollars starting bid for Suikoden? Get bent.
  17. AndrewTS

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    EDIT: double post
  18. AndrewTS

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    "What the fuck for? They suck, have a shitty gimmick, and have no heat." Don't you remember the Bashams' runs with the belts? That's tag team material, there.
  19. AndrewTS

    Weekend Box Office Report

    DVDs seem to have putting a big dent in the movie market that are irreparable right now.
  20. AndrewTS

    The OaO "Land of the Dead" talkback thread

    I like Day a lot too, and I originally saw it before Dawn. How can you not love Dr. Frankenstein, Steel, the utter asshole that is Rhodes, and of course BUB? However, something that's been bugging me about Land--why the hell don't the guys sent out to forage keep some sort of heavy blade on hand if they need to amputate a limb? If you get nipped on the finger, you're screwed? Come on, now! I'm assuming all of the rules established thus far still apply--so if you quickly wrap a tourniquet above the bite and hack it off, you should make it.
  21. AndrewTS

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    http://www.halloweendream.it/Immagini%20tu...20425FT2204.jpg http://www.halloweendream.it/Immagini%20tu...20425FT2382.jpg http://www.halloweendream.it/images/darkstalkers-bulleta.jpg http://www.halloweendream.it/images/Darkst...s-felicia_3.jpg http://www.halloweendream.it/images/Ridge_Racer-reiko.jpg http://www.halloweendream.it/images/Mortal...bat-mileena.jpg http://www.halloweendream.it/images/Lara_Croft-20.jpg http://www.halloweendream.it/Immagini%20tu...20425FT0716.jpg
  22. AndrewTS

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Yuna done way too much for your tastes?
  23. AndrewTS

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Who's that supposed to be?
  24. AndrewTS

    The OaO "Land of the Dead" talkback thread

    Enjoyable movie, but ain't touching the old trilogy. However, makeup/effects/acting/writing was pretty strong, but the ending seemed a little mucked-up and confusing. I've heard conflicting things in interviews from Romero about whether or not that "messages" in the trilogy were intentional (I recall he flat-out denied the Dawn/consumerism theme, but on the widescreen special edition of Day, the back of the sleeve directly quotes him as saying it was intended). However, it's definitely intentional here, and sounds really forced and heavy-handed. Worst is when the script throws in political buzz phrases that make little sense in context, it's just there to be "relevant" (The placing/use of "jihad" is a particular groaner). Other than that, enjoyed it a lot. I got Simon Pegg's cameo, and was surprised to see Savini in as "Machete Zombie." They even reference my area ("How was Uniontown?" "It was dead"). I guess it was supposed to be Pittsburgh (although filmed in Toronto).
  25. AndrewTS

    Lesnar wants back in.....

    "BROCK~! versus DAVE~! = Money." I don't think either of them are "money" separately, so it's expecting a lot for them to be combined. Would be good to see him back, though.