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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Big Show

    Show's contract is set to expire in early 2009 (signed for 10 years just before debuting in Feb '99).
  2. As bad as the console Batman Forever was, The Arcade Game was even worse. An awful Final Fight clone with stiff animation, sloppy control, bad/cheap AI, the gameplay was pointless except for racking up big combos (which isn't as fun as it sounds), and was crap even with 2 players. I owned the Saturn version. 16-bit Batman Forever had potential. It looked great for sure, and a well done beat 'em up/platformer mesh could make for a great game. However, it was Batman Mythologies--a fighting game control scheme shoehorned into an action game, complete with the awkward use of the D-pad for jumping. Way too many cheap deaths, too. Ah yes, Genesis Returns. How well I remember that one. That was one of my first experiences of learning the hard way that "identical covers do no mean it is the same game." As I've mentioned before, my favorite Batman game is Adventures of Batman and Robin on SNES. There was also a Game Boy game, Batman the Animated Series, though, also from Konami. Surprisingly, you could play as Robin in that one, unlike AoB&R. It was quite fun, if limited in your abilities. I've alternately heard people say their favorites were also Batman for NES and Return of the Joker for NES. Adventures of Batman and Robin on Genesis had a lot of potential. With a Game Genie, it's a hell of a fun game. However, it's a hard game, and the attack system (for your main weapon, the batarang, to do anything, you have to charge it up. This is time-based, not by holding the button. And an uncharged batarang does practically nothing) crippled any chance of rapid-fire attacks. Shame, because it had two-player mode and *fantastic* visuals and special effects for a Genesis game. If you're a gaming god you might love it, though. I never played Batman and Robin (a PS1 game), but reviews were vicious, it had the Acclaim name, and the source material...meh. Vengeance-- disappointing but on the right track on the consoles. Awful on the GBA. The console version was fun but the controls were floaty, and it's unrealistic to expect players to hit gun-wielding baddies' hands from a long distance away with a batarang to disarm them. A little longer in development for polishing and it could have been a great game. Rise of Sin Tzu-- a decent beat 'em up, but nothing too memorable (consoles). I never played the GBA game. Both Vengeance and Sin Tzu had great cutscenes. Vengeance's especially were awesome because of Joker/Harley. Almost worth playing through the game. A preview for Begins, but it is kind of old. Post any newer ones that might be better if you like: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3139429&did=2 FYI, the games are being bundled with a few movie pass for Begins. I've seen a 6/13 release date listed in some magazines, but EB's flyer said 17th for the games. Hmph.
  3. AndrewTS

    The OaO "Land of the Dead" talkback thread

    Definitely seeing it. I'm a fan of the old flicks, watched them recently, and had visited the mall where (I think) they filmed Dawn last week (Monroeville, PA). Going with a friend tomorrow.
  4. AndrewTS

    Bad Games That You Love

    The Simpsons games...ah yes. Now there's ripe territory for discussion. Hit n' Run is too repetitive and unpolished to be in the same league as the games its knocking off, but it's one of the best attempts at a Simpsons game ever. It's better than the show itself, at least. Road Rage I didn't care for. Virtual Bart sucked, but my cousin had it and loved it, and I got a little enjoyment out of messing around with it. The Arcade Game, though, was quite rad despite the repetitive gameplay.
  5. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    ARRRRRRRRRRRGH!! *starts randomly punching people over railings into vats of chemicals*
  6. AndrewTS

    xbox 360, the revolution, or ps3

    2 of them aren't even finished.
  7. "52 You had me at "hello." JERRY MAGUIRE 1996" This was really really really really really ghey 9 years ago, and it's 20x gheyer now. Who the hell fondly remembers this one?
  8. AndrewTS

    Bad Games That You Love

    Good game, actually. Scorpion ruled over everyone, though.
  9. AndrewTS

    Last great deal you got on games/system

    The Suikoden II deal I'm quite jealous of Renegade for. I enjoyed the first Suikoden but never got to play the sequel much. Pawn shops are good to raid, cuz usually the people running it have no clue what games are worth. That's where I got the above deals.
  10. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k5

    None of them are eligible. Missed rule 2 as well, I see.
  11. AndrewTS

    Bad Games That You Love

    Very good games, even if the latter is kind of boring. Crap, but despite the marketing campaign, that made you think it was an MK clone, it was unique in ways. The art style was kind of cool and the motions for special moves, the way chi was supposed to be limited (so you couldn't fire off specials constantly) were rather unique. Most people seem to praise the CD version, but I only played the Genesis version and thought it quite lame. KI for SNES was fun, and I played a hell of a lot of it until I had beaten the game with every character and was able to pull off stuff like the Ultimates and Ultra combos. Good 1 player game, but not much fun as a 2-player competition. By the time KI Gold came out, the ship had long sailed. Not much was really added to the gameplay, and the awful animation, choppy feel, and controllers ill-suited for fighting kept me from getting the same enjoyment. Both are notable for their utterly cheeseball soundtracks. IMO: 1. Interesting original project, massively popular, not the deepest game around. Genesis version was good for its time, but could have been better. 2. Great graphics, music, mood, gameplay system even with poor balance. Genesis version kinda blew though. 3. Attempts at innovation that were poorly implemented. Genny version was decent for 16 bits. 4. A huge stinking pile of rehashed crap, without a single original idea to be found anywhere within it. The N64 was a good translation, and the real-time cinemas were even funnier than the pre-rendered ones.
  12. AndrewTS

    This is weird...

    Well, that's kind of mucking things up for the video store, because when somebody else rents it, they're going to have to go through a bunch of hassle to exchange it for an actual Outbreak 2. My only guess is that it was a botched pirate disc, but I've never heard of pirate PS2 discs good enough to pass off as the real things.
  13. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k5

    See... I was going to nominate him, but I didn't think Final Fight would count. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The genres are closely related, FFi is from the creator of SF2, and originally FFi was going to be titled "Street Fighter II," so I think it should count.
  14. AndrewTS

    Bad Games That You Love

    That's a great game, actually.
  15. AndrewTS

    The Japanese Have Made Robot Suits

  16. AndrewTS

    Bad Games That You Love

    I own the GBA version. The Genesis version was unlicensed, and is supposed to have really crappy control: http://www.classicgaming.com/doubledragon/rdd1gen.htm No, considered a classic.
  17. AndrewTS

    This is weird...

    Go to another store--buy a RE Outbreak 2 used. Keep the receipt. Now swap the discs with the one that was actually DIIRs and take it back to the 2nd store, and tell them it was like that when you bought it. I'm assuming both were used, but if not, you can still do it this way. If they know you well enough at the first store, they might exchange it for you, off the record. Depends though, and would technically be against policy.
  18. AndrewTS

    Hassan losing like he did was

    Probably, but they didn't even try. However, odd that they have kept the Masterlock Challenge going, since I'd have figured they'd blow it off first. Of course, they don't do it every week anyway, and maybe they'll kill it next Raw.
  19. AndrewTS

    Tomb Raider Legend preview

    As far as I know, she was merely missing and presumed dead at the end of Last Revelation. There's a book that explains what happens after, Amulet of Power: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...151327?v=glance
  20. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/06/17/news_6127735.html
  21. AndrewTS

    Bad Games That You Love

    Between Capcom and Sega, Disney had bar-none some of the best licensed games of any era during the 8-bit/16-bit days. Only Konami seemed to come close. Sure, there was the boring stuff like Rescue Rangers (co-op is nice, but any little kid would probably rather take Contra), but Capcom had the Ducktales games, the Magical Quests (the Japan-only 3 is actually coming out here on GBA; decent in its time, though), Darkwing Duck (Mega Man clone), Aladdin on SNES, and the Great Circus Mystery. Sega had the Genesis Aladdin (preview of the goodness to come in EWJ and World of Illusion. Of course, almost all of them pale next to Mickey Mania There was some sort of Ducktales/Donald game for Game Gear that I liked when I was younger. I also really liked the Game Gear Star Wars game, although it was probably crap next to the SNES games. And Jurassic Park was the first game I owned and beat for the Genesis. I liked it but probably wouldn't today.
  22. AndrewTS

    Early Smackdown Spoilers

    I feel JBL is more entertaining in the ring these days than Taker or Booker T, and I don't particularly like JBL either. And JBL/Cena sure as hell beats any expectations I have for a Big Show/Batista match or Taker/Batista.
  23. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k5

    That's 80's Beat 'Em Rule #45, with the provision that sometimes you might run across an enemy with a dinky pistol, in which case the boss will have a really friggin' huge gun.
  24. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k5

    That outfit he dons is his old wrestling gear, too. And in a town filled with street punks who wield pipes and knives, the guy with the gun is king of the underworld.
  25. AndrewTS

    Batman SE DVDs coming

    You're not alone, and I think it's better overall than Begins, but since Timm/Dini and crew borrowed a lot from Year One, they don't deserve *full* credit. They'd probably be comfortable with doing commentary since they've already done commentary tracks on the box sets. I'd be up for it, even double-dipping. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think its actually "Batman: Year Two" that they borrowed from. The Phantasm is pretty damn similar to the Reaper. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The scene in the building under construction? Bruce's early vigilantism prior to donning the costume? Those are borrowed from Y1. Y2 was out of print for a while but I see that apparently it's available again. I'll have to pick it up, but from what I'm reading, the story doesn't really match up even if the Phantasm is *kind of like* the Reaper.