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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. Actually, wouldn't it belong in LSD? Or whatever it ends up being called?
  2. AndrewTS

    Video Game Vixens on G4

    Where's Flik these days? We gonna do a contest of our own?
  3. AndrewTS

    Video Game Vixens on G4

    One of these things is not like the other... Considering it's G4, I'm shocked anybody in the biz at all was on. Who was the magazine guy? Some hack from Game Informer/Gamepro? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was Seanbaby http://www.g4tv.com/videogamevixens/featur...xen_Judges.html <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, that makes perfect sense. Seanbaby isn't a "magazine person," exactly. He's got a pop-culture site that's main deal is commentaries on the Hostess/superhero mini-comics, and reviews ripping apart bad old video games. EGM snagged him for his list of Worst Video Games Ever (topped by ET). He's since done some features for 1up. He's a funny guy, though. Sounds about right for G4, after all. "Journalist?" *snicker*
  4. AndrewTS

    Video Game Vixens on G4

    One of these things is not like the other... Considering it's G4, I'm shocked anybody in the biz at all was on. Who was the magazine guy? Some hack from Game Informer/Gamepro? I thought AoD killed all her remaining popularity. *shrug*
  5. AndrewTS

    Classic games and systems

    The SNES Returns is okay. Basically a generic beat 'em up with a few cool moves (the background toss, double noggin' knocker of course). But some of the levels had designs that distinguished it from most of the genre. Adventures of Batman & Robin is my favorite Batman game. I once spent about a week playing it so that I could beat it on Hard. The final area was really frustrating. The fights by themselves aren't too hard, but surviving them all in a row...yow. Great job translating the music, too. And yes, I *hated* Trouble in Transit. I had picked up the GBA Batman Vengeance used one time. It was a really poor attempt at cloning AoB&R. Naturally, they stuck in a Trouble in Transit knockoff. I never bothered finishing it.
  6. AndrewTS

    Classic games and systems

    You could get up to 101% in DKC. But no, you didn't get any special ending or bonus. In the sequels they expanded on it. I think DKC3 went *too* far in the "collecting junk" direction, though.
  7. AndrewTS

    Classic games and systems

    ...which is why they've re-released the DKC games on GBA, and used Rare's character design for DK in Mario vs. Donkey Kong? Nintendo loved Rare until the Goldeneye team was gone, and all of Rare's games since have taken an eternity for them to finish and, even worse, have sucked. That's why they cut them loose after Star Fox Adventures. Rare hadn't really done a lick of good for Microsoft so far. Kameo, which *still* isn't out, *might* be good, and PDZ is supposed to be okay (if not visually spectactular right now). Aside from that, they've got the Conker remake (which has been censored more heavily than the N64 game). However, Rare was at their peak during the late N64 years (and were producing plenty of quality games for that platform), but haven't even come close since.
  8. AndrewTS

    Subway getting rid of the Sub Club

    Only slightly more ridiculous than calling the newest manufactured pop star a "musical artist," though.
  9. AndrewTS

    Classic games and systems

    I've got lots to say that's directly on topic, but for now... Either it's a bad translation, or he's a little confused. Let's face it, everyone likes pretty graphics. Japanese gamers included. However, I think it's very true that Western gamers prefer realism more than Japanese gamers do. Also, Rare isn't a US company, but a UK company. DKC (and most of their games) tend to shoot for a form of realism, especially for the environments, but the character designs often seem stuck between "cartoony" and realistic. Although if we want to make blanket statements about a country's gaming tastes, we could just as easily slag Japan all day. Japanese gamers are just as stupid as American gamers when it comes to licensed games. Take a look at Bandai. I guess the pretty graphics had nothing to do with Square's Playstation mega-hits in both Japan and the US. Hell, that's all most of Square's games have going for them right now. So, at the very least it's an ignorant statement. It's generally accepted today that DKC was an above-average game that was sold primarily on its graphics, at a time when the false next-gen systems were trying to gain a place in the market alongside the 16-bitters. Doesn't Miyamoto have an Executive Producer credit and perhaps a direction credit on DKC? I'm sure he's got at least one of them. It could be just because of him creating Donkey Kong, though.
  10. I missed it Sunday, and last I remember Cartoon Network stopped showing the Thursday replays. So anyone know of a nice, safe place to download it, or a definite replay time? Thanks.
  11. AndrewTS

    Sharkboy sues Disney

    WB could have gotten sued over Buzz Bunny (it's a character and figure trademarked by a Dutch animator: http://www.figurefarm.com/character_design_buzz_bunny.htm ). So they changed it to Ace Bunny.
  12. AndrewTS

    Subway getting rid of the Sub Club

    I like my cheesesteak subs toasted. Otherwise I usually pass. And the worst thing about Quizno's is that they're extremely overpriced. My only real alternatives, other than mom-and-pop places, to Subway in my area (nearest Quizno's is near Pittsburgh) are Sheetz and GetGo (GetGo's a gas station owned by the Giant Eagle supermarket chain, who basically have cloned everything about Sheetz that they could get away with). GetGo's food is mediocre. Sheetz's stuff is good, depending on what you get.
  13. AndrewTS

    Sharkboy sues Disney

    I thought of him first, actually. That's a really bad example. It's not actually a character in the movie. Even so, "The Rock" is a common nickname for guys in sports. Heck, hasn't the WWE had 3 so far? Duane, Morocco, and somebody else that I don't remember.
  14. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter I

    There's really not much happening as far as tangible gaming news these days, is there? Except OMGGTASAX-BOX!?~ of course.
  15. AndrewTS

    Stephanie Furious over Backstage Rib

    This is even funnier considering nobody is going to punish JBL or OJ. Maybe Conaway refused to show up for a hearing in Wrestler Court? OJ is tall, green, and was trained by Rocky Johnson. They're not firing him for this. Maybe JBL ended up watching the gay porn?
  16. AndrewTS

    Change of announcers needed on Raw

    Because Kevin Dunn is only going to hire pretty young men who barely know anything about wrestling. And sadly, Cole's better than Grisham, Romero, etc.
  17. AndrewTS

    SmackDown's 1st Draft Lottery Pick is...

    At least so far the picks actually matter. Hopefully Raw doesn't screw this up by drafting Torrie now.
  18. When was the last good one? 4 years ago?
  19. AndrewTS

    Russians create Transexual....

    It was Joel Schumacher. I guess the dog's vag is where his penis was...so guess he'll be able to cock his leg up still. But...WTF? Should we call it a TAD or a DAT?
  20. AndrewTS

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, June 3-5

    If you want to blame anybody, blame the stupid people who buy tickets to see awful comedies.
  21. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    I disagree. If you can't curse you have to be more creative, but Cena didn't really bother. I think he was putting more effort into his raps when he first started out. He didn't really swear much that I recall, then, either. He just got lazy with his raps, just like he'd got lazy with his wrestling.
  22. AndrewTS

    Saddam Begins memoirs

    Am I the only one who got the odd mental image of Saddam's silhouette against the orange sky bg like the Batman Begins poster, due to the odd capitalization?
  23. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    Hey, they kept Rhyno for ONS after all!
  24. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    But Leno plugs Conan, King...
  25. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    Oh great, either that was a SHOOT!~ or a WORKED SHOOT!~ Neither's good for Cena.