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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/23/05

    The Tattoo Terminator with a knowing smile.
  2. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/23/05

    "Who's Mark Jindrack?"
  3. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/23/05

    Wrestlemania 21, the game. Shame on you, WWE.
  4. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/23/05

    Fuse the two! *Gets some spikey haired anime characters to help out there. The problem is that whatever would result would form a new Nation of Domination.
  5. AndrewTS

    PS3 design officially revealed...

    I like the commentary that goes with that comic better. "So, some filthy gaijins already have their console made? OMG n00bs, look at that Perfect Dark framerate!!" "Well, that E3 thing is coming up..." "So? Roll that beautiful pre-rendered bean footage. It'll probably work just as well on the stupid gaijins as it did against Segagagaga." Honestly, though, I expect a killer showing for the PS3 and Revolution at E3 2006.
  6. AndrewTS

    Ready for the Revolution?

    Gee, that post-worthy.
  7. AndrewTS

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/23/05

    The school where I work had its graduation ceremony yesterday. At Kemper Arena. I was a little creeped out when I realized I had to walk through almost the exact spot where Owen landed. Owen died the date after my birthday. That really sucked. Even worse, my actual celebration wasn't until the 23rd...
  8. AndrewTS

    According to this week's Observer

    Hiroko's cuter in the face than Kimona, but Kimona's got the better body. Of course, if you dig Hiroko's chubby little ass, then you wouldn't see any issue there.
  9. AndrewTS

    Ready for the Revolution?

    Ha! Nintendo up to their old tricks, I see... Considering they don't have tons of other revenue streams to make up for any losses, like their competitors, I don't blame them. At least it's perfectly legal.
  10. AndrewTS

    Ready for the Revolution?

    This may be impenetrable for all but the most savvy of tech-heads, but saw it on RottenTomatoes and thought it was quite interesting: And a follow-up post about it: From Gamespot: Too bad that this screams "N64-ish late arrival," though.
  11. AndrewTS

    U.S. upset at British newspaper

    ...that's from their official webpage, too.
  12. AndrewTS

    My pictures from E3

    Yeah, that's Curse. Dawn of Sorrow is also a new CV game, for DS though, and honestly looks like it will be the better game. Legacy of Darkness on N64 > Lament of Innocence on PS2 What was the coolest/weirdest thing on the giant Katamari? You add anything to it? What'd they use to keep it on, velcro?
  13. AndrewTS


    Thanks. Mostly got cash--so putting some away and going to treat myself to some DVDs or something this week. ChrisM and Flyboy--I'm disappointed in you guys.. Close enough with the name, but I usually use Andrew since my dad has the same name and he uses Andy.
  14. AndrewTS

    PS3 design officially revealed...

    Yeah, probably gonna go with a Rev first and PS3 later as well, although N'll have to come out with some kind of miracle with it. Plenty of people have soured on them, and their virtual no-show on the Revolution front at E3 is a PR nightmare. Mistwalker will likely move 360's to more US gamers and a handful of Japanese gamers, but I don't think Square Enix (whose games are going to sell regardless) is going to pledge much support to MS. X-Box gets a direct port of FFXI, and GC got Crystal Chronicles. Gee. Wow. And SE's rumored to be bringing a FF:CC to Revolution...again, who cares? Safe bet Square-Enix is probably going to be fiercely loyal to Sony. My EB had one of those used Playstation pads that are virtually identical to the PS3 pad...it felt terrible.
  15. AndrewTS

    Samurai Champloo

    Darn, missed last night's ep then. But since it's just the first one, I already saw it. "Yeah, it's pretty good, but I could've done without Steven Blum as Mugen. He's good, of course, but he just pops up in everything and especially in his lead roles, there isn't much distinction between each. Though there does seem to be slightly more gruffness with Mugen than Spike or Roger Smith." Thankfully Wendee Lee just has a bit role, although I've heard her do different voices from her usual (Faye).
  16. AndrewTS

    My pictures from E3

    Liked the pics--you did a good job of bringing the atmosphere out, IMO. Feel free to elaborate on games you played. You try Curse of Darkness? I expect a good fight engine, but LoI's level design was so dull and had so little platforming going on it was a rather unsatisfying game. Was the PSP much of a presence at the show? It seemed like Sony was neglecting it.
  17. AndrewTS

    Samurai Champloo

    A friend lended me the first DVD, and I enjoyed it a lot. When's Adult Swim showing it (date/time)? I've missed AS quite a bit since they put Harvey Birdman eps on at midnight.
  18. AndrewTS

    I met Edge and Stacy Keibler at E3!

    They worked for me before, but not now.
  19. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    Glad to hear it about Rush. It appeared as if they're getting back to the core of what made Sonic work (apparently this one has a mere 2 selectable characters; fine by me). The level design in the first Advance left a lot to be desired, IMO. There wasn't enough variety. There were tons of huge levels you'd think you could rush through, but traps and spikes were galore, placed especially to kill any momentum you could muster. I'd briefly played 2 and 3 and seemed the same. And the alternate characters kind of mucked things up. Post the pics when you can, thanks.
  20. AndrewTS

    The One And Only Grandia III Thread!

    So, kind of the FFMQ or GBA Lufia(s) of the Grandia series? Gotcha.
  21. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    Oh, we have a game list for the Capcom Classics collection: I suspect we may see some slight changes for the US version, like SonSon. But since that character was in MvC2, maybe they'll leave it intact. Definitely worth the cash though. Bionic Commando, the first 3 SFs (glad I sold my Street Fighter Collection 2), all of the Ghouls/Ghosts, Final Fight, the 1940's, etc. = buy!
  22. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    Ah, I'd have figured Shiggy. Dayum, though. EDIT: I was wrong, BTW. Reggie's executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo USA. Yet, he's probably the most public of the Nintendo USA figures.
  23. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    Hey, we don't need tons of info--the "journalists" are doing that job. But if you think something is going to be overlooked and you liked it, feel free to share. I'm glad to hear you gave Sigma Star Saga a shot, for instance. Tell me about it. RRRARGH! Reggie eat N64, TV set, and credit card keypad, and out come prototype!!!
  24. AndrewTS

    UPN moves Smackdown to Friday Night

    Honestly, the times they tried to use Smackdown to plug other shows for Thursday nights, wasn't it usually crap like The Mullets? I'm reminded of "Watch Star Trek Enterprise! It's got Rock on this week's episode!"
  25. AndrewTS

    Matt responds to Edge/Lita segment

    *Agrees with the Bros-before-Hos/Fuck Edge comment* This only started to come out rather slowly when Matt removed the Lita pics from his site. Considering something like this isn't too new (Lawler and the Kitty pics), people caught on to what it was all about. Instead of removing them and then being left with having to make an explanation, Matt should have "hacked" his site and had all of the pics go missing. Then, slowly restore the site, but with only newer photos and no personal photos, so nobody would wonder why Lita wasn't in any. Then, at some point announce that he'd broken up with Lita. Hence, the pics are gone, but they'd assume they were still on good terms and would have left most of the pics up if he still had them. Plus, he'd probably be able to get a few sympathy fucks out of one of the random faceless Divas. But hindsight is 50/50, and he probably didn't think before doing it. The point is, he didn't blurt it out immediately after he knew.