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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The One And Only Grandia III Thread!

    I love that this is the "One & Only" Grandia III thread. As if there was a strong possibility of other Grandia III threads poppping up. What *was* Grandia Extreme, incidentally?
  2. AndrewTS

    Raw Does A Good Rating

    It's May sweeps. All TV viewers know that their favorite TV shows will be pulling out ALL THE STOPS to provide the highest-quality viewing experience of the year. WWE fans were probably on the edge of their seat hoping for the returns of HHH or Stephanie.
  3. AndrewTS

    I met Edge and Stacy Keibler at E3!

    "How about coming back to my treehouse, and I'll show you how cookies are really made."
  4. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    If I gave a damn about Halo or PC gaming in general, I might have something to say about the above post. But I don't, so I'll just say "extremely off-topic" and leave it at that. The only problem I had with the N64 stick was that it, like the rest of the N64 controller, felt too cheap and was too prone to being broken. Dual Shocks' is okay, and the GC one is fine. "You got verbally pwned by Edge. I TOLD you that you should reached for the shoot comments before he could." Because I'm sure being an utter prick to a wrestler using your OMGINSIDERKONWLEDGE is just the thing a smark should do to show how WWE is wrong about how they perceive smarks. Thanks for the entertaining, even though not vastly informative, report Matt. You see Reggie Fils-Aime (Nintendo US Pres)? Is he a real hoss?
  5. AndrewTS

    PS3 design officially revealed...

    Game Informer has comparison pics of the X-Box 360. It's smaller than an X-Box and a little bit bigger than the original PS2.
  6. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    Yup. With 2D, the processing power of the central CPUs were easily measured, but with 3D, it gets much trickier. For instance, the Jaguar had four 16-bit CPUs. If you "do the math" it was 64 bits. However, the Saturn had two 32-bit processors. So, was Atari lying about the Jaguar? Yeah, somewhat. Interestingly, the SNES, while using a 16-bit CPU, has a max processing speed of less than half of the Genesis'. The SNES can display 4x the colors, has a superior sound chip--and, well, even with the 16-bitters specs can be misleading.
  7. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    UYI: You missed "Pimp my X-Box?" Okay, that's just the face plates, but considering that MS have offered different versions of the X-Box themselves, you'll likely see special versoins. Plus, there's always relatively-cheap skins to purchase.
  8. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    "Bits" are archaic for measuring modern systems' power; it doesn't really matter. PS2 uses a 128 bit CPU, for instance. Dreamcast uses a 32-bit CPU. The processing power of a central CPU is only one piece of the puzzle. Spec sheets for GC and X-Box don't even bother measuring the CPU in "bits." I'm sure a programmer could explain it better than me, though.
  9. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    Decent idea, but poor execution. No real attempt at making a clever analogy or a good parody was present. It could have been used to draw better parallels if any real effort was made. Just the "SD = B-show = LOL" thing. You haphazardly inserted the phrase "nothing of note" like Christian using sleeperholds. And it just wasn't funny. Yeah, I like Nintendo, but I can poke fun at them too and laugh when it's appropriate/true. That was weak, though. Plus, you forgot X-Box. I know WWE only has 3 shows, but it would have been an even cheaper shot to compare Nintendo to NWA-TNA.
  10. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    The attempt at humor at the top of this page: F
  11. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    New interview up about Zelda: TTP. http://cube.ign.com/articles/616/616559p1.html Oh, and for anybody who was saying "LINK TURNS INTO A WEREWOLF OMG LAMENESS..." "IGN: So is Link's transformation based on a day/night system? Eiji Aonuma: No, actually in this game when Link enters the Twilight Realm he transforms into the wolf. I think there may have been some inspiration for the schematic elements of the moon rising and someone transforming into the wolf originally, but that's actually not part of the game system.... As to why he actually becomes a wolf rather than some other creature, obviously Link in every game is a hero. We thought a wolf was what a hero might be in animal form. We kind of decided that wolves are creatures with a certain mysticism in all cultures and they're also very heroic type creatures as well. In that sense, we really felt that the wolf was best suited to an animal representation of the hero." So, very similar to his transformation in LttP, apparently. Lot of information on that aspect, too.
  12. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    Well, it plays DVDs, so don't think so. Oh, and we have a subtitle for the new Zelda game: http://home.comcast.net/%7Elazie4351/NintendoE3.jpg Just incase the pic doesn't work: Not sure about that "2006" thing, since Donkey Konga 2 is coming out a lot sooner, and the new Zelda should be this year. Metroid Dread? Well, hopefully it blows away Fusion and Zero Mission. BUMP: Got my Game Informer today. That scan's all correct. But GI are still run by f'ing morons. They think June is the 4th month of the year, and decided to interview the guy who runs G4.
  13. AndrewTS

    Sigma Star Saga

    I've plugged the hell out of WayForward's Shantae in the past, and though they've mostly been saddled with licensed projects, their original stuff has been high quality, and they've even made enjoyable games out of freakin' Wendy the witch. Sigma Star Saga, their newest project (well, supposedly they're also working on Shantae Advance as well) is a hybrid action/rpg/shooter (well, think of an Adventure game like Zelda, but with leveling up and shooting sections). I've been awaiting it since I first saw screenshots, and now there's an online preview... http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3139880&did=1 There's also a massive article with tons of screenshots in the newest Nintendo Power.
  14. AndrewTS

    Heat Spoilers

    Between this and UsetheSledgehammUh's Benoit injury hoax, I swear some posters are trolling for more votes in the Worst Poster poll.
  15. AndrewTS

    Sigma Star Saga

    Bump, for a tidbit on a 1up reporter's blog: "Sigma Star Saga is coming along really well (it plays like an RPG version of Guardian Legend and the graphics remind me of Secret of Mana in places)" So far, so good.
  16. AndrewTS

    Ready for the Revolution?

    Since that's basically been confirmed already, no. PSP-to-PS3 connectivity is in, so that's not going to be a unique feature, anyway.
  17. AndrewTS

    Ready for the Revolution?

    From the infamous BrokenSaints blog... Hmm...
  18. AndrewTS


    Roosters don't have cocks. http://www.science.edu.sg/ssc/detailed.jsp...parent=4&cat=40 Did nobody else here pay attention in biology class? Birds basically reproduce the same way as most reptiles.
  19. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    I'm using 1up, mostly. All that stuff at E3 and somebody gives a damn about the new Madden?!?!? Meeeeeeeeh.
  20. AndrewTS

    E3 2005

    The PSP was rumored to be waaay more than it turned out to be, though. But meh, I'm not willing to pay nearly that much right now. Some info on the new Mario DS platformer: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3140703 Very early, but sounds mighty rad.
  21. AndrewTS

    TSM's Top 30 Games!

    'Your vote wasn't for SSFT2? You mean there was actually a Street Fighter 2 Turbo and a Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo? Damn there are way too many street fighters.' Yeah. Street Fighter II: World Warrior, Champion Edition, Turbo, Super, Super Turbo, and Hyper. That's not counting the haxxored versions like Rainbow Edition and so on.
  22. AndrewTS

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

    One article said PS2 exclusive, another said it was also coming to X-Box. Since Castlevania: Curse of Darkness is coming to X-Box/PS2 and MGS2: Substance came out on X-Box, I wouldn't rule it out.
  23. AndrewTS

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    " I understand Holly beating Mercury because Holly and Haas are feuding with MNM for the WWE Tag Team Titles so they have to look like a threat." My bad; hadn't been watching much lately.
  24. AndrewTS

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    "JBL aired a hilarious video demeaning John Cena's new CD." Nice. "Booker T beat Mark Jindrak after Jindrak was caught saying some less-than-kind things to Booker's wife. Jindrak bled throughout the match." Meh. "After a short video recapping their rivalry, Eddie Guerrero came out for an interview, but didn't say a word. He just stepped on Rey Mysterio's mask and walked out." ??? "Hardcore Holly beat Joey Mercury of MNM." Why?
  25. AndrewTS

    Ready for the Revolution?

    And be fine, upstanding corporate citizens just like them?