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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Poor Simpson episodes

    They aged Bart and Lisa for an episode a few weeks ago, and it was awful. Especially since if the show moves forward more than a year, technology immediately moves ahead to near Futurama levels of wackiness. Like when Lisa was president and Bart was...uh...a lazier, more useless version of Fry? Or completely different?
  2. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Ah, my bad. I think it was selective memory. I wanted to be surprised playing through it again so my memory conveniently let that piece of info slip. That's the ticket. It's the only explanation of why I can recall esoteric information at a moment's notice and forget big things I should remember.
  3. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    He didn't say it was fully translated, but I suppose it could have been a fan-translated one. Any 411 on a Growlanser/Langrisser connection, Flik? I remember lots of people showing love for the Vandal Hearts games, but nowadays I hear nothing. Plenty of OMG BETTER THAN FFT!!! at the time. I recently discovered a sequel exists, but haven't played it. Had borrowed VH1 briefly--solid engine but lower production values than FFT, unsurprisingly.
  4. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    I've been scouring used game, rental store, and bargain bins for games for about 8 years, and I've seen only *one* copy of Warsong ever. I've seen maybe a dozen Phantasy Star IVs. So, search Ebay frequently, set it to search titles and descriptions, and try to snipe it if you find it. Der Langrisser was an updated Langrisser 2, so it was a souped-up Megadrive-to-SFC port. It also appeared on the PC-FX--with added loading times. Yay! Oh, speaking of Der Langrisser-- http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW I'm not too big on strat games, so feel free to bid on it if you want.
  5. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    Finding IV is easy online. Check half.com right now; they've got them in the 20-30 range right now. Oh, and I had completely forgotten that the Genesis Phantasy Star apparently only came out in Japan. To play PS1 in English either you need to go the compilation route or try the Master System version.
  6. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    However, people are suggesting compilations because it would be cheaper that way. Phantasy Star IV, just the cart by itself, would run you 20-30 bucks. I and II vary, but getting the Genesis Phantas Star 1, 2, and 4 might run you about 50-60 bucks total if you're lucky. Warsong is the only rendition of the Langriesser series to make it Stateside. I think it's either L1 or L2. It's perhaps the rarest Genesis game out there, alongside Herzog Zwei and M.U.S.H.A. I believe. EDIT: Gamefaqs says it's the first game.
  7. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Not including games you haven't played it better than including games you haven't played. I'm sure people will hate my list, because it's going to be a list of my favorite games IMO, not games I can honestly swear up and down are the best games on the planet. It's also going to be Nintendo-heavy and concentrated on my favorite genres.
  8. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    In other words, you probably played the part of the game with that scene and little else? Yeah, I guess it'd be easier to remember one small part if that's your only experience with it as opposed to playing the entire game, and coming back to it 6-7 years later. I remembered nearly every other major plot point besides, and I'd had a hunch who it was back when I originally played it, but I'll admit I have a crappy memory sometimes. It's weird--I remembered how to get the fire arrows without even reading the clue on the memorial, but I forgot something major like that. I wasn't looking for it to be anyone else, though. Just assumed it was separate character.
  9. AndrewTS

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, April 29-May 1

    Fallon was much, much better than I expected in the House on Haunted Hill remake. I think you are getting Chris Kattan (sp?) and Fallon mistaken as two of the same. Oh, okay. Then Fallon still sucks.
  10. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    I've yet to tackle Majora's Mask since I've yet to complete OOT again, but it's sitting in my collection in the meanwhile. I feel I should beat OOT again first, since I've forgotten so much. Until I rented Smash Bros Melee I had forgotten who Sheik really was (go ahead and laugh, but the red eyes threw me ). Majora's Mask I've heard people absolutely love or loathe it completely. Seems that few people feel otherwise. Could you give me a mini-review of it?
  11. AndrewTS

    Robot Chicken

    Moore appearing in a parody show, way thinner than he is in real life, appearing to be a nice guy overall, and escaping unscathed was weaksauce. Liked the Anne Frank segment the most.
  12. AndrewTS

    Namco Marks Anniversary

    Capcom's classics compilation is going to kick the snot out of it, though. Did RVD name his move after the game?
  13. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    Oh, don't suggest Shadowrun at ME, I'm king shit expert at Shadowrun. Any Shadowrun questions? Right here. So... which Phantasy Star games are worth buying, again? IV is usually considered the best. II is really good, but wait for the remake. You can't tell how good the equipment you're buying is or even if it is better than what you have unless you buy it. The Phantasy Star Collection includes a list of shops' inventory with that information, but you need to find it complete for that or look it up in a FAQ, and it's still a pain in the BUTT to do it that way. I'm sure the remake will be correcting that. I'll leave III up to somebody who has played it, but I hear its the worst of the series and follows several generations throughout the game. The collection of Phantasy Star remakes apparently will be I, II, and IV--even Sega thinks III sucks.
  14. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Believe me, I understand exactly what you're saying. I wasn't into Zelda much when I was younger, because of the story's rather weak execution. However, these days gameplay matters more to me than story, hence why I'll pick an Adventure game with a "just okay" story over a well-told turn-based RPG. Ocarina currently has the most epic, mature feel out of all the current Zeldas (and over most Adventure games), and the greater role of story in it compared to the other games is why I (and probably many others) prefer it over the rest of the games. Wind Waker seems to have the actual story so sparely told, the dungeons seem less awe-inspiring due to their short length, and the little gripes like the excessive sailing, the Wind Waker itself's relatively small role in the game compared to OOT, ultimately make it less memorable. Plus, the frustration and ultimate triumph of completing the Water Temple? The first time you fight that temple's "sub boss?" I don't really feel WW has anything to compare to that, really. However, considering how much you liked Zelda II, I'm not surprised.
  15. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Ultimately, this is going to be the TSM posters' top 30 or so list of favorite games. Likely one of the FF games is going to pop up in the top ten, although it may not necessarily be the real best RPG. I think we should just come and make it a favorites list. ^ didn't care for Grandia, and Lunar 1 and 2's translation really hits them hard, so I'm inclined to agree.
  16. AndrewTS

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, April 29-May 1

    Fallon was much, much better than I expected in the House on Haunted Hill remake. So I can tolerate Fallon as a whimping, pants-wettings sissyboy, but that's about it. Him actually trying to delivery jokes does nothing for me. I don't care about baseball so Fever Pitch isn't interesting to me anyway. I'll probably catch Hitchhiker's and check out Sin City before it leaves theaters.
  17. AndrewTS

    Poor Simpson episodes

    I remember that one. In particular the gag about "this space reserved for DVDs" was awful. The one where Homer built his own battlebot wasn't at all funny either, but I'd seen it done much, much better when a friend of mine did it in a skit for an Efed, so I couldn't view it objectively.
  18. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Those people are nuts. Wind Waker destroys Ocarina in every way I can think of. However, the best Zelda is either the original or Link's Awakening. Ocarina (like FF7) is really overrated. I could probably list 100 games better than Ocarina. You realize of course that a) you're in a very small minority on those opinions and b) you aren't really justifying those beliefs. Unlike my disagreements over FFVII, where myself and others on this board have already discussed the issue at length many, many times. To me, Wind Waker is the Mario Sunshine to Ocarina's Mario 64. Good game, superior in some ways, but introduced a few nagging gripes, making it overall not at satisfying. Let be known that I *love* Wind Waker's visual style, too. If you're asking to be a part of the panel, ask Flik. I doubt your choices are going to be any less popular than Anya's.
  19. AndrewTS

    More of those Bratz

    The only one that does. 2 and 4 are practically to the crotch. the site: "these Babyz™ already know how to flaunt it," That's just creepy. Plus, little babies wearing makeup is just wrong. So, it's okay to base assumptions around dolls based on their appearance, except when they're stereotyping your demographic? Gotcha. The ones shooting laser guns with goofy characters like Shipwreck? I find the fact that they were 30 minute blocks of commercials disguised as entertainment to be malicious enough by itself, personally.
  20. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    This week's going to be a bit hectic this week--possibly for any other people having finals. I suppose I could ask for an extension if I need it.
  21. AndrewTS

    More of those Bratz

    http://www.mgae.com/2004_product_pages/Pro...zSecretDate.asp Perfectly innocent. And remember, they drink *smoothies*. Nothing alcoholic, no. And how dare you cast aspersions on the Lil' Homiez, Ripper. For all you know they could be fine, upstanding members of their community with dreams of going to college and makin' a difference, yo. What kind of RACIST!~ are you anyway? And yet another doll convincing little girls to be obsessed with fashion and appearance isn't really a good thing.
  22. AndrewTS

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Lois is a "Protestant whore." He called Jesus a "children's character," though.
  23. AndrewTS

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Missed the first part, unfortunately, but saw it from the opening credits onward. Too bad people had the Passion 2 stuff in their sigs for maybe a month or so before it aired. American Dad was better than the pilot but still not really too high on it. The toothless and utterly pointless political slants just lay there and die, and Stan's god-boying is already getting predictable and old.
  24. AndrewTS

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Oh yeah--I asked about imports, and PC/console is good question too. Flik, lay the ground rules.