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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    CAW Help

    Yeah. I used a CAW slot to make a 2005 Kurt Angle. I don't think any games are going to let you alter both appearance and moves/settings.
  2. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    Nobuo worked on it as well, though.
  3. AndrewTS

    My PS2 makes grinding laser noises...

    What was wrong? I'm aware that MS used 3 different suppliers for the laser so far in the X-Box (the trays allow you to tell them apart), so apparently they weren't pleased with some of them (could have been cost issues instead of quality, but not sure). Does it relate to that or is it something else?
  4. AndrewTS

    CAW Help

    I would if I still had it. I sold it the last time I got rid of my N64 and games. This is my 3rd time starting my N64 collection. I think I'll be keeping it. I'd get VPW2 again if I saw it cheap, but that's rarely the case. So I personally don't think it's worth the additional cost I've seen it on Ebay for. I used Guerrero's for entrance, but probably will replace it. Thanks. Looks good. Thanks. I also made an up to date Kurt Angle, since 2K1 Angle is soooo out of date. Biggest changes are the appearance, adding the anklelock, giving him the rolling germans for a back special, but there are also a handful of smaller move changes (like--when's the last time you saw Kurt dropkick?).
  5. AndrewTS

    My PS2 makes grinding laser noises...

    The machines today are a hell of a lot more complex and powerful, hence more to go wrong? (And while Sony is the biggest offender, MS had that power cord issue) 3D games are inherently more complex and prone to bugs and glitches than old 2D games? If they aren't (I'm assuming they are), it's more difficult to uncover *all* the bugs and glitches, and harder to then fix them? Mr. Lightning "I'm a Programmer" Flik can feel free to jump in, and make any additions/corrections if he'd like. Maybe we can have Steven Joseph give us the economic reasons. Then Damu can tell us how big he is.
  6. AndrewTS

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Tobias and co. deliver a game that is apparently quite crappy; what a shock.
  7. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    It's in the way you say it. Plus this folder would be a lot more boring if I didn't get on your case. Our public demands it. Although sometimes you post a non-sequitor that I figure doesn't really require a response. I was using that a hypothetical example, but shockingly close. I meant more like Yuna Firerose, the TSM member. I kid you about being a fangirl, but she's a full-on fangirl and I still like her. She's hilarious.
  8. AndrewTS

    April, 21, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    When's Tomko been entertaining, except for the joke posts with Lita? I thought H-Reich was SD's Snitsky.
  9. AndrewTS

    April, 21, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    I'm aware of NY having a heavy number of Puerto Ricans. Add in the smarky nature of MSG, and it's not that surprising. H-Reich > Tomko as a wrestler.
  10. AndrewTS

    Xbox 2 to be revealed on May 12th...

    That was way too long to simply say "if people are stupid enough to think Xbox 2 < PS3 automatically, then how the freakin' hell are they going to tell the two 360s apart?" Which is a valid point, but right now we don't know how MS plans to market it, and how many games are going to be utilizing it. Call me crazy, but I have a bit more faith in the intelligence of the average X-Box user than I do the typical PS2 gamer. I think the 360 thing is for the benefit of potential new customers.
  11. AndrewTS

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    There's no national policy against such discrimination, although discrimination against gays for government jobs is not permissable. It's been left as a state issue. In PA, for example, I know that in Harrisburg there's laws against it because of the area's large gay population, in addition to state jobs. I don't see how "no protection against descrimination" = "gays absolutely cannot hold certain jobs." Believe me, I think there should be national protection against that discrimination, and I've for civil unions. However, the comparison you're making doesn't click with me.
  12. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Fine, as long as you don't completely ignore the possibility that they have some innocent misconceptions that have held true for 99% of the time. Incidentally, I suck at Pac-Man and would give anyone props that was a hell of a lot better at it than I. And I've been beaten on MvC1 at the arcade by a girl (with Morrigan, with "that" special of hers). It surprised me, but hey, it happens. It doesn't "matter", really. It's just that it would be unexpected. It's the same way with people (male or female) who prefer KoF over SF strictly because of the character designs. Usually they aren't actually very good at the game because they're caught up more in aesthetics than they are gameplay. Everybody likes to rail against stereotypes, and the more extreme ones (racist ones, especially) deserve mockery. However, categorizing things are an essential part of the learning process, and stereotypes are part of them. I remember when a poster--I don't recall who it was--but he commented he's a big fan of Final Fantasy because he was an artist/going into graphic design and enjoyed character designs, the quality of the FMVs, etc. I dropped the argument and said I respected that. He admitted he liked it a lot based on the aesthetics. If you see somebody who bases much of their gaming tastes on aesthetics rather than gameplay, it isn't illogical to assume that they may not be 'all that' on a skill-intensive level. Sometimes it's wrong. So, yes, I would be surprised, but until something like that would happen frequently, I'd still hold expectations like that. Yeah, it was. Mocking the way Hannity (FAUXNEWSLOLyadda) would ask liberal guests "why do you hate America?" ....what the hell was this topic originally about?
  13. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    What??? Like what? What do you mean by "fangirl"? I am not biased..... "Every game should have Squall in it?"
  14. AndrewTS

    Michael Moore creates scholarship

    That's a hell of a lot more than he paid the Bunny Lady.
  15. AndrewTS

    CAW Help

    Which one? I don't feel like scrolling through a couple hundred poses for it, and I assume you already have it set, so you just could look it up. My N64 library is pretty kick ass now, BTW. I got Mario 64 at last, DK Racing, and Majora's Mask . Alright, I'll get back to you on that one... As I said before, N64 was a truely underrated system that came out a little too late to make an impact... Well, Nintendo had tons of first-rate first-party stuff. However, third party support was incredibly poor--even counterproductive in some cases. When a system gets a stripped-down ports of Resident Evil 2 and Mega Man Legends long after it came out on another system, it makes that system seem more second rate than if they'd never come out at all. Out of the 15 N64 games I got, 9 are first-party (Nintendo themselves), 3 are second-party (Rare), and only 3 are third-party (No Mercy, Revenge, and Harvest Moon). Cartridges are probably the main issue. The N64 did very well, but it would have made a bigger splash with more quality 3rd party support. Nintendo knew they had a good system though, but other companies didn't think so. I'm still very impressed at how good F-Zero X looks and feels.
  16. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Diane's the Asian one who does Filter. I never watch Cheat (last I saw it was just that guy with the annoying voice hosting it), but g4's site says it's "Kristin Holt." Never seen her hosting, though. I do know some sweet/nice "punky" kind of girls, too. Usually they're taken.
  17. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Sounds like she'd be fun to meet. I wouldn't have to date a gamer girl, but she'd have to be intelligent. My last g/f (way back in high school) I pretty much fell for after she'd read an essay she'd done. We need more of those and fewer stupid, shallow girls.
  18. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    But do they, as you put it, "know shit about" the products they're selling? Except for that one, the female Gamestop employees I'd met apparently got the job so they can bs with her boyfriends. One time, one of the GS's just had the female employee out front and nobody else, and a customer in front of me asked her to get him the "NES" in the case behind her. She looked completely confused. The guy then clarified "Nintendo Entertainment System." She grabbed an N64 at first. I get the impression most of the female G4 hosts are like that, except for Morgan (Diane I can't really tell).
  19. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Or maybe 3) They're used to the gender roles that have existed for so long that a female showing any interest at all in a genre driven by violence and arcane movements and techniques that it comes as a bit of a shock to meet a girl who doesn't fall into them. Girl gamers who enjoy yanking out people's spines in MK are even less likely to crop up. And considering how she shamelessly displays a number of fangirlish traits here on the forums, she probably projects an image that conflicts. If I know a girl who plasters her walls with fanart of Squall and Cloud, I'd be really freakin' surprised if I find out that she can parry, combo, super-cancel, etc on SF3. If she has a clue how to play a fighting game that immediately separates her from most fighting game players of either gender. On the other hand, if a t-shirt/jeans, rather broad-shouldered, possibly gay girl shows those same skills, it won't come as nearly as much of a shock. Why do you hate men so much, Rend? Plenty of girls in Japan absolutely loved it, though. Square wasn't really too out-of-touch considering that they were familiar with what their culture taught them about women. They're taught to be girly, submissive, and giggly--and on top of that, there's Japan's stunting of individualist ideals. Didn't Anya like X-2 as well, even though at the time I was sickened as how it tried to pander to both Square's impressions of fanboys and fangirls?
  20. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    I've yet to play it, but if it holds true, then yeah. Shakespeare created masterpieces out of some of the most hackneyed and cliche elements around back in his day. Ahem--back in its day, Charlie's Angels was very popular with females as well. For the time it was considered very "progressive" to have women in those roles, and at the same time they were attractive women. Shameless demographic straddling, indeed, but nowadays CA is much more transparent. However, in Japan--not the case. Gender equality is so laughably far from coming to fruitition that sexy grrls fighting in an entertainment medium is about as far as "female empowerment" goes.
  21. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    Unique plots and characters are overrated. You don't really need them with good writing.
  22. AndrewTS

    New Diva to debuet

    That would be Nikita. I think she was cut. Malibu would probably know. The OVW website hasn't been updated in forever. http://www.ovwrestling.com/ There's pics of Jillian in her bio/at the link at the bottom of the bio. Looks okay, but her nose is a bit big. I'm surprised they haven't brought Passion up... Damn, she's got awful taste.
  23. AndrewTS

    "You screwed Matt!"

    Didn't Matt have a Punisher shirt on when he attacked Kane after the wedding?
  24. AndrewTS

    Should all PPV matches have build up videos?

    They'll do a single confrontation to build it up, then recut it, play "dramatic" music in the background, add FX to the footage like slo-mo, black and white, extra impact to hits and punches, etc. Overlay a blurb from the wrestlers and/or JR, and there ya go.
  25. AndrewTS

    "You screwed Matt!"

    His gimmick should be to walk around, smoking a cigarette, spitting out Denis-Leary-esque quotes.