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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Or it's assumed that they'd go for specific niches--like Sims and RPGs--which has some truth to it for certain, but if she knows what she wants and they're trying to sell her on something else, that's messed up. I've actually encountered a few rare hot chicks at Gamestops. They didn't know shit. But there was one geek grrl I met in NY and we BSed for about 10 minutes straight about games.
  2. AndrewTS

    The End of an Era

    Besides the price, the only advantage is FFWDing through that "bodies have been bruised" yadda yadda "don't try this at home" crap that you *cannot* skip on DVD. I hate that. Earlier DVDs let you speed through it even though you can't skip it, but lately you can't even do that.
  3. AndrewTS

    Xbox 2 to be revealed on May 12th...

    "Man, launching two different versions is such a bad idea... " I disagree. We don't know how many games will actually use the hard drive, but it does have inherent advantages. Plus this would be a complete non-issue in PC gaming. With the cost of memory cards being so high, you'd have to be rather thick in the head not get the full shebang, though. There's no real precedent to gauge this move on at all. You can't say 32x, PS2 Hard drive, or 64DD, because they were all released closer to the end of a system's lifespan and were given very little support. And the Legend of Soltar should be pre-installed on it.
  4. AndrewTS

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Ditto. This makes no sense whatsover. How can it be legally justified?
  5. AndrewTS

    Gunstar Super Heroes

    I'm keeping my skepticism cap firmly on, especially since early reviews of AGH were quite positive. However, Gunstar's one of the handful of games that I still hold onto my Genesis for.
  6. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    I'd like to think if I worked at either one, I wouldn't adopt that sort of behavior. Whenever I'm at my local EB and haven't decided on something yet, I often chill for a bit and offer help to other customers. Plus, since none of the employees at my EB are as tall as me, often I save them the trouble of needing to fetch the ladder. Some of my marketing professors would be appalled at some of the Gamestop employees' behavior.
  7. AndrewTS

    CAW Help

    Which one? I don't feel like scrolling through a couple hundred poses for it, and I assume you already have it set, so you just could look it up. My N64 library is pretty kick ass now, BTW. I got Mario 64 at last, DK Racing, and Majora's Mask .
  8. AndrewTS

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    Haven't console RPG players and pen-and-paper RPG players almost always been completely different and separate audiences? I thought the pen-and-paper ones either continued with those, or moved onto MMORPGs. The MMORPGs are obviously quite a bit more mainstream, with players other than those enjoying them. However, I've gotten the impression that console RPG players and MMORPGs remain fairly distinct audiences.
  9. AndrewTS

    The End of an Era

    I agree. I bought a brand new PPV vid last year, and *right out of the sleeve* I was seeing lines and static. It's almost like they were recording them all in EP.
  10. AndrewTS

    WWE Uncomfortable with Batista as Champion

    I'm sure this is just HHH wanting a chance to "restore prestige" to the WWE Title and truly "make" Cena "a true star."
  11. AndrewTS

    WWE Uncomfortable with Batista as Champion

    Textbook case of "self-fulfilling prophecy" here.
  12. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Some interesting posts at: http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=4732 Oh, and how the fuck is this a "merger?" It's a fucking acquisition by Gamestop for all intents and purposes. But hey, some GOOD news... Two Movie Galleries just popped up in my area, so I think I may be getting a Gamecrazy.
  13. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Have them get their asses in PA and I'll be glad to. I have a Hollywood Video, but they've really got their heads up their asses. Those used copies of N64 sports games for $9.99 are going to sit in the used game section from now till doomsday. I also hate them often tossing out the instructions and original casing for those crappy printed-out cover/instructions. But whoopie, now they duplicate the front covers correctly. Hey--there's an idea for the Deception sequel... Oh, and I have some RPG-playing friends that have gone on trips with me, and when we've hit Gamestops they'd tried to sell them on MKD, Doom 3, GTA, etc. The stereotypes go both ways. General consensus: Gamestop sucks more, although I personally think they have more stuff overall. Only reason I go there.
  14. AndrewTS

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Yah, because something that may appear during one-30th of a match is really going to be a factor. HCTP/SvR's gameplay is poor, but that has nothing to do with why.
  15. AndrewTS

    The Heart-Throbs

    "If they'd used two 'established' wrestlers, people would have been on their ass for not using two guys from OVW."' No they wouldn't. We're well aware of WWE's tendency to pull guys out of OVW when they're still green as grass. When's the last time a fair amount of people made a complaint like that?
  16. AndrewTS

    Hey, Vince McMahon called...

    I'll remember that, Master Yoda...er LastBoyScout. Fuck, at this point do you even doubt that he feeds off of black energies generated by the hatred of SmartMarks? What about apathy?
  17. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    I strongly agree with this, but I attribute this to the condescending nature of geeks who think they know what they're talking about because they work "in the industry" and read all the magazines and post nonstop on IGN, Gamefaqs, etc. Not all us geeks are condescending. To be fair, these same employees probably experienced many an occasion of her coming up to the counter with, oh, say stuff like Street Fighter: The Movie, Time Killers, Game Boy MK3, and Shaq Fu to add to her collection of shitty fighting games. And/or they may have heard her remark that FFVII is the greatest game ever. I could understand how they might form certain opinions about her based on things like that. Hell, I've personally experienced something like that at one particular Gamestop, though, when I traded in Godai ("You *bought* this?!" etc). I refer to him as Sarcastic Balding Midget Guy. The ass finally shut up when I'd mentioned I was at EB, used the "buy 2, get one" deal they had going on, and there wasn't really anything I saw at the time I wanted, so I snatched that one up not knowing if it was good or bad. It traded in for a dollar, so I still was ahead. There's an EB I've been to far away from my town that has another employee I try to avoid, Pissed-Off-Looking Black Guy. Condescending as all hell, won't actually make eye contact with you ever, mumbles constantly when you talk to him, so you have to ask him to repeat himself, and he looks more pissed when he does.
  18. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    I thought that Gamestop merged with Babbages. Gamestop = former Software Etc., Funcoland, Babbages. That's part of it. My EB usually will mention it to somebody if they haven't seen that person in the store before, but don't push it on anyone. The EB employees I know are really cool in general, though. Their regional manager or whoever he is (guy shows up every month or so and takes over) is a real assclown though, plugging every freakin' thing he can to anyone within shouting distance. The Gamestops I've visited seem to constantly plug it to anyone who walks in the door. Plus, I've ended up with at least three times more defective merchandise at Gamestop than EB. This is rather fucked up since my nearest Gamestops are 25 miles away from me, and I have an EB a couple of miles away. I buy from EB all the time and very rarely have any problems. Because of that 7 days bullshit sometimes I have to make special trips to return Gamestop's shit that they clearly never tested. Ugh. I'm sure that isn't the policy--just a rouge anti-EA guy. I have both places' discount cards. Considering how much I'd buy I'd have to be insane not to.
  19. AndrewTS

    I need an RPG........

    New Game + CT is really quick, though. The only problem with the Chronicles/Anthology are the loading times. It's a bit annoying on CT (a second or two before and after battles, mainly), but they're longer on FFVI. I don't recall Fast Loading on PS2s working too well either.
  20. AndrewTS

    Did this game *ever* come out

    Can you play it on a regular DC? If so, would you be able to hook me up perhaps? Clueless on the techy stuff--all I have is a traditional cd burner. I'd pay ya for one. Ah yes...a classic. Hey, programmers were so blissfully ignorant and innocent back then about that stuff. Can't really blame 'em. "Blowing **** up" without hurting anyone or causing real damage is one of the many reasons we play games.
  21. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    *doesn't get why people take personal anecdotes as indicators of how the rest of the stores nationwide are* I've personally preferred EB all the way. I know the employees at my local EB well, they've had better prices on the used current-gen stuff (Gamestop is a hell of a lot more from my experiences). Gamestop does a lot of little things that piss me off. Their obnoxious in-store ads ("your used games are *even better* than cash at gamestop!"--my ass), their support of Game Informer, higher prices on everything from used hardware to newer software, those damn shitty thin CD holder cases for PS1 stuff, their tendency to throw away boxes/instructions for used cartridge games when they actually get them in, the gignormous ripoff that is Tradestop, terrible customer service, their bullshit 7-day return policy on used stuff, etc, etc. Fuck Gamestop. "hopefully EB and its open, sticker-covered 'new' games will be replaced by Gamestop." Every single Gamestop I've ever been to--and that includes throughout Pennsylvania and New York--has done that too. So I don't know what you're talking about. Considering the Gamestops I have around my area are few and far between, I hope Gamecrazy finally gets around to expanding into PA a bit more.
  22. AndrewTS

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    It won't, obviously. Too bad. I liked EB more than Gamestop.
  23. AndrewTS

    "You screwed Matt!"

    But she was going to get what was comin' to her baw gawd!
  24. AndrewTS

    I need an RPG........

    Cid looked like a giant Hot Dog. IIRC, if he doesn't recover, either he dies in bed, or seems to recover but die on his feet too? I seem to remember that.