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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Did this game *ever* come out

    Not surprised at all. Likely it's different in a similar US site though. *fond memories of leveling the Eiffel Tower in TM2* Of course monuments are a bit different than occupied buildings that happen to be landmarks. Regardless they might be a bit hesitant to put something like that in these days. Smashing MTV/TRL studios should be fair game, though.
  2. AndrewTS

    "You screwed Matt!"

    NY is a smark-heavy crowd. WWE will write it off as "those dumb 12 year olds" and keep trying to run with Lita as a face. Although I honestly thought Lita was a heel based off last week.
  3. AndrewTS

    The Heart-Throbs

    They're trying to create new stars? Even though they waste people already on the roster who could do better? Was hilarious, though.
  4. AndrewTS

    For those who actually thought Trish was still a

    Was posted. Nobody was surprised. Nobody with any sense would mind it, either.
  5. AndrewTS

    Did this game *ever* come out

    Any particular source? Wondering if any further info was given. Seems fairly obvious why exactly (I see buildings in one of the screenshots in the ad...), but surely they could have found some way around it. Don't know if the environments were limited enclosures or a bit more vast. In the latter case I suppose it was unavoidable. Should have been merely delayed though. Surprised nobody else came up with doing it before or since, especially considering dogfight scenes are often climaxes to sci fi movie blockbusters. A souped up version would be great for one of the new portables--and sounds possible. Maybe not PSP, depending on what play modes Twisted Metal: Head On offers. Not sure about that. Kicking ass as the aliens is awesome. Speaking of TM, do any of the newer TM games allow you to destroy monuments like in TM2? I'd guess not but maybe just non-US ones.
  6. AndrewTS

    I need an RPG........

    As mentioned, ribbon counteracts almost all of the cursed shield's ill effects (except for the death sentence). The shield kicks ass too. So if you're building up people anyway--may as well do that, too. The Ragnarok esper can get you some rare items, plus you can combine it with the Paladin Shield to learn Ultima faster. Yeah, Illumina is better overall, but it's something different to try if you happen to be replaying it. I don't like Illumina sapping my MP, though. By the time you actually get Illumina, you can get Economizers and dish out more damage with magic than you do with that. The Marvel Shoes are great. Cid should always die. If not he just stands on his bed saying he feels better like an idiot. Gogo wasn't useful for very long, though, because he couldn't upgrade his stats.
  7. AndrewTS

    Xbox 2 to be revealed on May 12th...

    Microsoft is making some headway with Japanese developers. They're getting some multi-console stuff on X-Box, and sooner or later others will have to take notice. At least Sony's been relatively benevolent during their undisputed reign of consoles. We all know about what bastards Nintendo was during the 8-bit days, and Microsoft has its share of EEVIL tendencies. I'd like to see all three of them in close competition, but one could hardly ask for a better year than last year for games (even though a lot of them were sequels). Katamari Damacy making it out here is pretty shocking, too. Nothing's wrong with Nintendo as it is that marketing and some good new relations with 3rd parties can't fix. It's a shame the GC didn't get more support, since it's much more powerful than the PS2 and more affordable than X-Box. Nintendo's probably going to need to make the Revolution "do more" in order to keep pace. Although with the DS and rumored new Game Boy, I hope they aren't going to overextend themselves. At this point, I'm wondering if the new Game Boy is actually happening, or if it isn't something leaked by Nintendo for some reason. I'll likely get a Revolution, because there's Game Cube titles I'm interested in picking up, and a few good Rev launch titles may make me switch over.
  8. AndrewTS

    Xbox 2 to be revealed on May 12th...

    If a company can do it without large sacrifices, it can be helpful for getting people to switch early on. It was a factor in helping people adopt early to the PS2. It's an angle to get parents to upgrade, knowing little Johnny can still play his old games. It made the PS1 a viable console for a bit longer. Sony was able to sell more PS1 games (and we know games are usually much more profitable than the hardware). It's win-win for the hardware manufacturer and consumer. For the PS2, it was easily to implement. For the new X-Box, I'm not too sure. The core of the system is supposed to be vastly different. Considering the Cube is relatively cheap to manufacture (while they're not making as much on games, Nintendo's making more profits per unit of hardware than Sony or MS, I believe), and Nintendo being big on b-c anyway (the GBAs), it's a no brainer than if it is feasible to include it in the Revolution, why not? It's curious that Sony is ready to push the PS3 out sooner. I'm really surprised, since I figure Sony could easily wait and see, bide their time, and release theirs later and take advantage of any mistakes MS makes. Now, it seems almost as if they're scared. I guess Sony figures they're not going to gain any advantage by waiting, since, yes--if the PS3 weren't nearly as powerful as the 360, it still will sell better, likely. Perhaps MS is trying to see if they can trick Sony into splitting its focus on supporting the PSP and PS3. But anything forcing Sony into a disadvantageous position at this point is good.
  9. AndrewTS

    Robot Chicken

    Bump-- Middle of the road ep (pardon the pun) for last night's show. The highlight were the Mortal Kombat characters and the insane kaiju battle (oh, and hamburger-eating cows). Tom Goes to the Mayor is still effin' horrible. Hell, I think it's gotten even worse.
  10. AndrewTS

    Xbox 2 to be revealed on May 12th...

    Me, and I sure as hell don't play FF 7-9 on it either.
  11. AndrewTS

    CAW Help

    Without a GS, I decided to try my own Batista. Other than the tattoos (my version has the tattoo wrapping around his front a bit), and the short tights (they used the GS to mirror them so that the little white mark on the front is flipped on the other side), he looks just like that pic.
  12. AndrewTS

    Does anybody else think

    I'm betting it gets next to no promotion, no TV time to set up the matches, and basically will be slapped together half-assedly at the last minute. Then when people don't bother checking it out, it will validate what Vince felt about ECW anyway. Any chance of it being $19.99 to view, like the real ECW PPVs back in the day (HAHAHAHA!)?
  13. AndrewTS

    I need an RPG........

    Right. I'd heard something of that before, but why bother changing the name when Dragon Warrior's already established? At least FFVII was still "Final Fantasy."
  14. AndrewTS

    I need an RPG........

    I saw in Play that Dragon Quest VIII is confirmed for a U.S. release (PS2, BTW). Slated for November for now (that's just retailers' estimate though. I'm STILL waiting on my GBA Mega Man Anniversary Collection, bastiches). No, it won't be called Dragon Warrior VIII. It'll be called Dragon Quest VIII here too. I guess Squeenix decided to keep a common name across shores, like they started to do with Final Fantasy VII. It'll be interesting to see how it performs with Squeenix's full marketing might behind it, but damnit--as if keeping straight what games belonged to which series weren't confusing enough already. Throw together some random titles including the names Saga, Dragon, Legend, Fantasy, etc. and it's hard for all but the most in-the-know RPG players to keep on top of. Flik: Interesting read, but I meant the FFVII/VI thing as a rhetorical question.
  15. AndrewTS

    "Best of Walker Texas Ranger clips on Conan"

    What about The President's Man? Plenty of dumb action movie cliches, gratuitous Hot Ass Kicking Asian Chick, and some of the most laughably blatant use of stock footage I've seen in a film (it looks like somebody changed the channel). I saw Best Buy had it, the sequel, and Logan's War (all were TV movies, BTW).
  16. AndrewTS

    "Best of Walker Texas Ranger clips on Conan"

    Heheh, yeah. He shirks away and is like "OMG!" The oar thing is perhaps my second favorite. The lengthy gawking at Walker's ass deserves an honorable mention. I own an old VHS tape of a bad, bad movie starring Chuck Norris called Hellbound. Chuck Norris and his wise-cracking African American sidekick are two Chicago cops trying to stop a demon from hell that wants to kickstart the apocalypse. You know you're in for something when it starts with Norris playing "bad cop," smacking around a swearing at a crook for info.
  17. AndrewTS

    Old Woman throws garden gnome at criminal

    But if this were the US, the crook would be suing her for it.
  18. AndrewTS

    CAW Help

    Ah. Then in that case, n/m. I'd be satisfied with what's in the game, even if it's a little off. For anyone who actually paid attention to the H-Reich match on Raw--he use a finisher in it?
  19. AndrewTS

    WWE Carlito Shirt Poll

    If not for the chick, number 2 would be as ghey as Capt. Mike's.
  20. AndrewTS

    Undertaker Injured

    Age in the Cage isn't a good argument for letting people continue to wrestle, though. Flair didn't get a replacement did he?
  21. AndrewTS

    WWE Corporate Power Structure

    I figured out everythig I ever needed to know about Kevin Dunn when, during the first "Tough Enough" audition, he recommended keeping the "Bobby Jo" chick based purely on her looks, despite the fact she openly said the only reason she wanted a job in the company was so she could pose for Playboy. Of course, the bitch quit after like 2 or 3 weeks of training. Don't forget he's a buck-toothed jackass who was behind hiring all the "pretty young male" announcers, and was responsible for the Torrie-Dawn angle.
  22. AndrewTS

    WWE Corporate Power Structure

    Didn't he step down from that last year and Ace took it over?
  23. AndrewTS

    CAW Help

    Heh--well, that's what I mean. Most of his stuff is generic, except for some of TMs, which aren't in. Not much special there. Often I'll base a moveset off another game, though. I.E. SvR move sets. Okay. PM with it if you can. Meatwad: Don't have an N64 Gameshark. Is there a Dexdrive save for that Batista?
  24. AndrewTS

    Undertaker Injured

    Because a guy with a fake hip should still be wrestling? There's lots of Angle hating going around too, then.
  25. AndrewTS

    Trish Stratus injured

    When you were a kid, you had a tree house with a "No girls allowed" sign, didn't you? I don't agree with him, but feel that valets = bad, managers = good. If a woman can be a good female manager, though--like Sunny, then I think it's fine. I'm not too fond of Flair being HHH's valet, either. Actually, I think Victoria was going to be canned too, but now they may keep her around.