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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Molly Holly released

    I'm building a bomb shelter as we speak. Again, she wasn't fired. You can usually tell by the wording on whether or not someone requested release or got fired. From the way Molly's is written, she requested out. Naw. I know him very well on MSN. He's a very positive guy. He sure as hell won't like it, though. He might drink himself to an early grave from frustration.
  2. AndrewTS

    Xbox 2 to be revealed on May 12th...

    MTV? That doesn't fit in with the older gamers the Box had traditionally been shooting for. Meh. Doesn't matter anyway. It's not like you can tell the MTV douchebags from G4 anyway. Isn't Rare supposed to be working on Killer Instinct 3? Would make sense for it to come out on the Box. Although I think it was first announced late last year, and it seems too soon for them to have TWO games ready for a system's launch. They've turned into perhaps the laziest developers on the planet. The Slim PS2 is, overall, better than the old PS2. It's smaller, quieter, and has a built-in network adapter. The only downsides is that it doesn't support the HD (which is irrelevent unless you gotta have FFXI) and there's no cooling fan (which isn't a problem unless you game for 8 hours straight or something).
  3. AndrewTS

    Thinking about getting a Gameboy Advance for my

    I've seen gameplay movies, filled with whiffing attacks, glitching animations, crap graphics and sound. That was enough. From TRMK.org:
  4. AndrewTS

    Molly Holly released

    They'll probably fire Victoria, too. I forgot it was spring cleaning time again. I think 2-3 more people will be shitcanned in the next few days.
  5. AndrewTS

    Molly Holly released

    Figures. Trish is going to be the only woman on the roster with any clue of what to do in the ring. Not good if she's becoming a de facto face.
  6. AndrewTS

    Could Christy become a decent worker?

    I don't recall Sable ever having to bump much, and when she did it was being tossed around by her hair or something similar that couldn't be easily screwed up. Although her selling of injuries was awful. Remember the bad back? Sable at least had some crappy offense. Christy has virtually none, horrible selling and bumps. However, she shouldn't even be in the ring at this point anyway. There's nothing to indicate she won't get better, but there's nothing to indicate she will get better, either. But, of course, she's better than Gayda was in her first match.
  7. AndrewTS

    Thinking about getting a Gameboy Advance for my

    Hell yeah. Link's Awakening is a bit dated graphically, but it looks about the same as the Oracles--just less colorful. Do you know if the link up features work on a GBA? I haven't gotten that far on my copy of Seasons yet. But the DX version is better because it takes advance of the GBC's palette (also is more colorful on GBA). Minish Cap is excellent, too. In case you're not sure how it works-- Grey carts: Game Boy. A few of them take advantage of Super Game Boy/GBC, though. Donkey Kong and Metroid II look best on SGB. BTW, I recommend Donkey Kong. Pass on Metroid II though. Black carts: These work with the original Game Boy or Game Boy Color. However, they looks best on the GBC or the GBA. These also work with the Super Game Boy, but don't usually look as good as on a GBC or GBA. Clear carts: Those are Game Boy Color only. These won't work on a Super Game Boy or an original Game Boy. All of them work on SP, though, but I believe it's important you know which ones are going to be in color, etc. Some of the Game Boy games--Link's Awakening, Wario Land II--have black-cart "DX" re-releases, to take advantage of Game Boy Color. Oh--try Shantae for Game Boy Color. It could easily pass as a GBA game even though it's GBC.
  8. Jeff 'Unover' Jarrett as a nickname is less funny than Suckbag.
  9. AndrewTS

    Some people have too much time on their hands

    There was a layman's terms description there. Basically, the Naomi (arcade hardware) is more powerful than the Dreamcast, but tons of Naomi titles were ported to the Dreamcast so well that visual compromises weren't too apparent. Hence, the Setzer stand-in's opinion that it was "more beautiful" than Naomi. As for funny--well, if you have to explain something, then it isn't funny. If you already knew, though, you might find it funny.
  10. AndrewTS

    Some people have too much time on their hands

    It didn't "become" a weight, Jaguar says he wanted to drop the STATUE of the Xbox on "Naomi". Oh, my bad. Again, I didn't get to watch it but once, so I missed that part. I was hoping somebody would ask... http://www.system16.com/sega/hrdw_naomi.html
  11. AndrewTS

    Matt Hardy released

    Not at all. People said he was full of shit, even though he was trying to be diplomatic about it. However, when a lot of other wrestlers are full of shit, they talk down to the smarks pretty badly. So nobody really took it personally and forgot about it. The reports never said that they were having sex, and I don't remember much about "cheating." It was explicitly said that they were having a relationship behind Matt's back until it was discovered. Although it's basically a guarantee that they're having sex, considering Lita fucked Matt right after they met.
  12. AndrewTS

    Matt Hardy released

    Matt Think-Positive, Sushi-Loving, Zen, Called-Edge-Feces Hardy? I'd be really, really surprised.
  13. AndrewTS

    Sonic or Mario

    I agree on KH, but they screwed that up to some extent with Chain of Memories. Of course, the camera system in KH needs a little work. Tactics Advance was ass. Nobody cared about Drakengard. Samurai Legend Musashi is vastly inferior to That Game on PS1 That Was Packed in With the FFVIII Demo. Dawn of Souls is, like, a 3rd generation port. I hear Sword of Mana is ok. Crystal Chronicles? Meh. I hear about lots of love for the Front Mission games, though. By and large, their RPG releases range from average to above average, while most of their non-RPG games are poor. Dirge of Cerebus could surprise, but I'm expecting mediocre at best. Considering how big they are, they put out surprisingly few new releases most of the time. I do indeed hope that the guy who took over changes things (that wasn't a joke, right?).
  14. AndrewTS

    Sonic or Mario

    Exactly. I get the impression sometimes if you had your way you'd replace everything good and pure about gaming with angsty melodrama or over-the-top gorefests.
  15. AndrewTS

    Buying things I can get for free

    Record industry sales figures have shown that downloading music has had surprisingly minimal affects. It mostly affects that stuff that gets massive radio play, but even then it's negligible. The people who download tons of music and rarely buy CDs are the same people who copied tapes and recorded songs off the radio previously. Perhaps it's a bit more extreme than that, but the extent that it's affected the record companies and artists is beautifully demonstrated in that South Park episode... I'm an honest, copyright-respecting person. I don't want any of that fake BS. I have a bit of a collector's mentality about me, but another part of the reason is that I resell used DVDs/video games/cds all the time, and they have no resell value if they're illegal copies.
  16. AndrewTS

    Sonic or Mario

    Yah...cuz this would be so much better: http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/8bi...io_tales_1.html http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/8bi...io_tales_2.html
  17. AndrewTS

    Some people have too much time on their hands

    Nope. It was good quality, to be sure, but worshipping the FFVI soundtrack for as long as I have, I can tell it's not the soundtrack. Sorry, just had to geek out for a second. As for the movie - favorite joke would have to be the X-Box acting as Umaro. Okay, but sounded better than in the game, and since the CT CD that came out here was just the SNES music crisper and clearer, thought it was the same. It had to have been remixed or something, though. Oh, minor gripes--sometimes you'd see Mog's Dance list as it is in the original game during the fight scenes, and X-Box was a character that inexplicably became a weight when Jaguar was trying to drop it on "Naomi." Neat punchline for it, though. The only system there that I'd never heard much of was Playdia. Apparently they didn't have a good joke for it either. (googled info for it here: http://www.vidgame.net/BANDAI/playdia.htm ) The PC-FX (the PC Engine 32-bit system that came out during the 32 bit era, I believe) I even heard of, since Gamefan would cover it, and even had a snazzy feature on Battle Heat. What were the stand-ins for the Goddess statues, though? I recognized the Mega Drive, obviously, but the other two I wasn't sure about. And unfortunately, rewinding it didn't take me all the way back to the beginning.
  18. AndrewTS

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Uh oh. Sounds like an incarnation of HCTP/SvR's crappy stat system. I hope not, though.
  19. AndrewTS

    Sonic or Mario

    So it is indeed official that the Bros. names are Mario Mario and Luigi Mario?
  20. AndrewTS

    Sonic or Mario

    He's Bowser. She's Peach. "King Koopa" and "Princess Toadstool" are only their titles. But they were almost exclusively referred to as "King Koopa" and "Princess Toadstool" in the cartoon. Basically, Bowser's king of the koopas (the turtles) but also has the allegiance of goombas, etc, while Peach is the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom and the Toadstool people.
  21. AndrewTS

    Use $2 bills, Go to jail

    "There is no exchange rate on coins valued under a dollar." ASAIK, not in the US, but surprisingly, in a Canadian arcade they'd give not take them the same. But the games were more expensive overall, anyway. The Post Office sometimes gives me change in Susan B's, but I give 'em back to them anyway.
  22. AndrewTS

    Some people have too much time on their hands

    Thanks. I actually got most of the jokes. Nice touches were the PS2 death, the "Naomi" joke, finding the Real2's body, mentioning the PS1/SFC connection, Morphing into the PSOne, many of the attacks (especially the Pac/Mario summons), X-Box as Umaro, etc. Apparently the music was ripped from one of the soundtrack CDs. Sounded better than ever. Very nice.
  23. AndrewTS

    Nintendo the Music

    It was rather muffled so I couldn't make it out, but it wasn't even a Japanese game either. I missed the guy throwing the controller down, but I liked the turtle-shell kicking. Oh, and on Dr. Mario 64, it sounds even more like that.
  24. AndrewTS

    Nintendo the Music

    SMB Dr. Mario Mario's invincibility star theme. Tetris ??? the Sewer theme from SMB Legend of Zelda What's the one after Tetris/before the sewer theme with the fighting? Kung Fu? Loved the "blowing dust out of the cartridge" thing too. CBright: Now I'm imagining Beavis and Butthead air-guitaring the SMB theme.
  25. AndrewTS

    Cookie - Monster = Goodbye childhood memories...

    With all due respect, a blood sugar of 186 shouldn't send you to the hospital. Please get your facts straight before failing to be funny. If it did my dad would be dead about 50 times by now. Considering the age range that will be watching the show--and let's face it, kids shouldn't even be watching TV until they're 3-4 years old anyway, I can kinda see the point. This isn't a Saturday morning cartoon for ages 8-12 being backed up by a massive ad compaign for Coooookie Crisp. It's an educational show on public TV. If they turn him into the Tofu Monster, then we have a problem. Besides, hardly any lessons from these shows actually stick with kids, so better a good message goes through one ear and out the other, than a bad one sticking. Less chance of an idiot trying to sue public broadcasting and rolling their 200 pound 3 year old into a courtroom for it.