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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Reigns is acting like one big gay hoss.
  2. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Eddy outpops Rey in Rey's hometown! Ha!
  3. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Surprised the picture hasnt' gone b+w.
  4. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    WWE logic. I'm guessing Cena will have the ghey spinning faceplate from Mania. The spoiler guy either screwed up with Angle's "this tall" line, or they opted to dub over it. It came out rather unnaturally. And here's Suckabilly.
  5. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Star Trek Enterprise! Now with more sex! Including Orion slave girls!
  6. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Spoiler: Torrie wins.
  7. AndrewTS

    WWE Signs Super Crazy

    even WCW; who cared about crusiers for awhile, couldn't consistantly spell Psicosis right. Constantly had different spellings, the wweized bastardations will be a highlight to see. Sadly, I'm used to the WCW bastardizations. Remember Ultimate Dragon? WWE would probably go with Sykkosis.
  8. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Kurt's absolutely right. But that would make sense.
  9. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Crowd heat: Eddy > Kurt >>>>>> Everyone else.
  10. AndrewTS

    PSP vs. DS: the lineup

    Actually, there was a portable version of Deadly Alliance and T.E. There's MK Advance, but it's terrible.
  11. AndrewTS

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    And now, a brief JBL interview before we see our shitty new champ.
  12. AndrewTS

    WWE Signs Super Crazy

    Luckily for Super Crazy, he picked a name that Vince can pronounce and spell correctly. Unfortunately for Super Crazy, Vince will expect him to wrestle exactly like Rey.
  13. AndrewTS

    Smackdown vs Raw 2 - PS2

    Sadly, it's unlikely to happen. "Clone of HCTP?" Ew. Hope that doesn't happen. Good graphics and story mode--all it has going for it. Both games have huge problems. The Smackdown engine has always been poor and none of the upgrades are going to change that. For starters, I think they need to shitcan the piss-poor stat system of HCTP/SvR, personally. Then they can work on the screwed up counters, awful online play, poor collision detection, and other problems which they never got around to fixing throughout the series. For the 500,000th time, no. The issue was with Jakks Pacific. THQ still has a contract with WWE. It hasn't been nullified by the suit. Every single time an article was posted it mentioned that the issue wasn't with THQ themselves, but people choose to ignore that, creaming themselves over the possibility of WWE signing with EA. However, WWE *did* try to get out of that contract.
  14. AndrewTS

    WWE Signs Super Crazy

    Texas, California, eastern PA and NM maybe.
  15. AndrewTS

    Thinking about getting a Gameboy Advance for my

    Tetris Worlds is on GBA, so yes. It does include the classic Tetris. Iridion II (pass on 1) is a decent flight shooter, but from what I hear Gradius Galaxies is the best. Darius R I hear is good, but import only. R-Type III is an awful port, so skip it. I'm personally awaiting Sigma Star Saga, but it's only part shooter, so it may not be what you're looking for.
  16. AndrewTS

    Smackdown vs Raw 2 - PS2

    Saw it, but didn't post it because it's just a wish list, not stuff that's going necessarily be put in the real game.
  17. AndrewTS


    Another aspect of her personality is boring. Big shock.
  18. AndrewTS

    Sonic or Mario

    Mario was in a hilarious Robot Chicken skit. Mario has 4 RPGs. Mario has a game where you can yank on and contort his face at the title screen. Mario briefly had a heel turn. Sonic can run fast, but Mario is overall a more well-rounded athlete. Sonic can't throw his evil nemesis hella far like Mario can. EDIT: Forgot there were 2 Paper Mario games, so 4 RPGs.
  19. AndrewTS

    More lawsuit information

    It's not an angle. And the Hogan-Russo deal that ended up in court also wasn't an angle. It started out as one, but turned into a shoot on Hogan. In one of my rare bouts of optimism, I was expecting Lesnar leaving to be a work. The way it was leaked seemed too convenient. However, WWE should realize that situations like this are prime opportunies to make it work. I suppose the new agreements decreeing that wrestlers not even make non-wrestling appearances in other companies likely is a result of things like Hall/Nash appearing on Nitro, Rick Rude twice in one night, and Bret Hart being a central part of WCW angles long before his face even appeared on camera.
  20. AndrewTS

    Sonic or Mario

    Arguable, but the SMB-derived title, and using 3 Mario characters in the roster (even more in Melee) kinda makes it so. It seemed every new genre Sonic would invade would have already had a Mario analog out at the time. At the time, platformers were one of the most popular genres, and everybody who attempted to put out a new system wanted a mascot-driven platformer to a) show off the system's abilties b) attract a broad range players c) give their company some tangible symbols, which is part of good marketing. Having a mascot like that gives a company more stability in people's minds. Unoriginal? Probably, but good business. Bullshit. One of the biggest fuck ups Sega ever made was launching the Saturn *without* a Sonic game (no, the sorry-ass 3D Blast which came much later doesn't count). Considering the way Sony had positioned themselves, maybe it wouldn't have made a huge difference if they had, but it would have given them an edge that Sony would not have been able to duplicate for a while. "Abandoning" of the Genesis? Yeah, they abandoned it early into the launch of the 32-bitters. It was 7 years old, had a great run, but it was time for it to be retired. What the hell are you talking about? One of the other big fuck ups Sega made was trying to *not* abandon the Genesis completely, by trying to push the 32X. Virtually anyone who purchased that piece of shit ended up with ill will against them. Saturn's reasons for failure have been mentioned over and over again, and those past failures and the limitations of the Dreamcast were the cause of its early demise. I'd say the biggest fuck up Sega was guilty of is a little more subtle, but it's been constant throughout almost their entire run of hardware: they marketed the wrong shit. Sonic they got right, but they had tons of great 1st and 2nd party games they didn't put dime one into marketing (or didn't even bring over to the US), but they'd advertise out the ass for stuff like the Taz games. Let's not forget touting one of THEEE MOOOOST FUUUUCKING BOOORING games ever made (IMO), Shenmue as their killer ap. Still, the lack of DVD format did DC in more than anything, because the DC was actually quite successful until the PS2's shadow had begun to loom over it. That being said, Sega did make plenty of blatant attempts to ape Mario, certainly with the cross-genre stuff. However, since then so many of them have been very poor. I could probably name half a dozen or more bad "Sonic" games, but I'm hard pressed to come up with even one or two bad Mario games.
  21. AndrewTS

    More lawsuit information

    Uh--no. That wasn't the agreement Lesnar breached. Leaving the WWE was a mutual agreement and any harm resulting directly from that is WWE's own doing. Lesnar's "breaches," while they may have indeed gone against the contract he signed, are outlined above. At least it would prevent them fucking up so much when they use legal terms in their storylines. Also, I love how not only how WWE's either a sport or not a sport depending on when it's convenient to then, but also OTHER things like bona-fide pure wrestling companies and ultimate fighting are "sports entertainment."
  22. AndrewTS

    The Nintendo Revolution controller

    It was a little early for April Fools. Then again, I'm under the impression that jokes should have punchlines. Some people don't follow that mindset.
  23. AndrewTS

    More lawsuit information

    Bull. Fucking. Shit.
  24. AndrewTS

    Shelton Benjamin

    I wonder if Shelton had gotten Orton's push, how far he'd be right now.
  25. AndrewTS

    Somewhat SmackDown! Spoilers

    This should be a great match Not really. Otherwise, looks like a good show. Torrie remains undefeated this year.