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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Did anyone else notice this?

    AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! That made my day. Seriously, I think dude was traumatized from the burial after the MSG incident and now this is his compensation made by his own hands. HHH is a great politician and wrestler but a shitty, self-absorbed promoter with serious issues. Women tend to marry the guy that reminds them the most of their fathers, though. I bet part of the reason he and Flair get along so well is that they get together and BS about how much they were screwed in the past. Both of them would probably blame Bischoff. Remember that in WWE revisionist history, HHH was such an obvious talent and future star back when he was Jean-Paul Levesque/Terra Ryzing that he's mentioned along with Foley and Austin as WCW's biggest mistake firings.
  2. AndrewTS

    Judgment Day Main Event

    For those wondering about Cena customizing the belt--he actually brought out the new faceplate when he made his entrance at WM. He wore it around his neck on a chain. Yes, it's a spinner. T666: When Austin did it, the belt looked cool regardless. But the US spinner belt looked really stupid and tacky. At least IMO.
  3. AndrewTS

    Two matches announced for Raw tonight

    Exactly. Trish was looked at as one of these fluffers in her first year with WWE. As was Molly -- under both Molly Holly AND Mighty Molly. It took them a while to break out of that shell, but they did it. Christy could very well do the same thing. To place her under this restriction so early in her career as a "fluffer" is beyond ridiculous. To be fair to Molly, she was a wrestling in WCW and was training there as well. But your point remains valid. Ditto with Trish. However, there's Victoria the ho, and Victoria the wrestler. She got substantial training, put on muscle, and came to the ring to kick ass. Molly had muscle on her, was already an athlete, and was learning to wrestle. Trish, at the time, was already a fitness model, and took to wrestling very well. McCool--athlete already, is progressing nicely despite her little training, and doesn't completely embarass herself wrestling. Christy's scrawny, isn't a wrestler, has a nice figure for the horny 12 year old marks to fap to, but doesn't have the athletic bodies the women wrestlers have. It's like Harvey Wippleman vs. Hurricane. Yeah, they're about the same height, but look at the difference in their builds. Some one who is a trained wrestler and has a significant advantage on you in muscle tone and mass--you're going to get your ass kicked. In the past, WWE's made it seem like any TnA Diva could climb in the ring and have a realistic shot at beating the wrestlers. I still shudder as seeing Torrie slamming around Molly and her having to sell her offense (back when the "Men and Women's Champions" were able to be on both shows). If Christy is going to be a believable wrestler, she's going to need to put some muscle on and train as one. Right now, it's a complete joke. Thankfully, Trish knocking her out so easily makes it seem like she was just playing around with her the whole time last night, although she may have been a bit surprised at times and underestimated her. So, a well-booked follow up, IMO. Incidentally--Chyna--had the build of some one who could kick ass, but not very athletic. Perhaps part of it was her boots, but she was utter klutz in the ring.
  4. AndrewTS

    We need to establish a scale

    And it's stuff you'd have no way in hell of knowing unless you freakin' stalk your own children. It's creepy as hell. There's also the commercial where it's implied that if a parent gets caught trying to steal cable or pull insurance fraud, their kids are going to be ostracized from all their friends. They're worse than if your dad was caught on camera snorting coke off an underaged boy's penis while wearing a crap-filled diaper and being whipped with cat-o-nine-tails.
  5. AndrewTS

    Thinking about getting a Gameboy Advance for my

    I'm not entirely shocked it wasn't as good. After all, Gumpei Yokio, the director of the classic Metroids, had died long before Fusion was made. I am shocked that Retro, a team out of *Texas* without a lot of programming experience under their belt, did a better job of translating the gameplay to 3D than the Fusion team did of following up on it in 2D. Other RPGs--- but perhaps Flik should give his 2 cents on 'em because they're not my bag anymore. Lunar Legend: I've heard good reviews for it. The Mega Man Battle Networks are quite good, but I have only played the first couple. I hear the Demi-Kids (which are part of the MegaTen series, I think) are really good too. There's Fire Emblem as well. Harvest Moon has a good rep, if the content doesn't turn you off (a farming RPG). Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories has a kinda "eh" battle system, but I know plenty of folks who like it. Oh, and I order you and everyone you know to buy the first two Klonoa platformers on GBA, then we might get Klonoa Heroes, the RPG.
  6. AndrewTS

    Hassan- World Champ within a Year

    With JBL exceeding expectations, I think Vince is fully confident than he can make just about anyone a star if they're tall, and can just throw the title on a guy first, build him up later.
  7. AndrewTS

    Two matches announced for Raw tonight

    Christy's a fluffer. She shouldn't be involved in any matches that don't involve her rolling around in her underwear against other fluffers. The idea that the fans should have to take *any* fluffer seriously against an actual wrestler is bullshit. Did they not have her memorize the match and run through it multiple times on house shows? That's basically what they did with Steph/Trish back on No Way Out 2001 and it was a good match. .... Michelle could be decent. She's probably had very little training so far, but looked pretty good in the matches I've seen her in. Her offense already has Chyna beat.
  8. AndrewTS

    So how was wrestlemania

    Speaking of which, did anyone else think Batista's entrance was a tad unimpressive? They could have given him some kind of pyro package, considering he's in the main event of the biggest show of the year. And it's not like it would have overshadowed HHHis Royal HHHighness's overblown extravaganza of an entrance, not by a long shot. As for the show itself, it was pretty good, maybe worth $30, but not worth the whole fifty bones. Not enough wrestling, and what there was of it, aside from the usual suspects, was not on par with what the "biggest wrestling event of the year" should be. I will say that this will probably be Shelton Benjamin's official coming out party. Bank on that ladder run to make it into his entrance video, as soon as tonight. And not for nothing, but HBK's 5-minute SuperJesus act before submitting to the Anklelock was a way overdone. He should have watched the ending of Austin/Hart's Submission match to see how to properly play up a submission. And I loved how he tried to get a Benoitesque standing-O for his efforts, but barely got half the crowd to comply. Maybe if he played the injury up as more than just a stubbed toe, it might have worked out better for him. But then again, I'm probably not a real wrestling fan, right? I pretty much agree. Batista's entrance was really weak after HHH getting played to the ring, and it seemed like the volume on his theme was lower and the bass wasn't thumping as much as I'd seen before on Raw. Could be just that the building was bigger so didn't sound as loud. Two really good matches, few pretty good ones, and the rest kinda "eh" is still good for WM, but next to X7 and XIX--meh in comparison. The previews pretty much gave you good indicators of what to expect. However, the JBL-Cena match seemed like a TV main event, and that was disappointing. I was really into the ending for HBK-Angle at the time, but it's not something I'm going to enjoy much later--well, except for Shawn tapping. Batista's entrance seemed to get very little reaction from watching it on PPV. How was it live? And WTF was with that little dance Dave did? Trying to get them to pop then?
  9. AndrewTS

    Thinking about getting a Gameboy Advance for my

    The DS is still unproven and neither it or the PSP seem like must-haves, but there are a number of games on the horizon now that, if I didn't already have a SP, I would pick it up for those games and the current GBA games. "Metroid Fusion Metroid: Zero Mission (it's a remake of the NES Metroid but it has a lot of new stuff)" IMO, they're both average at best. ZM starts to get really fun towards the end...but then it ends. It felt like the shortest Metroid game I've ever played. However, it's still worth playing through, and once you beat it you can play Classic Metroid. Next to the GBA CVs, which have changed things up in each installment, the GBA Metroids are at a standstill. Coming off two of the greatest video games ever (SotN and Super Metroid), CV fares better. I don't like Fusion. Releasing it around the same time as Prime really made it look awful. Otherwise, a fine list. However, Sonic Advance 1 I felt wasn't as polished as the classic Sonics, and didn't play the others. Astro Boy: The Omega Factor is a really good game. Try to think of it as a Mega Man game crossed with a beat 'em up, if that makes any sense. If you like Puzzle games: Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Puyo Pop Wario Ware (insanely fun and addictive game, and you can unlock a full-version of Dr. Wario--the W-man's bootleg Dr. Mario; it's 1 player only, though. However, if you're only going to be playing 1P, I recommend it over the NES Classics Dr. Mario). Yoshi's Island and Super Mario World are fine pick ups if you don't have the SNES games. If you do, pass. From what I understand, SMB3 obnoxiously uses the E-Reader to hide content you should be able to get with the game alone. If you have All Stars, pass on it. Konami Krazy Racers is a great Mario Kart clone. Plus it's cheaper than Super Circuit (but harder to find). Double Dragon Advance: Best version of the original Double Dragon around. New levels and enemies are included. If you get the SP, there are also tons of great Game Boy Color and GB games I could recommend. *cough* Shantae, Xtreme Sports *cough* Only get the NES Classics if you realize that you're only buying it to play a clone of the NES games. The same games are available at better values in many GBA/GBC/GB forms for most of them. For example, the Metroid that's a bonus in Zero Mission, or the Game Boy version of Donkey Kong, which smokes the original/NES versions 6 ways from Sunday. As for fighters--perhaps the best ones I know of are per SFII Turbo Revival, Alpha 3, King of Fighters EX2 (EX is awful; stay far away), and Anya would probably recommend Tekken Advance but I never played it. Guilty Gear X is also fine, but looks extremely poor next to its console big brothers. Stay the hell away from KoF EX1 (Neo Blood) and MK Advance.
  10. AndrewTS

    So how was wrestlemania

    I agree. I'm glad I didn't pay full price, because I simply don't feel like it was a Wrestlemania. It seemed like a regular PPV, but with more time wasting filler crap on it. A good PPV, but not worth the extra money.
  11. AndrewTS

    So how was wrestlemania

    Well said. Christy's bumping/selling makes Torrie Wilson's look like Ric Flair in comparison. But she'll show her breasts, therefore PUSH! Molly, won't show or dress sexy so we'll job her till she learns her place as a woman in the WWE. Well, that's not the whole story. They think she's "fat", plus since she's the best worker in the division, she sort of has to play the heel so she can control the matches. Christy obviously put on the worst performance, but honorable mention goes to Tomko for taking the bump over the ropes from the Kane clothesline before being touched.
  12. AndrewTS

    So how was wrestlemania

    Well said. Christy's bumping/selling makes Torrie Wilson's look like Ric Flair in comparison. It had some of the most shameless ass/coochie shots I've seen in WWE. And let's face it, that's the only reason it was booked. Cena's match made me think of old Luger WCW matches, where he'd lay on his ass just selling for most of the match, and make the big comeback for a non-sensical win. Congrats Cena, you just got your ass carried by freakin' Justin Hawk Bradshaw. I still don't like JBL, but I miss him as champ already. Taker beating Orton--yes! Wrestling wasn't very interesting, but booked well. We were overdue for a Bob Jr. cast spot. He even sold it for the announcements. For Batista/HHH the crowd was pretty crappy until the very end. Match itself was kind of poor, but with a good ending and result. Angle-HBK--awesome. Perhaps overdid the false-endings a little, but I'm not bitching about it. Rey-Eddy--decent match, but disappointing coming from those two. Looked a little sloppy in places. Money in the Bank: I wasn't too excited at first, expecting to see the same ol' bumps, but I was impressed. Highlights were Shelton running up the ladder and Benoit selling the arm like it was severed from his body. Now I wonder when Edge's gonna have the title shot. Bad cameraman--we did not need to see Big Show's t'ain't.
  13. AndrewTS

    Watching Mania XX...seeing the Changes

    Note to Trips: Having Motorhead play you to the ring = bad luck!! (X8 was Drowning Pool, BTW)
  14. AndrewTS

    N64 Virtual Pro Wrestling 2

    Bumping, cuz there's 3 more up now. http://search.ebay.com/Virtual-Pro-Wrestli...Q20WrestlingQ22
  15. AndrewTS

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Good idea. SvR's online mode can be downright terrible at times. Constant booting offline, disconnects, stuttery in-game play, and I had a match this evening where the countering was so far off that I played an entire match and literally countered 3 moves--one of which was a finisher. 6 friggin games and the Smackdown games are still not very good.
  16. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    Next year: Vince forgets about the HoF, brings back the Slammies.
  17. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    Come to thingk of it--I seem to recall hearing about them inducting Pedro Morales, Moolah, Ernie Ladd, Freddy Blassie, etc around that time. Is that about when they inducted Patterson? I may not remember because I'd never heard of him then. Does WWE have a site with all the inductees from the beginning anywhere?
  18. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    Everybody knows Show's a big ol' teddy bear. A big, hairy, sweaty, bearded, bald teddy bear. Wait a minute...with the changes in Show's look--did he marry buffybeast? Anyone notice Hogan almost said "Assletes?"
  19. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    "Patterson's already in." When'd this happen? Last year?
  20. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    CBright: Come on, Vince would love to sell a Bret DVD, and rumors have been going around for a long time that Vince and Bret may have been patching things up a bit. If Vince sees dollar signs, he'll do it. Look at Piper. Oh, and Stallone sucked.
  21. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    I'm hoping next year, if Hart is inducted, they do it like they did with Piper and Hogan this year. "And joining these legends in the class of 2006 Hall of Fame..." *Opening Whine* "Bret...Hitman...Hart!" Remember when they cockteased Montreal by debuting the Bret Hart WWE Anthology commercial when RAW was there? Yeah...so if they did induct Hart, they should do it in Montreal to make up for that. They could do Bret and Patterson.
  22. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    Okay, that was mark-out worthy, and I don't even like Hogan that much. At least Hogan had the decency to wear a "formal" bandanna, but kilt-less Piper? Weak!
  23. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    I was thinking the same thing, however it would be a bit odd with the suit. Piper should be in a kilt, and Cowboy Bob should have the cast, damnit! Piper being candid about "confronting personal demons."
  24. AndrewTS

    HOF Inductions thread

    Too much blood in his alcohol system?
  25. AndrewTS

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    I think the PSP is going to be a big seller. Not as much as it would be if they nixed the "value pack" and made the system itself just $200 or less, of course. However, if my area (Fayette county is the poorest county in the state of PA) is going nuts for it, I expect similar or better results around the country.