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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    May you all have a happy Holy Friday

    Jesus won't mind. Nice guy, salt of the Earth, enjoys a good laugh. Jesus had a great sense of humor and was a constant showoff. He's also fluent in l33+ and is a great hockey player.
  2. AndrewTS

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Pocketstation? The Vaio with a camcorder/laptop? I'm surprised you used mostly examples that were well over 10 years old, when I'd have said GBA-to-GC connectivity myself. Regardless of good or bad, it's just something already integrated into another machine, as opposed to an extra accessory with only one purpose. You know I mean going to a Blockbuster or HV. =P Don't the memory sticks *start* at $40, with the largest one for $90? The Mario Advance and NES Classics series--yes, indeed. Although focusing on that loses sight of the more bothersome issue--sequels galore on every system. Meanwhile, there are sequels coming out for the DS which at least actually offer something different besides just the novelty of being portable. Furthermore, Sony is rather foolish for not debuting the PSP with Tales of Eternia; if you've got an RPG already made, it's a good idea to launch with it, considering that both the PS1 and GBA were put on the map largely by an RPG, even though neither of them were exactly fantastic. There are tons of people who would be more persuaded to buy a PSP solely if it had a decent RPG. And in the most recent case, they screwed up the original games to such a degree that they lack any appeal whatsoever. I can pick up Twisted Metal Black right now, and it's online counterpart, for about 12 bucks. Tony Hawk? NFS? They have fairly new additions out right now. I repeat: If you want games that are providing something new on the PSP, that selection is, to use your own words, "bare fucking thin." Ridge Racer PSP doesn't even offer online play, which TM:HO does--but Black already did anyway. There's a difference between catering to a niche (NES Classics) and basing your entire starting lineup for a console around rehashes (PSP). I totally agree that Nintendo should be offering a better value. That's why those titles aren't for me. The PSP games that I have any interest in aren't coming out for a hell of a long time. Oh, and ATV, Ape Escape, Darkstalkers Chronicles, NFL Street 2 Unleashed are ports or slightly upgraded ports. The NES Classics offer reprints of the instruction manuals and box design. And there's a demand for them. Why else would Metroid: Zero Mission get absolutely pummeled in sales by the NES Classics Metroid, when M: ZM contains the NES Metroid as well? DH would probably beg to differ, however taking a look at what's slated for both systems, the worthwhile games for each are few and far between. Neither are going to have libraries that make them must-haves until Christmas or beyond. The DS has great games coming that are mostly in Japan right now, but depending on the "new Game Boy" situation, one wonders when they're coming here and how Nintendo would support both. Meanwhile, the PSP's more interesting games are early in development. Supposedly GTA's coming next month, but nobody's even seen screenshots yet, and rumors are that it's being pushed back.
  3. AndrewTS

    Four years ago tonight...

    But Shane coming out was rather sad because that was the point at which you first began to sense "they're going to screw this up, badly."
  4. AndrewTS

    Halo 2 "Expansion" is Real

    You didn't even find that yourself, CT. You just saved it when somebody put it up in one of the Randown Raw threads.
  5. AndrewTS

    Favorite internet lies?

    The reaction I was hoping for was for his head to explode. Close enough. For the record, who "respected" his opinions? "My dad works for (wrestling fed, game company, recording studio, etc)." "Actually, I'm a girl." "I was so ****ing high..." (after an especially retarded post) "It was late and I was tired."
  6. AndrewTS

    May you all have a happy Holy Friday

    You should have seen the parking lot at my nearest Long John Silver's. It was just insane.
  7. AndrewTS

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Halo is a FPS. Prime uses the same perspective, but isn't that type of game. Prime's gameplay focus is on other elements. Halo is a "better shooter" by default. If you read between the lines, I was saying the price being a deterrent is *flat out wrong* because around here people who you'd think would have the least to spend on a PSP *are* spending it. If that holds true many other places to a similar extent, the PSP is going to be a big seller regardless of price. Oh, nice ignoring Anya flat out saying she wants the DS to fail. That's much more constructive than actually making discussion and contributing. Funny, Mike himself has made far better contributions to this thread himself than she did. "GameFAQs schmuck?" That's so off-base and such a low blow you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it. That's as lousy a comparison as the Virtual Boy earlier. And frankly, a "gimmick" that Nintendo was the first to heavily implement, analog sticks, we see on all the systems now. Not that I think the DS' gimmicks are going to be as successful, but I applaud them for trying something new. Well, not most of the ones I'm most anticipating. *shrug* Good news! You can't rent PSP games--yet. Take a look at that PSP library. NFS, Wipeout, DS Chronicles, Twisted Metal, etc--hot damn, the innovation! At least Konami is doing something different with Acid. If you want games that are providing something new on the PSP, that selection is, to use your own words, "bare fucking thin." I'll admit that plenty of the DS games that look interesting to me aren't innovative, but the updates the PSP are offering are to games that I personally don't care for anyway.
  8. AndrewTS

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Just coming back from my local EB--wow, it's amazing the number of riff-raffs and white trash that want the PSP. I'm terrified to go near the electronics section at Wal-Mart now.
  9. AndrewTS

    The Fanta Girls....

    I think wootman is now officially more well-liked around here than CT.
  10. AndrewTS

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Considering they appeal to disparate markets, and we're hardly in an economic boom right now, where are all the buyers willing to fork out that much money for a handheld and 50 bucks for games going to come from? Japan is brimming over with tech-heads who have to have the latest little gadgets. We've got our share here, naturally, and I suspect that will be most of the early adopters. It really depends on how many games make it here and how well they're marketed. Yet, it's gimmicky shit you don't need, correct? And oh joy, a memory card for a handheld. Delicious. Are there any plans for good movies to be on UMD? I see crap like Resident Evil Apocalypse out now. Oh, it's getting Charlie's Angels Full Throttle. Hooray. I seem to recall them backpeddling on that and saying the Rev will include online play. Although to be fair Sony's support of online play is spottier and spottier these days. Only MS seems to be heavily embracing it. It is, though. For every Katamari there's at least 10 sequels, remakes, upgrades, retrofits, etc. Of course, Nintendo's largely been the pot as far as that goes. The number of actual *original* GBA titles is extremely low. It'd say that the number of truly original PSP games and DS games slated for release now is equal or greater than any of the ones on GBA. There are plenty of Sony fans who would hate for that to happen. They want Sony to crush Nintendo and conquer the handheld market. Because, you know, Sony's console domination have done them such a world of good. BTW, I'm interested in a DS but don't really care for a PSP right now. Depending on which releases get confirmed for the US, I may pick one up. The PSP has too many "hits" like Wipeout, Tony Hawk, Need for Speed--stuff I never cared for on PS1 and certainly don't care about now. I'm shocked they get a new Toshinden for it.
  11. AndrewTS

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    The PSP is getting Death Jr., though, right? You'll be a controlling a cute little dude with a scythe, right? GR8st Game EVR!!!
  12. AndrewTS

    Soul Calibur III

  13. AndrewTS

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    I'm astounded at how many people rush to fellate and defend the PSP and in the same breath have a desire to see DS fail when frankly neither of them really have the edge on their game lineups in the foreseeable future, and both have their share of issues. "It's not even so much the developer lineup for that guess but the system specs. People just want the old handheld design made more pretty. That's what the PSP, once it gets over it's launch jitters, provides. People don't want touchscreens and dual monitors and the gimmicky shit that Nintendo is trying to promote as innovation." Nintendo encourages the use of them, but it's something developers can skip using if they really want to. Nothing is being sacrificed to provide the extra monitor/touchscreen. Of course, you ignore that the PSP has gimmicky shit you don't need, and most of it isn't even related to actually playing the games. Oh, and except for Spider-man 2, it seems all of the UMD movies are EXTREMELY shitty. I'm rather amused that you're such an adamant defend of the PSP, JotW, yet seem to have zero interest in actually buying one. You saw the list of games I posted in the other thread, showing the releases in the works for both systems, right? Yeah, but you're a shameless Sony fangirl so nobody cares. It has Darkstalkers, Lumines, and it's getting some half-ass FFVII cash in, you know.
  14. AndrewTS

    NEWZ and Junk

    Matthews, Nitro, and Melina
  15. AndrewTS

    Ozzfest Tour Dates

    no idea
  16. AndrewTS

    Soul Calibur III

    Screens and info here: http://worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=24...order=0&thold=0 Damn, the character designs on the new characters are REALLY, REALLY shitty. I'm talking Necro-shitty. Edit: Okay, Setsuka isn't that bad, just not that original. The others suck.
  17. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Didnt you watch the prematch stuff? Oh yeah.......I guess I missed that. I was out and I came in during the introductions. I think they bumped into each other or something and had a catfight. That's about it, right?
  18. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Yeah. It's probably because Rene's the resident guy to be made the bitch of over-the-hill wrestlers (like when Austin gave him his walking papers from Raw).
  19. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Taker don't like them damn Frenchies.
  20. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    I missed it...who's he wrestling? He's gonna be in his hometown, so it doesn't really matter.
  21. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Hey, Booker's gonna job next week!
  22. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    And Kurt made a woman tap out.
  23. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Now we need Sho to dress up as FNK.
  24. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Some chick > Dawn Marie, Torrie, Joy, Christy, etc, IMO.
  25. AndrewTS

    March, 24, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    This is how the song sounded on my SNES.